Only one thing to do.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
My foundation has a document listing one person on this board as a political fraud.

Want to see it?

Uuummmm . . .

winn dixie's Avatar
So your making fun of veterans now? All while continually posting pics of che! Usual lib mentality
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Simple...They never take it to trial. However, the Heritage Foundation has a document listing over 1300 cases of voter fraud resulting in criminal convictions. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

and its not widely reported. some of them are minor. some of them impacts a state district or a local race thusly get overturned. it depends on what type of fraud it is. it can range to 1 vote to thousands of votes.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
and its not widely reported. some of them are minor. some of them impacts a state district or a local race thusly get overturned. it depends on what type of fraud it is. it can range to 1 vote to thousands of votes. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not widely reported because it needs to be supported by factual evidence.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe you don't read so well, they got convictions. Someone thought it was bad, someone else thought it was illegal, someone else thought they could build a case, someone else thought could win the case, and someone (a judge or jury) found someone guilty.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Someone. Right. I have to take your word for it on hooker board because you heard from someone who heard from someone . . . .
He got it from an article referencing someone that heard there’s a file at the Heritage Foundation.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

you can do a search. this search is about absentee ballot fraud.

read all about the frauds.

penalties given out is too light.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
My point exactly. He knows how to link articles. I have it on good authority the Dumpster has several secret bank accounts.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Just waiting for someone to say something stupid...thank you 9500
How many of those are from this election?
That’s not a lot of cases nationwide over many years out of 100s of millions of votes cast?

Lt. Gov. of GA this morning “no credible accusations of fraud in the GA election. No proof of allegations made in the GA election”
rexdutchman's Avatar
The only thing i know is ( 250 million thousand billion people voted for me ) LOL

the dim-wits again damaged the election process again think 2000 hanging chads Gore changed

Should be investigated people its bigger then hating Orange man