Yet another Obama lie

You've been on a rampage for 21 days now. Into your FOURTH WEEK of this epic meltdown, flinging feces, posting like a hysterical lunatic, screaming and attacking anybody who addresses you, even posters who have never commented on your rants before.

Disproving another's point does to require insults, denigration or anger.

It requires fact.

You fail debate class, Corpy, but yours is the textbook display of "bleeding by example."

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-04-2013, 12:03 PM
did you make the vid or steal it from someone ?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-04-2013, 02:16 PM
there is a huge difference between bush and obama...

it mainly revolves around not lying on purpose to achieve their respective ends
and innate goodness versus hatred and retribution Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
i knew someone would like that one
Every time I log on to read the political threads I am always pleasantly reminded that I blocked most of the idiotic libtards posts. Even Bill Maher said Obama is a flat out liar. If you didn't believe he was a joke before, even you must now. Remember I won't be able to see your replies because I blocked you. lol The reality is a fundamental change to a great country doesn't come from a party line vote on midnight on Christmas Eve.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Every time I log on to read the political threads I am always pleasantly reminded that I blocked most of the idiotic libtards posts. Even Bill Maher said Obama is a flat out liar. If you didn't believe he was a joke before, even you must now. Remember I won't be able to see your replies because I blocked you. lol The reality is a fundamental change to a great country doesn't come from a party line vote on midnight on Christmas Eve. Originally Posted by oktome
So what's your point, man? You come in here, insult more than half the forum and then say, "it's OK, I blocked you?"

That's pretty typical of the low information poster.

I wish a few more of your ilk would just ignore the issues and the facts. Ooops! They already do. Never mind!
If you think changes that lower the cost and increase the coverage is bad, I guess you can criticize our President for assuming that was a good thing as well as reason why you wouldn't want to keep your old policy. Really, it is analogous to a credit card. They change the terms and conditions but you keep the same card. In this case, it is like keeping the card and lowering the monthly interest rate charged - why complain? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Your analogy is a total joke. If you want to use the Credit Card example be realistic about it. Getting a new Credit Card the Interests rate is usually quite low for 12 months just to get you hooked. After a year the rate goes way up and your minimum payment is increased. Obamacare more closely resembles that scenario.
flghtr65's Avatar
The American taxpayer is 100% on the hook for Obamacare, so it's disingenuous of you to claim that only "20 million" will be enrolled since the balance of the population will be paying for it. BTW, the young, healthy citizens with a steady source of income are not signing up. Per this forum, it's the "sickest" that are signing up. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
To qualify for an Obamacare policy a family of 4 must make more than $22,000. If you make less than that you will be on your states Medicaid program. If a family of 4 makes more that $92,000 you can not get a subsidy. There are a lot of people who will fall in this range. It cost the taxpayer when uninsured people go to the emergency room of their local hospital and get treated and can't pay. I believe Regan implemented this law that emergency room can not turn away patients. The hospital is not eating the charge, you can bet on that. The prescription drug program that was implemented by Bush to help seniors with their medications cost $800 billion. I am ok with this. I am ok with a an entitlement program to help the uninsured get insured. People with pre-existing conditons (high blood sugar, high blood fat, allegeries, overweight,etc) need health insurance. This is in the individual market and is a big time problem. Three out of every five individuals will continue to get health insurance through their employer and will get the group rate. The old system works fine for them. The old system does not work for the individual market. The underwriting concepts are different. This is a problem that needs to be solved. Romneycare works in Mass. Obamacare can work in other states. They are essentially the same thing. I agree with you that healthy people will need to sign up in the individual (Obamacare) market or the math will not work and the insurance companies that are selling policies in the exchanges will not do so next year (2015). The taxpayer was on the hook for Bush invading Iraq. We spent 2 trillion and had 4,000 casualties. What was accomplished in Iraq other than their people implemented free elections and Saddam was removed from power?. No WMD's or links to Al-quaida were ever found. Free elections for Iraq was not what Bush sold to American people as reasons for going.
LexusLover's Avatar

President Obama on Monday night massaged past statements and told supporters that the administration had indeed promised Americans they could keep their insurance plans — as long as they hadn’t been changed.
His remarks, offered at a gathering of Organizing for Action volunteers in Washington, were the latest attempt by the White House to square its repeated past promises that no one would be forcibly kicked off an insurance plan with the fact that many Americans now face exactly that scenario.

