Illegal immigration...your thoughts

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 09-06-2010, 10:46 AM
Excerpted from above link:
The United States had an “open door” policy for white immigrants from the nation’s founding until the passage of the Emergency Quota Act of 1921. As a result of the Naturalization Act of 1790, all “free white persons” of “good moral character” arriving on our shores were offered a short, simple path to full citizenship. In one of their often unheralded yet non-the-less remarkable contributions, the first generation of American statesmen welcomed Catholics ineligible for full citizenship in Great Britain, and Jews unable to naturalize in France. Over the next century, despite occasional bursts of nativist braying—most notably, the No Nothing Movement of 1854-1856—this nation remained largely faithful to those celebrated lines of the poet Emma Lazarus that are now inscribed upon the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearing to breathe free. While this promise of welcome rang undeniably hollow for Africans and Asians—one of our greatest causes for national shame—the very essence of American “exceptionalism” was our open gate.
The original idea was free people, barely any taxes, don't expect much from the government, you're on your own. Sounds good? come on in! Times have changed.

The more socialist we become, the more we need to "secure our borders" and be discriminating about who is on the team. The way I see it, you're 1% socialist the first time you collect a 1% tax (all forms of taxes) for the good of're 100% socialist when all of the fruits of your labor are taken and managed by a central authority for the good of all...feels like we're about 75%...don't overlook debt in your name and hidden taxes that impact prices if you want to argue less.

One solution to illegal immigration is to go back to the old model where property rights were respected and people lived or died (yes you have to let people die) by their ability to contribute to society wih the nechanism being capitalism.
mj2749's Avatar
Some good points and thanks for the link (opposing view). So let me pose these questions:
1. How do we at least secure our border so that immigrants arriving can be screened? Whether that's for a visa program, guest worker program or an open immigration policy as argued for in the link?
2. How do we keep OUT the felons, gang members, drug runners and potential terrorists?
3. If the border cannot be secured properly by the Federal Government, then what can the border states do to pick up the slack without coming across as racist or wanting to "profile"?