Fuck you, BTLD. And no, if my feelings got hurt here, I wouldn't be here. I was looking for a stupid response, and you obliged. So thank you, and fuck you.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Be sure and write a review.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Your answer was exactly what I told you to write. Your tears taste like a fine w(h)ine.

You can lower your ass. I'm done with you.....for now.

Next time I'll turn you out to the board.

That was only the sound of her latex being over stretched. Let the bitch crawl under the car and lick her wounds. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Funny as hell!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Funny as hell!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you.

It can be difficult to apply any degree of humor to short, repetitive, off-topic bleats.

You inspire me in a way that only hundreds of other people do
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Hey Dumbest Ass;

I said Clinton was President in Autumn, 2000.

He was,

You said "No one said Bush said Al Qaeda was global enemy number one."
Correct. I didn't say it either, asshole.

You also said "Clinton said it in 2000, just like Whirly said. "

Actually, he said via a "cut and paste" designated by our President as global enemy Number One.

He went on to say via cut and paste, "In response to the events of September 11, 2000"

After reading about that infamous day, Sept. 11, 2000, you might assume whirly knew who the President was in Autumn, 2000 but I won't.

After reading way too many of the 20,000 plus posts you 2 have between you, the only safe assumption is that you are both cocksuckers.

In a related story, for the first time, the judging panel has declared sog to be the co-winner of that Douche-bag of the Decade (Senior Div)award thing.

Thank you for opening your mouth.

You've been schooled, BITCH! Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
All this and you're at least an anti-semite too.

What a douche-bag.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and an ignorant asshole.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There, feel better now?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He may be demonstrative, but Munchmasterman speaks the truth about Whiny.

His obstinance is only rivaled by his ignorance.

and he's a race baiting dipshit to boot!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not getting into the racial tone of your post, but it is obvious to anyone that when it comes to baiting, you are the master, Assup, DOTY!

Obama's world is a strange place indeed. Over the weekend, the president, who just hailed your daughter's right to engage in combat, said that if he had a son he would be reluctant to let him play football --
because he might get hurt.

Speaking of the strange world the president occupies… Because he is so concerned about guns getting into the wrong hands, the president spent the past week building pressure to make it as hard as possible for law-abiding citizens to purchase certain firearms. And in the same week, he authorized the transfer of
F-16 fighter jets and Abrams tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, who under any measurement should qualify as the wrong people! Obama wants to limit guns to average Americans but give weapons of mass destruction to jihadists!

Helloooo! Anyone out there !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
amazing that a thread that has turned to this attracts ACP, like a moth to a burning cross!

You represent NOTHING I love in America, dipshit. Please back up your rants with evidence. At least try to substantiate your raving with legitimate and relevant links. Explain to us how POTUS is providing WMDs to jihadists, for example. Or how he's taken your fucking guns away ... Which probably is a good idea when you think about it.

You're a popcorn fart in a stiff wind, ACP. You probably need to STFU when grown ups are talking!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, Assup, acp represents freedom and individual responsibility. That's not the part of America you love. You love the part where government controls everything, and dissent is silenced.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a stupid cunt, Whiny.

Obviously you're attempting to maneuver posters into the penalty box by your incessant race baiting and support of those already cited for it.

You're not that smart.

We're not that dumb.

and today you've already confirmed you research your fellow ECCIE members in trucks top baffrooms...

Chica Chaser's Avatar
and today you've already confirmed you research your fellow ECCIE members in trucks top baffrooms...

shame... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
bojulay's Avatar
Problem, Reaction, Solution

What is always used to infringe upon or take away our rights
and liberties.

Every American living under our Constitution should have the
right to due process, simple as that.

(Problem, Reaction, Solution)
Same thing that is being used to try and take away our
rights to gun ownership.

Problem-We have a problem with gun violence.

Reaction-Well something needs to be done about it.

Solution-We'll take away peoples right to own guns. (There, problem solved)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about those outlaws who don't?