Does a tip or gift do anything for the client?

I never expect to get a tip, but I'm always pleased when I get one. I never forget a man who brings me a gift - flowers, toys, gift cards, books, treats, etc. I have received all of these. These guys are remembered and appreciated. Any time someone makes me feel a little more human and like a lady, that's special to me.

A couple comments to respond to some of the thread:

A service worker who gets a tip is generally someone who is doing manual labor for you to be able to enjoy yourself or to save you time and hassle:

1) waiters/waitresses/bartenders/delivery people - make like 2 bucks or less per hour. They are working for tips. If you don't tip them, you are going to put yourself further down on Dante's scale of miscreants.

2) concierges, skycaps, maids, bellboys, hostesses, etc - still closely related in the service and hospitality industry, but make a full salary and a living wage outside tips, but still expecting and hoping for a tip.

3) hair stylists/shampoo people/manicurists/escorts - i would put me on the same level as these people. They make a good wage. But, what they do takes time, talent and skill. Often they have busy schedules. If you really like what they do for you and you want them to be available to you on those busy days - like right before holidays, Saturdays, or to be squeezed in at the last minute when you need something from them...then you treat them good. If you don't really worry about that kind of special treatment, leave them a $ 5 tip and be done with it. They don't EXPECT you to tip them, but if you want to be a (sugar said VIP I'll go with that) VIP, then you butter them up. That's just the way it goes.

4) Some service people you just give gifts to - like XMas presents for the garbage people, the postman, and yes - the staff at your doctor, your atty (if ur the type that uses that svc all the time), your CPA, your TAX MAN, might think of them or their staff once a year - but you're certainly not paying a PHD also might give your kids teacher a christmas present - you probably don't expect her to give you a bj when you do it

LOL - cheapskate behavior - I've got one for the list - when a rate is say 150 or 250, and you have 160 or 260 - and you ask the girl for - DONT DO THAT!!!! or do that - I don't care - but that's when I think "Man this guy is spending money he cannot afford to spend on me" - which makes me thankful that he did it instead of thinking bad about the poor guy - but I do think it's kind of cheap....and it is.... Originally Posted by amusemeant
Well since you're a " Penis Worshipper" I'll give ya a few extra inches you're not normally getting. How's that for a tip?
Now jessy if guys show up short on cash then I'd day they are cheap asses and deserve to be treated as such. People make mistakes. It only happened once but my ass actually left the house without money or any way to get money and didn't realize it till I was close. She said come on anyway and I took care of her the next day. But showing up short is crap.

I agree lawyers do fuck everyone lol. Quite a few doctors do too so my examples sucked but that's all they were was examples

IMO definitions of cheap would be....

1) haggling rates

2) only seeing you when you run specials

3) always abusing your time and never conpensating you on it in any way

4) expecting to be grandfathered when you up your rates

5) expecting to only have to pay your "special" rate even when they've always paid regular rates

I'm sure there's plenty more. I think that if a guy chooses not to tip or simply can't afford to tip should not put him in the "cheap" catagory. Sometimes guys decide not to tip based on being taken advantage of each time they did. What's wrong with a guy deciding he doesn't want to go down that road anymore.....

Just my opinion and we all know what they say about those lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Wow, you mean you met up with a provider without any donation and she trusted you to bring it by the next day. Were you wearing the "Bunny Suit" when you dropped off the donation, I am just curious.
A gift to a provider (or a client) is just that........... a gift. Unexpected unsolicited showing thought and thoughtfulness. As our Mothers taught us. It truly is the thought that counts.

Of course as always, I can only speak for myself. Along that vein I enjoyed the remainder of a bottle of wine while day dreaming about a meeting one day and the glow of an enjoyable afternoon lasted for hours.
Saw an absolutely delightful UTR today...only her second client. Did some serious research with the help of another hobbyist and decided to get her a "Luxury" manicure and pedicure as a gift...mainly because she couldn't normally afford them.

She was very appreciative.
^ awwww! I'm sure that was a really wonderful welcome to the industry, as well as a nice gift of appreciation. That's sweet!
I never expect tips, I only expect promptness & good hygiene. But however I have received great great tips. My girlies call me the tip queen, and ask what it is I do? I treat all my gents very well, I am Always Prompt and Ready. I always have my setting set before you arrive. I only see 1 possibly 2 a day if that. I truly believe quality over quantity.

I do enjoy what I do, I have always been a nurturer by nature. So it comes very natural to me. I have been tipped double and even triple my session. And believe me I was absolutely shocked and very thrilled at the same time. And yes when they return I do something even more special, if its extra time or nice wine & chocolate covered strawberries as a special thanks.

But if a guy doesn't tip, I don't give him any less treatment, because it might have took him some time to save to see me and that's special to. Originally Posted by Sami

Great answer and great attitude.
Thank ya babe!!!!! I try to add something interesting and funny to the conversation.

Hmmm.... I was thinking a lot about this on the way to and from an appointment. What I think I started to communicate but didn't follow through all the way, is that there are women who no doubt charge similarly but don't worry about upkeep as much, or don't really pay attention to the little details. To a certain extent, my overhead is built in, and the response has been really, really good. However, if I was getting positive responses but a certain "meh-ness" from guys, even if they scheduled with me again, I might have to reconsider spending as much as I do on overhead-- shrinking it as you will.

