Closed Threads

ANONONE's Avatar
No offense was meant to your dad, HT. Just because I said I didn't care what he or you have to say about hospitality does not mean I am insulting him.

As to you lecturing me on manners. . .

The 'Sooner' you get it the less you are likely to hear what are the two things that come our of Oklahoma. Originally Posted by Htowner
Maybe this thread should be closed if it is causing delirium.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Huh? Well I guess that I misunderstood your post # 42 because it sounded to me like you were in favor of a Mod stepping in to lock a thread as opposed to guiding it back on topic...even after re-reading it a couple of times to be sure. Huh.
My apologies for misunderstanding. I guess we're in agreement.
Keep the threads open and use the lock button judiciously.

And since I am a UT Alum. and since this IS the great State Of Texas, you really should know better than to bring up the 'Sooners. That's just bad manners. If you're going to be a guest, try to be a welcomed one.

A good start is to remember this:

I wouldn't go into an Ohio forum calling them The Ohio St. Suckeyes and running Michigan smack. That's just bad manners.
Htowner's Avatar
You missed it again. I said " Get it? I didn't say it though".
Any dillirium is coming from your side not mine.
'I don't care what your dad had to say' is an insult . May be where you grew up isn't , but if someone is mentioning it , in and of itself is one.
Try it in person and tell someone and see what their reaction is and think about what I wrote here and be a judge for yourself.

We like keeping the threads open. Thread starter has not requested it, and mods are having a good eye on it but you are free to state what you think I suppose as I did.

BTW , a quick glance at your post history shows you have a special interest in Houston Co Ed section with one post in NO and one in Austin and the rest in national areas.
May be you are on some type of payback mission for the couple of guys from Houston who showed up in Ohio.

I like to get back on the topic and done with this.
ANONONE's Avatar

I wouldn't go into an Ohio forum calling them The Ohio St. Suckeyes and running Michigan smack. That's just bad manners.
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Only if you are a Buckeye fan. There are other colleges in this state, and I played football for one of them that wasn't OSU.

So back to the idea of closing threads. . .

In post 42 I was saying I am in favor of a mod taking a firm hand when a thread has become vicious or unproductive.

In fact, even as I type this, Chipper just closed a thread I started with very good cause. Not only do I not mind that he did it, I was happy he did it. There was a gal and a guy getting really nasty with one another and it was not only off topic, it was abusive.

You missed it again. Originally Posted by Htowner
No, it was you that missed it. Sorry, but if I explain the irony of your grammar mistake, the joke isn't funny any longer. You might want to go back and look. . .before this thread gets closed.

BTW , a quick glance at your post history shows you have a special interest in Houston Co Ed section with one post in NO and one in Austin and the rest in national areas.
May be you are on some type of payback mission for the couple of guys from Houston who showed up in Ohio. Originally Posted by Htowner
Nope not at all. If anything it might be because Houston simply has better discussions. Gosh, what a novel idea, a compliment instead of an insult!

If this keeps up DH will be begging that this thread get's closed.

PS: Should I be worried that you know more about my posting pattern than I do? I hope you put this much effort into your research of providers! I think you left out Tuxedos and Diamonds. I probably spend more time there than here, but I didn't actually go back and count like you did, so maybe you are right.

If you are in the mood to count some more how about something that will put us back on target with the topic. What forum has the most closed threads?
Htowner's Avatar
Grammar mistake? Try getting your quotes right. It was SFK who handed you that nugget not me.

You didn't start this thread and don't need to worry about it getting closed. It ain't going anywhere.
This is not abusive to us in Houston. This is exactly on topic in flesh, showing what happens on a thread.
If you read the thread earlier, every thread has its natural life and people can be allowed to have fun with it afterwards.
If you are not, why do you keep coming back and keep talking about the thread getting closed?
I think you should change your handle to Annoyingone. It really suits your personality.
ANONONE's Avatar
Grammar mistake? Try getting your quotes right. It was SFK who handed you that nugget not me.

You didn't start this thread and don't need to worry about it getting closed. It ain't going anywhere.
This is not abusive to us in Houston. This is exactly on topic in flesh, showing what happens on a thread.
If you read the thread earlier, every thread has its natural life and people can be allowed to have fun with it afterwards.
If you are not, why do you keep coming back and keep talking about the thread getting closed?
I think you should change your handle to Annoyingone. It really suits your personality. Originally Posted by Htowner
That grammar mistake:
"that come our of Oklahoma."

Speaking of annoying there are many of grammar mistakes in your posts, but that one was REALLY FUNNY since it made your joke backfire on you.

Who said I wanted to have this thread closed? I am having fun.

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Psst...ANONONE, English isn't his native tongue. Be nice and stay on topic please.

Here. Have a beer.

Htowner's Avatar
Oh excuce me for slipping my finger on R instead of T which happens to be next it on the keyboard. That is not a grammar mistake genius, it is a typo. This is coming from the Einstein who quoted me on something SFK said. Put the beer down, SFK offered you.

Now let's talk in a different language so the English grammar won't bother you , ok?
Habla espanol?
Par les vous francais?
ANONONE's Avatar
Psst...ANONONE, English isn't his native tongue. Be nice and stay on topic please.

Here. Have a beer.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Hey, I thought we agreed not to make fun of families. Why did you post that picture of my brother?
dearhunter's Avatar
You bitches leave my manpussy alone...............he can come stroke my dick anytime he wants.

I'll have him pounding that RTM triangle like it was his peepee................heeeyyyy yyy

See, I don't have to go through the ritual of "the bro who thincks he's fucking Chachi" anymore............all I have to write is "heeeyyyyyy" and everyone knows what I mean.

I can see the messages now:

"Joanie sent me 12 RTM messages about that fucktard dearhunter, again"

"What did that asshole call Joanie this time?"

"With that prophet asshole you have to read between the lines as to what he is calling you.....but, it looks like he was calling Joanie a pussy"

"Well, tell that Joanie to stay out of Houston if he can't take the heat"

"I'm on it"
carkido45's Avatar
I thought Sofakingwhiney was your manpussy and everyone else's around here..... he's such a ho!!
ANONONE's Avatar
You are a legend in your own mind there DH.

We have been through this a few times before. Who needs an RTM button for the likes of you?

So now that all the brain trust is here. . .

What is the best argument you can throw out for the total removal of the "close thread" tool from the moderator control panel?
dearhunter's Avatar
In case you haven't figured it out, that bus left a long time ago.

Now, you are simply a mouse for us to play with...........but, don't let that stop you.

I saw a beautiful definition of what you are on another site..............but, it would not be accepted here...............but, don't worry. It won't stop us from thincking it...........and snickering a little under our collective breath.

carkido, I have many manpussy in my manposse. Some take to the bit more readily than others.........I enjoy the fighters. After all, it is rodeo season...............and SKF has never seen the inside of my corral........I have my standards.
ANONONE's Avatar
In case you haven't figured it out, that bus left a long time ago. Originally Posted by dearhunter
In other words you are afraid to engage in a thoughtful discussion on the original topic about closed threads.

I think I am going to call you Kitty, from now on, DH. You don't deserve the name Feste.

If you need a new avatar to go with your new name:

dearhunter's Avatar
You can call me anything you like, Joanie.

I'll grow on you.

Don't worry. I got your back with all these mean Houston bitches.

Give me a ball to play with on occasion and you won't have to see my claws.

Maybe you could write us a book about this topic............just make sure you put "kitty" pictures in to keep it interesting.

Maybe, I can be a kitty named you don't have to retrace your steps.

My neighbor has a cat named Shakespeare...........and we get along pretty me.