Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's Obama's fault. there, I'll say it!
Yes. We learned that in the ramp up to the passage of the ACA.

But when a serving naval commander speaks out on the available assets, then it is not a "news agency" ... "running with it" ...

......... it's live and videotaped with sound!

And when a retired, decorated Naval officer discusses asset deployment and the motivation for it ... there is more than "news agency" blather ... it goes something like ... we are not going to dispatch warships to an area for searching on a "hunch" ... we have data we just don't want to publicize and the assets to obtain the data and verify it. Originally Posted by LexusLover

If you wish to play that game. We learned that prior to the war in Iraq didn't we.
I was speaking about all the reports coming out that state from a unnamed source that is unauthorized to speak.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you wish to play that game. We learned that prior to the war in Iraq didn't we.
I was speaking about all the reports coming out that state from a unnamed source that is unauthorized to speak. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yes, we did. But what did you learn.? That Bush is not in the White House? Also, it's not a game.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The airliner was hijacked by Portuguese mercenaries hired by Al Queada. They flew the plane under radar and landed on a small runway in the Myanmar jungle where all the passengers were let out. The hijacker's then took off again leaving behind the passengers. They took it to a Indonesian jungle where it is now being painted to look like Airforce One. It is also being retro fitted into a long range strategic bomber.

The passenger are surviving by eating wild berries.
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

.......just saying.
Yes, we did. But what did you learn.? That Bush is not in the White House? Also, it's not a game. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently you have learned nothing as you are the one gaming.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2014, 11:03 AM
we've learned JD knows absolutely nothing about landing commercial airliners, that's for fucking sure ... paper planes in janitor closets ... easy !

potted trees ... LMTAO ... forget about the landing gear on a 777 being ripped off when the plane touched down on a runway that hasn't been under inspection and repair since the damn war with Japan ...

simple Simon comments JD ... you're an idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently you have learned nothing as you are the one gaming. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Of course your "observation" would have to be based upon the ability to analyze and problem solve ... so your opinion is worth less than the hot air you expel.

As with WMD's not found, it's not the aircraft we have located that concerns me .... it's the one we have not located. I won't engage in speculation any more than I did when Clinton concluded something must be done and did relatively little, and Bush with the approval of Congress made his decision. Of course, we don't have to speculate on the consequences of the current President's decision making ... regarding WMD's ... now do we?

What I have learned is when you are going to kick the door, don't announce it, wait awhile, and then announce it again before putting a boot on the door. Had the door been kicked earlier, the result may have been more favorable.
So you think it is absolutely impossible for find a runway?

You have that same problem too I see. You take something that no one but your idiot friends said and then you act someone with some sense said it. That deserted island shit...didn't come from here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You get stupider with every post.

Did you actually just state that EVERYONE on the island was in on it?

Any Pacific island big enough for an 8000 foot runway will have many hundreds or even thousands of people living on it. The biggest runways were probably built on Okinawa and Iwo Jima and there are many thousands of people living on each. How can you possible get EVERYONE to cooperate?

And the burden of proof for your stupid theory is ON YOU, not me. I don't have to prove it is impossible to find an 8000 foot runway in good condition on a deserted island in the Indian Ocean.

The burden of proof is on you to find ONE.

Now go find it, fool. Or admit your theory is horseshit you spouted off in another drunken stupor..
Of course your "observation" would have to be based upon the ability to analyze and problem solve ... so your opinion is worth less than the hot air you expel.

As with WMD's not found, it's not the aircraft we have located that concerns me .... it's the one we have not located. I won't engage in speculation any more than I did when Clinton concluded something must be done and did relatively little, and Bush with the approval of Congress made his decision. Of course, we don't have to speculate on the consequences of the current President's decision making ... regarding WMD's ... now do we?

What I have learned is when you are going to kick the door, don't announce it, wait awhile, and then announce it again before putting a boot on the door. Had the door been kicked earlier, the result may have been more favorable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quite a rambling rant that had nothing to do with reports from undisclosed people who were unauthorized to comment on ehr plane. You have the comprehension skills of a turnip.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You get stupider with every post.

Did you actually just state that EVERYONE on the island was in on it?

Any Pacific island big enough for an 8000 foot runway will have many hundreds or even thousands of people living on it. The biggest runways were probably built on Okinawa and Iwo Jima and there are many thousands of people living on each. How can you possible get EVERYONE to cooperate?

And the burden of proof for your stupid theory is ON YOU, not me. I don't have to prove it is impossible to find an 8000 foot runway in good condition on a deserted island in the Indian Ocean.

The burden of proof is on you to find ONE.

Now go find it, fool. Or admit your theory is horseshit you spouted off in another drunken stupor.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You could put it down on a highway with 5000 feet of straight lines, about a mile in length, if the wings had side clearance. If you had to do so, you could land it in hard packed dirt. (FYI, in Australia, the hard packed dirt is so good that they set rails in it directly for trains) Not good for the long run, but you could do it in an emergency. Perhaps you should apologize to JD.
Someone once landed a 737 on a fucking levee in the New Orleans area. So what if the triple 7 is heavier - what matters is the weight distribution per wheel, the surface area of the wheels, the number and quality of the wheels, etc.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2014, 02:47 PM
You could put it down on a highway with 5000 feet of straight lines, about a mile in length, if the wings had side clearance. If you had to do so, you could land it in hard packed dirt. (FYI, in Australia, the hard packed dirt is so good that they set rails in it directly for trains) Not good for the long run, but you could do it in an emergency. Perhaps you should apologize to JD.
Someone once landed a 737 on a fucking levee in the New Orleans area. So what if the triple 7 is heavier - what matters is the weight distribution per wheel, the surface area of the wheels, the number and quality of the wheels, etc. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

sans the aussie dirt landing horseshit every example you gave is in populated areas that had witnesses - Nobody has seen the 777 remember?

the only thing you need to remember is pretty simple .. you're a dumbass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
sans the aussie dirt landing horseshit every example you gave is in populated areas that had witnesses - Nobody has seen the 777 remember?

the only thing you need to remember is pretty simple .. you're a dumbass. Originally Posted by CJ7
So you can't land a 777 unless you have a witness? It that what you are saying, fuckface? There is no trace of a crash yet, so the plane might be somewhere safe and hidden.
I could name numerous West Texas roads that are suitable for landings and are fairly deserted so go fuck yourself you faggot fucking dirtbag mother fucking cocksucking piece of shit.
Don't you think other areas of the world are flat and have roads going through relatively uninhabited areas? You are going to look stupid as a fucking stump when the real story comes out, aren't you, you miserable maggot?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2014, 03:17 PM
So you can't land a 777 unless you have a witness? It that what you are saying, fuckface? There is no trace of a crash yet, so the plane might be somewhere safe and hidden.
I could name numerous West Texas roads that are suitable for landings and are fairly deserted so go fuck yourself you faggot fucking dirtbag mother fucking cocksucking piece of shit.
Don't you think other areas of the world are flat and have roads going through relatively uninhabited areas? You are going to look stupid as a fucking stump when the real story comes out, aren't you, you miserable maggot? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

you are one stupid mother fucker... this entire incident is so far over your head its laughable
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you just call someone a "miserable maggot?"


Substance over style. Shit over shinola. Ass over class.

He's back.
LexusLover's Avatar
you are one stupid mother fucker... this entire incident is so far over your head its laughable Originally Posted by CJ7
You are sounding more and more like a Liberal. It's unbecoming.