Board personas and the hobby...

bwahaha u are probably correct... Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
That's the kind of thing which would make me want to call. An honest hooker with a sense of humour

The ones I would never call are those who have keyboard diarhea (yes I know wrong spelling) and go on and on and on with no punctuation, and have to respond endlessly to any criticism.

Short witty responses win every time.
Sarunga's Avatar
I guess it is our thirst for insight that makes us seek a fascinating answer to a question for which the answer is obvious.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Okay TA, I'm going to violate a rule. I'm going to explain myself, and I shouldn't. Every time someone says "if you have any insight, please share it with me", they're simply saying that as a prelude to saying "you're wrong" once that person does actually explain themselves. But, call me the eternal optimist, here I go, just for you TA.

First, you picked the perfect thread to ask the question, since we're talking about board personas. Every board persona is a lie to some extent. I choose to have no opinion on the degree of their falacy, so I assume they're all just massive lies, equally, but every persona here is nothing but a lie. You KNOW absolutely nothing about anyone here. No matter how long you've been here, how many posts you've read, no matter how many parties you've been to, you know absolutely nothing about anyone here.

So now, Brooke starts a thread about her mother being in a coma. Every day in this world, thousands of people die, and their deaths go unlamented, unmentioned, and unrecorded. They disappear into history because no one knows them, and no one really cares about them. Every day you see on the news someone gets shot in this city. Do you call their family and offer their condolences? Do you take out an ad in the Chronicle paying your respects? Do you even care so much as to blink twice? Nope. You have had just as much exposure to that person on the news as you have with Brooke here, yet, for some reason, this board is completely different.

So here we have Brooke, a board persona, TRYING to interject her real life into the board and asking for your sympathy. Do you know her? Do you REALLY know her? Nope. She's nothing more than a bunch of blinky pixels on a computer screen, and for all you know, she could be a 6'-7", 365 pound lineman for the Texans. Yet, in spite of this complete and total LACK of actual human interaction, people offer up their sympathies. Why? Why do they do this here when they don't give a shit anywhere else? Two reasons.

First, it's easy. They can type a response and don't have to go through any more effort than that. They don't have to track down a family, or pay for an ad, or pick up a phone or go to a funeral. Second, they do it because they see others doing it and they feel "societally compelled" to follow suit, like a lemming following its brother. They don't do it because they have a single scrap of ACTUAL caring, because they'd be caring about a figment of their imagination, which is the height of stupidity. They do it because it's easy and because it's expected of them.

No I ask myself, would I want ANYONE to offer me sympathy for those reasons? If Brooke's mother died tomorrow you'd forget about it next week. If Brooke died tomorrow, you'd forget about it tomorrow because she wouldn't be here to start the thread about it. So, I say keep the fake sympathy. Keep the easy path. Keep your societal pressure, and, as such, don't expect me to start any threads about my personal problems here. Caring about the problems if a fake board persona makes about as much sense as caring about the problems of the wind that blew westward through the Himalayas yesterday.

So, my intention...

My intention was to interject a fact that every person in this world dies, and as such, one, it's nothing to mourn about, because it's inevitable, and two, there's absolutely nothing special about Brook, her mom, or Fancy's dog that make them any more worthy of your sympathy than the curb you ran over when you turned into the parking space at Macy's last week. At least the curb is a real, animate object...not a fake board persona.

All this was done without any malice, without and anger toward anyone, and completely devoid of emotion. Could I have worded my post differently, absolutely. Do I HAVE to word it differently? Not on your life.

There, I hope that makes some sense to you, I leave it open for the ever-present "you're wrong" summation...have at it, that's all the explanation you're going to get... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
This is without a doubt the best response I have ever read on this board....I find nothing more annoying than dudes who feign sympathy for people they don't know, nor will ever know.. There are so many pussies on here that are so grateful that someone will take their money for sex that they actually think they have a kinship on this board with people they will never meet or know.

In my opinion, why bring personal life shit to a hooker board? To have anonymous jackasses lying say that they actually give a shit about your problems?

And to stay on topic, my "board persona" is pretty much nonexistent but the shit I write on here is not much different than I am in real life. Obviously, it is much easier to say what you really think without having consequences on here...I'm pretty sure folks don't tell women that they are fat in the "real" world in person when they find them disgusting. To me, it's the fucking internet. I take everything with a grain of salt. I wouldn't judge anyone by their board persona because anyone can be who they want to be behind a keyboard.
Sarunga's Avatar
Feigning sympathy is one thing....feigning cruelty would be another.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Feigning sympathy is one thing....feigning cruelty would be another. Originally Posted by Sarunga
VERY interesting........."Another" perhaps..... But isn't it essentially the exact same? If not a ying to a yang......

junglemonkey's Avatar
I could care less about you bastards when I leave this board. I can care less about the personal lives of providers after I'm done fucking their faces and eating their asses. My personal life is none of your damn business and I wish you stay out of my personal affairs. I don't share personal shit anyway unless it deals with sex perversion ala my 3 way with 18 yrd old cheerleader civilain girls on the side. That's my persona. It doesn't make me mean, cruel, or the "worst person I have ever met providing". It makes me a fuckin hobbiest god damn it!
EmilyofHouston's Avatar
I could care less about you bastards when I leave this board. I can care less about the personal lives of providers after I'm done fucking their faces and eating their asses. My personal life is none of your damn business and I wish you stay out of my personal affairs. I don't share personal shit anyway unless it deals with sex perversion ala my 3 way with 18 yrd old cheerleader civilain girls on the side. That's my persona. It doesn't make me mean, cruel, or the "worst person I have ever met providing". It makes me a fuckin hobbiest god damn it! Originally Posted by junglemonkey

I admire your honesty!!
Poetray's Avatar

I always try to share in rhyme,
Anything that is worth telling,
Online, Offline, ALL of the time,
Its no illusion that I'm selling.

Why would anyone put up a front,
Hiding behind a mask of handles,
Trying to impress a rented cunt,
Offline sacking bags at Randall's.

EmilyofHouston's Avatar
lmgdao thats great! More More!
chicagoboy's Avatar
I could care less about you bastards when I leave this board. I can care less about the personal lives of providers after I'm done fucking their faces and eating their asses. My personal life is none of your damn business and I wish you stay out of my personal affairs. I don't share personal shit anyway unless it deals with sex perversion ala my 3 way with 18 yrd old cheerleader civilain girls on the side. That's my persona. It doesn't make me mean, cruel, or the "worst person I have ever met providing". It makes me a fuckin hobbiest god damn it! Originally Posted by junglemonkey
You're in my prayers, junglemonkey.
junglemonkey's Avatar
You're in my prayers, junglemonkey. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Thanks be to god! Aaaaaaaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeeen!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Thanks be to god! Aaaaaaaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeeen! Originally Posted by junglemonkey
Much like Crom i do not require your prayers.
Poetray and these guys
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
You're in my prayers, junglemonkey. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Tebow be with him.........

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Tebow be with him.........

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude