Biden Administration to distribute 400 Million N95 masks for free

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hedonist, The vaccinated and boosted are less likely to catch Omicron:... Originally Posted by Tiny
That is ridiculous bullshit and you know it. Omicron this...

Speaking of the WHO... What is their latest advice on boosters and vaccinating kids these days? Or do you not want to think about that?

...Are you saying insurance companies should not be allowed to charge smokers and unvaccinated individuals more? That sounds like something straight out of Obamacare.

I agree about preexisting-conditions. They're not something a person can control though, like smoking... Originally Posted by Tiny
Have you considered that you hear exactly ZERO about smokers and the covid? Seriously. Have you considered that? You would think that would be the headline news if there was a linkage. But why is that not the case?

So why is it that over eating, lack of exercise or eating crap foods are non-prexisting condition? For that matter, listening to propaganda news would fall into self-induced stupidity as well.

...what would have done more good than government funding for masks would have been encouraging people to use the better quality N95 and KN95 masks instead of single layer cloth masks and the like... Originally Posted by Tiny
Maybe your memory is going Biden these days. I recall a petulant fool or two that practically stood on rooftops telling you what utter BS masks were, notwithstanding providing reams of actual science data and papers. Well.. hopefully you have a red-headed step-Press Secretary that can spin that for you.

The clot shots are the same silliness, but no need to wait for the data to emerge, though they are still trying to push back for 75 years before they do. Hopefully the lastest ruling dislodges that data in a couple months.

In the mean time, we have this thing called "observed data/science". It used to be a thing, back in the day. If we dust it off and look at it, we see things like more children are killed by the jab than are saved from it.We also see an inordinate amount of of reported deaths and seriously adverse reactions to it. The likes of which we have never, ever, allowed in polite society.

Now, don't get me wrong, if ya'll want trap huge amounts of bacteria on your faces for hours on end and spin the vaxx wheel of death - I'm rather OK with that. But it's the brain damage, pictured in the above two pics that rather indicates ya'll should be institutionalized and isolated away from society - for your own good and the good of civilization.

The two leading signs of the covid brain damage:

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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...All that about wearing N95 masks and aviator goggles and doing it reverse cowgirl was just something I made up to get people excited... Originally Posted by Tiny
Normally, I'm fine with reverse cowgirl - really. Though I prefer regular cowgirl with most, especially Alexandria. Oh wait - so are you saying I can have Alexandria and you'll just stick with your fatty in Juarez?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Obviously, my first negative reactions were based solely on the fact that, two years into the situation and now they want to supply masks, with our tax $$, is stupid and not just because they have little value (if any) and come from China - and are likely made with slave labor - but because if you have whatever illogical reason to be wearing a mask and have not been able to find them after two years - should you really be allowed to participate in civilized society?!?

Any way, I was doing some shopping for the upcoming civil war that the lefties (socialists, aka communists) are hoping for - knowing that it won't be a simple blue versus grey affair. I mean, how will we know who the the enemy is and all? Serendipitously, while reviewing the Sightmark Wraith HD 4-32x50 Digital Riflescope online, I had an epiphany - what better way to tell whom the ID-10-Ts are than those wearing the government issued face muzzle/diaper? With any luck, they may even fluorecse at night. At least I hope so. Either way, they will glow at night with the right sight.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:04 PM
The list of what could have been done better will be epic when the history of this is written. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I was not precise or accurate in my previous posts - my bad. I agree with you about therapeutics and don't disagree with most of your post. One exception, you appear to be saying that encouraging people to wear masks is somehow draconian and unAmerican. You also say I want to continue government persecution of Americans who "make a different choice about their health." Which is not true. Now you might have a case if you'd said "corporate persecution of Americans", for example the right of insurance companies to charge higher premiums for smokers or for airlines to require their employees to be vaccinated. I think private companies should be able to do those things.

Although, again, it's against Libertarian principles, I don't believe insurance companies should be able to charge higher premiums for conditions like diabetes, or for eating unhealthy food. I do believe they should be able to charge smokers more. And theoretically I believe they should be able to charge unvaccinated people higher premiums, although in practice, at this point in the game, that's admittedly probably not workable. By the time their statisticians figured out the additional average cost of paying for medical costs of unvaccinated people, the Omicron wave will be over and most people in the USA will have some immunity, from vaccination and/or infection.

