Providers !! Do U Care To Show yr STI/STD Results

Finkle's Avatar
This topic is so boring now, can we move forward?

Let me summarize: If you want to stick your dick in a hornets' nest (Milfy/Vi) go ahead, have fun! However, if you possess some modicum of intelligence, you will simply avoid providers who blatantly BBFS.

Mods you can go ahead and close this thread now.

albundy's Avatar
This topic is so boring now, can we move forward?

Let me summarize: If you want to stick your dick in a hornets' nest (Milfy/Vi) go ahead, have fun! However, if you possess some modicum of intelligence, you will simply avoid providers who blatantly BBFS. Originally Posted by Finkle
They all bareback. Maybe not with clients, but they do it. At least that should be every guy on here's thinking when they go to fuck a "provider". You have no idea what ANY of these chicks might have. Use a rubber and you're just as safe with Milfy as you are with any of these other hookers.
Finkle's Avatar
They all bareback. Maybe not with clients, but they do it. At least that should be every guy on here's thinking when they go to fuck a "provider". You have no idea what ANY of these chicks might have. Use a rubber and you're just as safe with Milfy as you are with any of these other hookers. Originally Posted by albundy
Dude, I already shut this thread down and you're repeating yourself; no one cares. I get the final word.

Yeah, and good luck thinking you're any safer with ANY of these hookers that aren't named "Milfy". That really safe whore you just banged? Could have had a nice big creampie from her "boyfriend" earlier that day. At least Milfy is upfront with it Originally Posted by albundy
I still like my odds, one boyfriend VS 20-25 random dudes a week.....yeah, ill take those odds.........she's honest, i'll give her that.....but she couldn't pay me.I'm not a prude, just not horny enough to risk whatever mystery disease there is to be had when any john creampies the hooker I'm thinking of seeing...if you cant see the risk in a anyone can dump a load in me, compared to a possible boyfriend.....
Finkle's Avatar
Dude, I already shut this thread down and you're repeating yourself; no one cares. I get the final word.

LACES OUT. Originally Posted by Finkle
Hey Tony,

Read my post above; GTFO. Your compliance in this matter is appreciated.

Dude, I already shut this thread down and you're repeating yourself; no one cares. I get the final word.

LACES OUT. Originally Posted by Finkle
hey funckle, for a few day member you sure like to think you are the forumn police.........
albundy's Avatar
Hey Tony,

Read my post above; GTFO. Your compliance in this matter is appreciated.

Finkle Originally Posted by Finkle
And I should give a rat's ass that YOU closed this thread because........

albundy's Avatar
I still like my odds, one boyfriend VS 20-25 random dudes a week.....yeah, ill take those odds.........she's honest, i'll give her that.....but she couldn't pay me.I'm not a prude, just not horny enough to risk whatever mystery disease there is to be had when any john creampies the hooker I'm thinking of seeing...if you cant see the risk in a anyone can dump a load in me, compared to a possible boyfriend..... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I'm just saying I assume that they ALL have something. I know that they don't ALL have something, of course. But just to be safe. They could all be getting creampied during the day from their boyfriends/pimps. Just saying if you cover up, you'll be fine. No telling who has what.

All of the guys that came in Milfy could be disease -free and that other chick's pimp could be a one man plague. Who knows? Just wear a rubber and fuck who you like. All I'm saying.
I'm just saying I assume that they ALL have something. I know that they don't ALL have something, of course. But just to be safe. They could all be getting creampied during the day from their boyfriends/pimps. Just saying if you cover up, you'll be fine. No telling who has what.

All of the guys that came in Milfy could be disease -free and that other chick's pimp could be a one man plague. Who knows? Just wear a rubber and fuck who you like. All I'm saying. Originally Posted by albundy
agree F/S cover up with any hooker, but you gotta admit a full body condom with milfy is just common sense........
Finkle's Avatar
Are you two still repeating yourselves?

Mods, you have my blessing to close this thread now.

Thank you,
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-21-2016, 11:56 PM
Fuck no,,,,,monkey fucker,,,,,get a grip.....on your penis
mrredcat43's Avatar
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-22-2016, 05:08 AM
Finkle Originally Posted by Finkle
Who is this?
milfy2002's Avatar

Just for the record, I fuck around 3 men per week, and they're not random...they're well known and respected hobbyist.

The only exception is when I do a gang bang. I'll be taking a prophylactic tomorrow which I do for each gang bang, and then I'll get checked two weeks after.

Happy hobbying everyone!

Just for the record, I fuck around 3 men per week, and they're not random...they're well known and respected hobbyist.

The only exception is when I do a gang bang. I'll be taking a prophylactic tomorrow which I do for each gang bang, and then I'll get checked two weeks after.

Happy hobbying everyone!

Originally Posted by milfy2002