Many times over the past several years, the president reassured the public that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” emphatically stating that the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, wouldn’t result in Americans’ policies being canceled.

"On Monday, Mr. Obama added new language to his vow and claimed that Americans were — or should have been — aware all along that policy cancellations were bound to happen.

“Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was you could keep it, if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he said. “We wrote into the Affordable Care Act, you’re grandfathered in on that plan. But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard, they’ve got to make it better, they’ve got to improve the quality of the plan that they’re selling.”

Lying sack of shit.
LexusLover's Avatar

President Obama on Monday night massaged past statements and told supporters that the administration had indeed promised Americans they could keep their insurance plans — as long as they hadn’t been changed.
His remarks, offered at a gathering of Organizing for Action volunteers in Washington, were the latest attempt by the White House to square its repeated past promises that no one would be forcibly kicked off an insurance plan with the fact that many Americans now face exactly that scenario.

Many times over the past several years, the president reassured the public that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” emphatically stating that the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, wouldn’t result in Americans’ policies being canceled.

"On Monday, Mr. Obama added new language to his vow and claimed that Americans were — or should have been — aware all along that policy cancellations were bound to happen.

“Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really like that plan, what we said was you could keep it, if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,” he said. “We wrote into the Affordable Care Act, you’re grandfathered in on that plan. But if the insurance company changes it, then what we’re saying is they’ve got to change it to a higher standard, they’ve got to make it better, they’ve got to improve the quality of the plan that they’re selling.”

Lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently, memo(es) surfaced from the Congressional investigation into the background on the problems relating to canceled policies and back in 2010 it was decided in the WH political group that Obaminable should not disclose the possibility that policies would be cancelled ...

..... as a consequence speeches were written with the emphatic language:

"“if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” with the word "period" following.

Additionally, the unveiling of the plan with the actual consequences (remember Nancy saying we need to implement it before "we" know what it will do (paraphrase)) until AFTER THE 2012 elections ... had the current shit hit the fan in October 2012 .. what do you think?

Apparently the "political" guys thought it would make a difference in getting it passed and getting Obaminable past the elections ... this fiasco + Libya .... may have been too much.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-05-2013, 04:23 AM
Additionally, the unveiling of the plan with the actual consequences (remember Nancy saying we need to implement it before "we" know what it will do (paraphrase)) until AFTER THE 2012 elections ... had the current shit hit the fan in October 2012 .. what do you think? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh, i don't know. We knew before '04 that there were no WMDs and most of the liars in here still voted for Bush.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
[QUOTE=flghtr65;1054451856]To qualify for an Obamacare policy a family of 4 must make more than $22,000. If you make less than that you will be on your states Medicaid program. A Medicare program that is being expanded at federal government insistence. For a few short years the fed (that's us) will pay for the new enrollees and then the states will be stuck with the bill. A bill that will likely blow holes in state budgets all around the country. If a family of 4 makes more that $92,000 you can not get a subsidy. There are a lot of people who will fall in this range. It cost the taxpayer when uninsured people go to the emergency room of their local hospital and get treated and can't pay. I believe Regan implemented this law that emergency room can not turn away patients. Why is it important to try to blame Reagan for this? The hospital is not eating the charge, you can bet on that. The prescription drug program that was implemented by Bush to help seniors with their medications cost $800 billion. I am ok with this. Considering this program actually worked. I am ok with a an entitlement program to help the uninsured get insured. People with pre-existing conditons (high blood sugar, high blood fat, allegeries, overweight,etc) need health insurance. This is in the individual market and is a big time problem. Three out of every five individuals will continue to get health insurance through their employer and will get the group rate. The old system works fine for them. The old system does not work for the individual market. The underwriting concepts are different. This is a problem that needs to be solved. Romneycare works in Mass. Romneycare works because it has limits and it can be subsidized by federal dollars. Obamacare can work in other states. They are essentially the same thing. I agree with you that healthy people will need to sign up in the individual (Obamacare) market or the math will not work and the insurance companies that are selling policies in the exchanges will not do so next year (2015). The taxpayer was on the hook for Bush invading Iraq. We spent 2 trillion and had 4,000 casualties. This old dog! The cost of Iraq was estimated to be 1.1 trillion dollars. So who is going to quibble over 900 billion dollars. You brought it up when it has nothing to do with the argument. What was accomplished in Iraq other than their people implemented free elections and Saddam was removed from power?. No WMD's or links to Al-quaida were ever found. Remnants of WMDs were found but no stockpiles. Seems like they may have ended up in Syria like all the Iraqi generals said. Free elections for Iraq was not what Bush sold to American people as reasons for going. Enlighten us, what did Bush sell the Iraqi war on (your version) [/QUOTE]