Will address your point about the costs of masks in a reply to the Waco Kid.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:08 PM
let's see how long all this takes, assuming they have the stockpile numbers they claim, it's just a matter of stocking to these outlets like the big chain pharmacies and other outlets. even the GOV should be able to do this in a short time-frame. then we'll see what the outlets do, do they put limits per person? if not they'll be out of stock in days. so what the F did all this accomplish? nothing except to prove the most bloated inept entity in the world is the US Government. bhahhaaaaaa

400 million masks for 320 million that's not even two per person. what are these idiots gonna do? keep restocking and distributing these masks forever? lol probably! not a bad scam either. we pay for them then they give 'em back for "free" (+shipping). they'll be doing this every three months for all long as they have a reason to keep spending our money. covid forever!

WHAT A FUCKING JOKE Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That should cost about $500 million, or less than 1/10 of 1% of what the government's spent on COVID relief and stimulus. It's probably more like a one time advertising expense than something the government would do every month -- introduce people to using better quality masks that work better than flimsier masks. I believe it's money well spent, but very late in the game. Like a lot of the Biden COVID response, it's too little, too late.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:10 PM
Any way, I was doing some shopping for the upcoming civil war that the lefties (socialists, aka communists) are hoping for - knowing that it won't be a simple blue versus grey affair. I mean, how will we know who the the enemy is and all? Serendipitously, while reviewing the Sightmark Wraith HD 4-32x50 Digital Riflescope online, I had an epiphany - what better way to tell whom the ID-10-Ts are than those wearing the government issued face muzzle/diaper? With any luck, they may even fluorecse at night. At least I hope so. Either way, they will glow at night with the right sight. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You're going to one up Bambino. He wants to ban people like me who don't like Trump from the Republican Party. You want to shoot everybody who wears masks.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:11 PM
Normally, I'm fine with reverse cowgirl - really. Though I prefer regular cowgirl with most, especially Alexandria. Oh wait - so are you saying I can have Alexandria and you'll just stick with your fatty in Juarez?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Alexandria would never fuck you because you'd never wear a mask during coitus.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I was not precise or accurate in my previous posts - my bad. I agree with you about therapeutics and don't disagree with most of your post. One exception, you appear to be saying that encouraging people to wear masks is somehow draconian and unAmerican. You also say I want to continue government persecution of Americans who "make a different choice about their health." Which is not true. Now you might have a case if you'd said "corporate persecution of Americans", for example the right of insurance companies to charge higher premiums for smokers or for airlines to require their employees to be vaccinated. I think private companies should be able to do those things. So do I

Although, again, it's against Libertarian principles, I don't believe insurance companies should be able to charge higher premiums for conditions like diabetes, or for eating unhealthy food. I do believe they should be able to charge smokers more. And theoretically I believe they should be able to charge unvaccinated people higher premiums, although in practice, at this point in the game, that's admittedly probably not workable. By the time their statisticians figured out the additional average cost of paying for medical costs of unvaccinated people, the Omicron wave will be over and most people in the USA will have some immunity, from vaccination and/or infection.

Will address your point about the costs of masks in a reply to the Waco Kid. Originally Posted by Tiny

Let's clear up what I "appear to have said". I have no problem with the government "encouraging" masks or vaccines. It is the mandating of masks and vaccines that I am opposed to. Hell, I've gotten 3 shots and wear a mask when I go anywhere where I will be in close proximity to others because for me,it's not a big deal to put on a mask for a few minutes each day and yet I'm still perceived by some as anti-vaccine and anti-mask.

And that was an interesting remark you made about Omicron likely not to be a big deal in a matter of ( fill in the blank ) which is one reason why ( I'm guessing ) GB is easing up on all these requirements. I'm proposing we calm the fuck down and let this play out and leave the un-vacinnated, many with natural immunity, to make their own decisions SINCE THEY CAN'T KILL ME!

And if Democrats want to continue to lose Black and Hispanic votes of the millions of un-vaccinated, by continuing to insist they must be punished, be my guest. I would encourage Democrats to continue with the "punish anybody that will not conform" attitude. You can literally see their approval numbers dropping by the day.

And what are the chances that if Russia invades Ukraine, Biden will make the right decision that will increase his approval numbers? My guess, 0!

