Is it OK to talk about federal law enforcement on here?

Carlos Danger's Avatar
Will a federal agency, or executive order bring thinner gals back to prostitution? Where an anonymous fella with an erection hands money to an attractive female whew
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Will a federal agency, or executive order bring thinner gals back to prostitution? Where an anonymous fella with an erection hands money to an attractive female whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
This has been talked about. My position is that legalization will encourage a higher quality of prostitute to enter the market in large part because the decreased level of risk will result in participation by non-inbred whores, ghetto whores, or whores with massive (over)eating disorders. Currently, hot pieces of ass who may consider whoring themselves, provided they can make some bank, may instead turn to paying/wasting good money to educate themselves or otherwise gain credentials in legitimate business instead of sucking cock for a living. The whore game could potentially become a legitimate enterprise if it were legalized and (lightly) regulated. For now we're stuck with grimy whores with poor personal habits who are obviously unattractive.

Others feel that legalization will result in an over-proliferation of the same type of garbage we're currently forced to endure, and worse yet at a higher price than these wretched creatures make as it is. This is a legitimate, realistic concern.

The male lesbians, on the third hand, are of course happy to subordinate themselves to prostitutes and enter into arrangements wherein they find themselves sucking their favorite fat whore's hoodlum boyfriend's cock, with abandon.

I'd like Trey Gowdy's opinion on this, or better yet Jordan Peterson's.
trojantide's Avatar
God you’re such a bore. No wonder you’ve devoted yourself to insulting hookers. They all know not all money is good money, especially yours.
BTW. What is desired is decriminalization, not legalization. Most hookers will still avoid the latter. Sorry. I’m not gonna explain it to you.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
God you’re such a bore. No wonder you’ve devoted yourself to insulting hookers. They all know not all money is good money, especially yours.
BTW. What is desired is decriminalization, not legalization. Most hookers will still avoid the latter. Sorry. I’m not gonna explain it to you. Originally Posted by trojantide
No problem and I'm very aware of the difference between legalization and decriminalization. Now go suck a dick.
Ceremony's Avatar
Bring back?

Maybe that time before was the exception, an anomaly, and this is the status quo.

If it did truly exist it is obviously wasn't due to decriminalization. It was likely a chance occurrence geographically, or from some other factor such as a proficient monger or two, and somewhere out there now it is happening again...

None of that is meant to discredit your theory, NBT. I am not sure exactly what the law is in Nevada and I have never been there but it could make for a good example.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Bring back?

Maybe that time before was the exception, an anomaly, and this is the status quo.

If it did truly exist it is obviously wasn't due to decriminalization. It was likely a chance occurrence geographically, or from some other factor such as a proficient monger or two, and somewhere out there now it is happening again...

None of that is meant to discredit your theory, NBT. I am not sure exactly what the law is in Nevada and I have never been there but it could make for a good example. Originally Posted by Ceremony
Not sure, it's an interesting question that's mostly theoretical at this point. Sort of like predicting the winner of a sporting event.

My personal feeling is that anything that can be done to improve the quality of the hooks in upstate NY is a worthwhile endeavor.

Quite a bit of the responsibility for the shipwreck the situation has become lies with the demand side. If the male lesbians are going to continue to treat prostitutes like princesses, this is what you're going to get.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The mainstream US media sideshow is as out of control as it usually is. I can never get enough of Sarah Sanders bitching April Ryan, the amateur race-baiter, and Jim Acosta, the male lesbian.

I do think The Donald misspoke a little bit after being deliberately antagonized by the Reuter's shithead, right in front of Vladimir Putin.

I think he would have been better off saying something to the effect of "Over the course of the past 3 hours Mr Putin and I discussed critical matters such as Russian annexation of Crimea, Russia's participation in internal acts of genocide in Syria, economic manipulation of our NATO allies, particularly as pertains to petroleum products and their distribution, and nuclear non-proliferation. All of these issues are extremely complex and impact billions of people. As such, they compel our undivided attention. Frivolous tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories invented by bitter leftist mainstream media and disconsolate, defeated Democrat party provocateurs are fodder for bored mid-morning television hosts and beneath the dignity of this process. End of story."

I guess these crybabies stopped caring about illegal immigrants, and Stormy Daniels.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
The mainstream US media has always been a marvelous shit show, at least as long as I have had any awareness of it or at least for as long as I have had critical thinking skills. I'm sure it was like this for a far greater period of time, really since before the election of Abraham Lincoln and probably longer. They basically have a Constitutional amendment dedicated to them and hold on to it for dear life on a daily basis, although it was authored by a fellow who had no issue with little things like slavery and gun rights. Of course, the Bill of Rights was authored in the 18th Century and utilizing moral relativism we can forgive some of the underdeveloped thinking, or probably more accurately thinking that does not dovetail with the pussified liberal groupthink.

Vladimir Putin is a smart guy. He's a more composed public speaker than Donald Trump as well as being an individual who scared the shit out of Hussein Obama and who publicly laughed at Hillary Clinton when that utter swamp snake Hillary held a non-elected political position. Now we have him being described as a foreign leader who has corrupted our political process and who has infiltrated our election process.

I agree with this. I think Putin is a masterful super-villain and has drawn high profile, influential Americans, into his web and has manipulated their actions and disrupted the ability of the American government to move forward unimpeded.

He did this in collusion with a very eager group of scumbags and he has done it right in your fucking face. His influence over the American way of life has never been greater and his access to exercise this has been facilitated by people you look at on television every day.

The mainstream US media is in collusion with Vladimir Putin to destroy a duly elected United States President. Between the two of them they have created an atmosphere of distrust and civil disobediences. They have joined hands to obstruct the administration of American internal policy. They have infiltrated the Department of Justice. They have done everything they can to interfere with the effective maximization of the American economy both internally and internationally. They have empowered illegal immigrant pieces of shit and are in the process of attempting to dissolve a federal agency that has nothing to do with what these he-shes have been manipulated into protesting. They have enabled the nomination of congressional candidates who aren't sure what Israel is.

What the fuck would we do if we had a mentally weak impressionable actor like Hussein Obama or probably worse yet Hillary Clinton operating under these conditions is what I want to know.
Ceremony's Avatar
I feel like this has turned into a blog
jokacz's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I feel like this has turned into a blog Originally Posted by Ceremony
You're right. Plus joekacz just jacked me right up with all that truth. Close thread please.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
leave it open
Next Best Thing's Avatar
leave it open Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
let it die on its own or continue
Next Best Thing's Avatar
let it die on its own or continue Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I hope the mods close it. Ceremony is correct and joekacz makes a superb point with the picture of a large pile of shit.