OMG I am so excited about my new pics I took this morning I just had to share my joy!

I’m just here for the nudes! 🤷🏻♀️
Kitty - along with the pics you missed the opportunity to link to your erotic video...

Kitty in action - super hot Originally Posted by mtabsw
You're wrong for this
I'm going to give a very thin vouch here on a couple of things.. and the things that I can't give a vouch on.. I'm going to be nice and roll on past it.... for now.

Kitty HAS invested some money in anti-aging procedures. She and I have talked about this in the past and it is one of the subjects to where I didn't catch her being less than honest. She's had some Juvaderm to help smooth out her lines-- I noticed it right after she had it done, which is what led to the conversation (I'm licensed in this field-- I can spot it). As far as diet and the rest goes-- I can't say either way because I've not met her in person. I know that I look drastically different now than even 4 months ago... so at least on that front.. if she is putting forth the effort.. results are possible even in a fairly short period of time. She, like all of us, is getting older (NOT OLD) and it takes more effort the older you get. That is life and it comes for us all.

Attractiveness is quite subjective. While I can say that Kitty is a reasonably attractive woman at her age-- I can also say that she wouldn't personally turn my head. That isn't a slight.. its just a matter of everyone has their "thing".

The video? Not a great look-- but I don't think there are many of us in this business who haven't done something for cash that we've regretted.

And I know you're thinking "But Grace.. you've gone after Kitty in the past... what is this?" Simple. At least from what I can see.. she has been trying to turn everything around. Until I see something that tells me otherwise-- I'm going to give her space and try to give her opportunity to dig her way free from the past. I don't wish ill upon anybody-- not even those who have attempted to bring harm to my door. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I still threw up in my mouth a little looking at the pics.......its like seeing your grannie naked....its all kinds of wrong.....put your house dress on granny.......
Tony and the others - My mama used to say "If you can't say something nice............." You know the ending. Why do it as a faceless person on a hobby interweb site?

Ask yourself, "Would I say things like this about my grandma, mother, sister, niece, god-daughter, best friend's daughter, the young girl I coached in softball"?

Jesus, guys, give it a rest
KittyLamour's Avatar
I still threw up in my mouth a little looking at the pics.......its like seeing your grannie naked....its all kinds of wrong.....put your house dress on granny....... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I'm sorry your Granny was creepy. You've obviously got Granny issues. I prefer to wear yoga pants though, not granny dresses, since I am not a Grandmother.

I regret that video... but it wasn't nobody's business to post it without my permission. I had never even seen it before, I thought The Habib Show would notify me before they published it...I didn't get much input in the whole process and to tell you all the truth, it wasn't much fun at all. It was painful and I thought it would never end. The guys were very nice, especially Habib, but the experience was not something I ever want to go through again. The fact that it was posted the way it was, added insult to injury and I feel violated and degraded. Not by the actors but by you trolls and haters.

Like I said, I've worked very hard to improve everything about myself, to not ever have to endure being humiliated, downgraded and insulted like a dog vs a human being ever again. I guess it was in vain, because the nightmare has started again. I am not perfect, but, I am far from disgusting. Yes, I was out of shape, overweight, needed to lose the double chin... but I was also uncomfortable, the situation awkward and I was in pain. So take that into consideration before you judge me. I've lost 30 lbs since them, toning up as efficiently as I can and had over a thousand dollars of cosmetic treatments. I committed to it and I paid for it. I work hard, don't ask any of you for handouts, pay my own bills, and just want to live my life free of being abused both mentally and physically, no matter my profession.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Not gonna happen here on eccie this is these losers platform to troll and nothing else. Keep doing what you are doing the good guys will notice.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Not gonna happen here on eccie this is these losers platform to troll and nothing else. Keep doing what you are doing the good guys will notice. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Thank you Jules, but it's still hurtful and it's shutting my income down. None of us are made of money and I can't afford to not work. Maybe good guys do notice, but these asshats scare them off... and they schedule with someone else.

Anyways, I'm through, I'm not going to keep pleading my case like I'm pathetic, because I'm not. I love eccie, I have many people who have become close friends here, but there's always eros...
yohimbebrother's Avatar

Kitty - along with the pics you missed the opportunity to link to your erotic video...

Kitty in action - super hot Originally Posted by mtabsw
Nice Pictures ❤❗
KittyLamour's Avatar

Thank you Jamie...
I’m just here for the nudes! ����♀️ Originally Posted by Chloe Grande


Hey, you guys are kinda missing the bigger picture here....!

The one and only....the gorgeous Chloe Grande....popped in and made her first post in SIX YEARS (lol...almost to the day, in fact).

Where you been, sexy lady? (speaking of "just here for the nudes"......what are the chances of us seeing some up-to-date photos of you, sweet lady.....?)

(sorry, kitty....not trying to highjack your thread.....I just got a little excited, that's all.....)
I still threw up in my mouth a little looking at the pics.......its like seeing your grannie naked....its all kinds of wrong.....put your house dress on granny....... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

You are one of the rudest most ignorant people on the boards I've ever seen posting. Jesus Christ are you that lonely, bitter and miserable that you always have some bashing, hurtful shit to say???? Are you divorced or just pussy-less in real life where you think that shits cool??? Do you have an axe to grind or is this all for your personal entertainment?? Either way... Get a life!!!!!
You're wrong for this Originally Posted by NubianPrince

You know some of these folks have no shame. They're savages