Spend money on vaccines and therapeutics and forget about test kits and masks. That's what I believe.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:26 PM
That is ridiculous bullshit and you know it... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Search "Covid Masks" in Google Scholar. There's not much support for your contention that masks do more harm than good.

I wore tight fitting N95's back in 2020 and admit they are uncomfortable. You can get a headache and they leave temporary marks on your face if you wear one for 9 or 10 hours straight, like I did while traveling. The KN95's, like the excellent Powecom mask that Winn Dixie's promoting, are good options, if you avoid the fakes.

This is how my week went. I was around my sister-in-law on Saturday. She came down with COVID on Sunday. And I was working side by side with a co-worker on Monday and Tuesday also came down with COVID.

So I had been exposed to Omicron. I could be an asymptomatic carrier. On Tuesday evening I social distanced when I went out to eat, which worked since I was alone.

On Wednesday at lunch there was one overweight, early 70's diabetic Trump supporter on my left and another, same age, diabetic on my right. He is an extreme Trump supporter who even has a photo (real) of himself, his wife, and his dog with Trump.

Now, I realize that votes from people like these are important for a Republican House. So, unlike you, who want to shoot all the Republicans who wear masks, I want them to stay alive and in good health so they can vote.

So, I literally wore my Powecom mask through the meal, and only removed it to put food and liquids in my mouth. I never exhaled when my mask was off. Neither of those two gentlemen is likely to die from COVID that I gave them.

Now, let's go back in time. Around October of 2020, before I'd been vaccinated, I spent several hours in a small room with a stripper who was coughing all the time and who kept saying she didn't have COVID. The next day she texted me that she'd tested positive to COVID. Based on your recommendations I added zinc, quercetin and vitamin C to my three or four other vitamins and supplements, and I never came down with COVID. And I've been doing the same thing this week.

What I'm doing with masks and vitamins is the kind of common sense behavior that I believe LexusLover speaks about in his posts.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:29 PM
The only downside to natural immunity is there is a possibility that you might die acquiring it, Originally Posted by Jackie S
Excellent! I'm going to borrow that quote if you don't mind.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:33 PM
What do "hospitalizations" have to do with Covid?

Try to provide some medical/scientific analysis based on FACTS.

I have a political-monetary answer for you, which IS THE REALITY. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I say "REPORTED," because the "reporting" of hospitalizations and deaths has been distorted by the economic benefits of a hospital caring for someone "infected" with Covid and gets an extra "pop" if that person actually dies, which means and includes those persons brought into the hospital/facility with some other issue(s), e.g. broken leg and/or gunshot wounds and/or heart condition and/or brain/blood condition, and tests positive for Covid. They are then isolated, statistically counted as a "Covid" hospitalization, and if they die ... a Covid death, even though they died from the condition for whcih they were brought into the hospital.

When a government is attempting to create an agenda to justify controlling its population then the stats and information reported is tailored to support the agenda ... that's what is happening currently in the ramp up to the 2022 elections ... to justify "mailing" ballots to create another EXCEPTION to requiring people to demonstrate who they are and they have a right to vote in the election for which they are casting a ballot. That is exactly what happened in 2020.

One day ... long after we are dead ... someone or more intelligent people will investigate the causes of death placed in "death certificates" for those claimed to be Covid deaths and the stats tossed around these days will drop dramatically to a level that puts into question whether to even call this bullshit an "epidemic"! People will feel they were DECEIVED ... and they will be correct. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're just wrong, and won't listen to reason:
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 01:34 PM
Let's clear up what I "appear to have said". I have no problem with the government "encouraging" masks or vaccines. It is the mandating of masks and vaccines that I am opposed to. Hell, I've gotten 3 shots and wear a mask when I go anywhere where I will be in close proximity to others because for me,it's not a big deal to put on a mask for a few minutes each day and yet I'm still perceived by some as anti-vaccine and anti-mask. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Thanks for clearing that up. I think you're wise. Who is GB?
HedonistForever's Avatar
GB, Great Britain who recently said they would drop all mask mandates.

Covid: Face mask rules and Covid passes to end in England

England's Plan B measures are to end from next Thursday, with mandatory face coverings in public places and Covid passports both dropped, Boris Johnson has announced.
Begs the question, what do they know that we don't or are they making a big mistake. Shouldn't take long to find out.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 02:38 PM
HF, They crested at about 180,000 new cases per day in early January and are now down to 92,000. Hopefully this is an omen of what's to come here.