Any Pureblood Providers Left Out There? If Not, I'm Done With This So Called Hobby.

Evelyn QV's Avatar
This thread is a train wreck but if anyone is truly looking to connect with an unvaccinated provider with a healthy distrust of the duopoly y'all know where to find me.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-05-2022, 01:01 PM
OP is trolling you guys, OP is jumping on every thread with his political nonsense trying to get a reaction out of other fools that like to argue that mess.
Evelyn QV's Avatar
Yeah but it's good advertising. That's why we're here... right?
Can you rely on your immune system to fight other viruses? Smallpox, rabies, measles?

And since OP brought it up, hopefully this can be considered on topic - regarding book burnings, you'll be surprised to find out which group of people have both banned and literally burned books in the US within just the last few months. Most others won't be surprised, though. Originally Posted by OldScratch
The school system we went to never thought us anything about health, nutrition, and the terrain. The school system is designed to make EMPLOYEES not entrepreneurs. Viruses aren't germs nor are living creatures, they are sponges created in the cell to absorb toxins and heal the cell. The defective overlords knows this but use your ignorance against you.
Can you rely on your immune system to fight other viruses? Smallpox, rabies, measles?

And since OP brought it up, hopefully this can be considered on topic - regarding book burnings, you'll be surprised to find out which group of people have both banned and literally burned books in the US within just the last few months. Most others won't be surprised, though. Originally Posted by OldScratch
So you're saying c-19 is non-existent? When somebody you know succumbs to it, you'll understand what logical reasoning is. Until then, keep following the propaganda bullshit Originally Posted by mrredcat43
people aren't succumbing to anything but poisons, radiation, dirty electricity, toxic GMO foods, toxic water, and Geo engineer skies. The defectives scumbags are very good at hypnotizing the people for thousands of years, you think that TV is there to entertain you? Your mind is hacked the majority of the people are the same because they watched the TV PROGRAMMING.
I nominate Vanilla Gorilla because I can remember playing tackle football in the street ( east coast) growing up and it was considered normal and now kids are being raised as pansies. The participation award comment was spot on. What does all that have to do with original post, back in the day we would not have swallowed all of the b.s. being spun today and recognized it for what it is. But those days and times are long gone, America has sadly changed for the worse.