But then again, guys are notorious for not really caring about the little details, so perhaps all it really is boils down to being passably attractive, punctual, engaging, and light-hearted-- all things that don't factor into any concrete overhead at all. It's something that I'm going to ruminate on, and for now I'll stick to what I'm doing because I feel it's working for me. I do find it REALLY interesting that when I was a dancer, men tipped me more regularly and didn't always seem like they were doing it just to get to my girlie bits. I think that's somewhat related to having a lot of notoriously bad strippers out there who treated clients like dirt, or close to it. It's easy to stand out from that with the characteristics I listed above.

and now that they are getting to my girlie bits...perhaps-- in the end, it's that there's so many wonderful service providers who show the characteristics that are intangible to considering overhead... there's certainly awful ones too, but my point is, it's harder to stand out with such excellent company

And, you know, that's not such a bad thing.

On the flip side, there's so many wonderful clients, so once again-- should a man (or a woman) want to stand out for whatever reason, be it appreciation or the hopes of garnering perks, then there are several ways to accomplish that. Thank you for the thought-provoking discussion.

and, Amusemeant, I went back and read your post and thought it was a really good read and certainly broached on several good points. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
I always like receiving gifts, from a candy bar to liquor to a giftcard to something sexy i can wear... i feel appreciated and special when i do get gifts.. trust me, the guys know because it makes a BIG difference!
Abe Normal's Avatar
A couple of years ago I slipped a rather nice tip into the envelope for a provider I had seen a few times. Being the lady that she was, she did not open it until she got home, then called me to thank me.

The next morning I hear a knock on my hotel door as I was packing to hit the road. I open the door, she bursts in, throws off her clothes, unzips my jeans, and proceeded to give me one hell of a bbbjcim. She gets up, puts her clothes back on, kisses me on the cheek, then leaves.

I don't think more than three words were spoken the entire time, LOL
Chevalier's Avatar
Okay ,
from a providers point of view...when a client brings you a gift, bottle of wine, gift card or leaves a nice tip rate him any kind of perk?

Or does this show the provider she is dealing with a better class of gentleman by him doing something nice?

Or does it really make no difference at all to the provider? Originally Posted by wildwooly1

It's really difficult to tell, since you usually have no "control" that you can compare to. However, although not really intended as such, in recent years I effectively ran an un-scientific experiment:
  • Most of my trysts are repeats with favorite ladies.
  • For many years, I almost never tipped or brought gifts.
  • Recently, I started tipping.
  • There were five ladies I saw while I was not tipping and then still while I was tipping, so I could compare how they treated me before and after.
Results? They were grateful and appreciative, but: I didn't notice any difference in how the ladies treated me during our appointments. (I didn't expect any "extras" not normally on the menu, and the enthusiasm level was already high.) I didn't notice any difference in the ladies voluntarily extending our time together. I didn't notice any difference in the ladies' availability. The ladies didn't start offering to spend non-BCD time together OTC. The ladies were not noticeably more likely to email just to chat or say hi. One lady grandfathered me when her rates rose; I strongly suspect her reasons were not related to the tipping, although I never discussed it with her and obviously can't say for sure.

Conclusion: with possible (but not probable) exception of the one lady, either: (A) their gratitude and appreciation did not translate into noticeably better treatment; or (B) I got better treatment but didn't realize it. I suspect it's (A), because tipping is relatively minor compared to a lot of other factors that affect how a lady feels about her clients. But I'm a typically oblivious and clueless guy, so (B) is possible too.

But I didn't tip in order to get better treatment, so I wasn't really disappointed. *shrug*
  • klm
  • 05-29-2011, 04:18 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the etiquette for handling a tip? From my very limited experience and from what I've read, I know a donation should always be handled very discreetly, and some SPs want it handled in a very specific way. How should a tip be handled? Overtly set it down on a table or tuck it under some object? I would feel very weird handing it directly to a lady. I can't explain why, but something about that would feel "cheapening." Thanks.
Still Looking's Avatar
I recently offered a $2,500.00 tip but it was turned down. I always bring a gift and providers that have seen me know that to be true. The gift is ALWAYS very unique and while I don't seem to experience a different level of service, nor do I expect any. I will make mention I get a text message after the scheduled appointment saying thank you and they look forward to our next meeting. Thats always kinda nice!
IronMan9's Avatar
I never cared too much for extra money because what I charged per hour satisfied me financially. I never asked for tips or gifts.. while they were appreciated they were never expected! I don't get the "If you tip me more I'll treat you extra special" concept because any/every paying client is to be treated special. However, the men that brought me flowers, chocolate and wine on a regular basis, treated me nice, was clean and respectful would get huge discounts on multi-hour discounts lol. Yeah I was so easy . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
+1, very well stated. ty very much.
JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 05-29-2011, 09:45 PM
I recently offered a $2,500.00 tip but it was turned down. I always bring a gift and providers that have seen me know that to be true. The gift is ALWAYS very unique and while I don't seem to experience a different level of service, nor do I expect any. I will make mention I get a text message after the scheduled appointment saying thank you and they look forward to our next meeting. Thats always kinda nice! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Dude, I am impressed and wonder when you have time to shop. You have 26 reviews in 60 days, AND you bring gifts. Who in the world "turned down" 2500 dollars. I need to see her, sounds like a gallant women!!??

I have given gifts before. Everything from small things they said they liked, to much bigger surprises. Some chicks appreciate it, some dont, they just stockpile with their other "booty".
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Still Looking's PM Inbox just exploded I'm afraid!