Poor ignorant Doove. Your heroes also said there was or voted for war: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John Kerry, Al Gore Jr., just to name a few.
I B Hankering's Avatar
To qualify for an Obamacare policy a family of 4 must make more than $22,000. If you make less than that you will be on your states Medicaid program. If a family of 4 makes more that $92,000 you can not get a subsidy. There are a lot of people who will fall in this range. It cost the taxpayer when uninsured people go to the emergency room of their local hospital and get treated and can't pay. I believe Regan implemented this law that emergency room can not turn away patients. The hospital is not eating the charge, you can bet on that. The prescription drug program that was implemented by Bush to help seniors with their medications cost $800 billion. I am ok with this. I am ok with a an entitlement program to help the uninsured get insured. People with pre-existing conditons (high blood sugar, high blood fat, allegeries, overweight,etc) need health insurance. This is in the individual market and is a big time problem. Three out of every five individuals will continue to get health insurance through their employer and will get the group rate. The old system works fine for them. The old system does not work for the individual market. The underwriting concepts are different. This is a problem that needs to be solved. Romneycare works in Mass. Obamacare can work in other states. They are essentially the same thing. I agree with you that healthy people will need to sign up in the individual (Obamacare) market or the math will not work and the insurance companies that are selling policies in the exchanges will not do so next year (2015). The taxpayer was on the hook for Bush invading Iraq. We spent 2 trillion and had 4,000 casualties. What was accomplished in Iraq other than their people implemented free elections and Saddam was removed from power?. No WMD's or links to Al-quaida were ever found. Free elections for Iraq was not what Bush sold to American people as reasons for going. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No matter how you `splain it, you're still robbing Peter to pay Paul and the American taxpayer is still on the hook ... and on the hook for a degraded service. BTW, regarding that other matter:

US, Iraq agree more equipment needed to fight al Qaeda in Iraq
1 Nov 13

"Following a visit from the prime minister of Iraq, a country in the grip of its worst violence in five years, the United States and Iraq agreed Friday on the need for more equipment for Iraqi forces to fight the growing influence of al Qaeda groups, according to a joint statement released after the meeting between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
No matter how you `splain it, you're still robbing Peter to pay Paul and the American taxpayer is still on the hook ... and on the hook for a degraded service. BTW, regarding that other matter:

US, Iraq agree more equipment needed to fight al Qaeda in Iraq
1 Nov 13

"Following a visit from the prime minister of Iraq, a country in the grip of its worst violence in five years, the United States and Iraq agreed Friday on the need for more equipment for Iraqi forces to fight the growing influence of al Qaeda groups, according to a joint statement released after the meeting between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki."

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hijacking another thread, eh Corpy? You're such a Corpy Corpy, you Corpy Corpy.

Day 22 begins with yet ANOTHER thread taken off topic by the Golgothan.

Corpy, you're a Corpy.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2013, 09:13 AM
It cost the taxpayer when uninsured people go to the emergency room of their local hospital and get treated and can't pay. I believe Regan implemented this law that emergency room can not turn away patients. Why is it important to try to blame Reagan for this? . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because Obamacare is the reaction to Reagan's mandate. WTF we should have done was not force hospitals to take people without insurance. If you have no insurance....tough shit. Go die, go pray, go fuck yourself. If you can not afford it , then let the government buy it for you but you still need to have it. That way when you go to a hospital , the hospital gets paid something. Obamacare is just the reaction to Reagan's mandate that hospitals care for all. insurance or not.

In 1986, the GOP icon signed a law that requires hospitals to treat poor people and undocumented immigrants