Remembering the future sentencing of Dr Anthony Fauci

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The NY hospital ship was not accepting covid cases. It was to offload non virus patients after rigorous screening. Otherwise the NY hospitals were packed full. Subsequently since most were locked down emergency needs for the ship were lessened. Like fewer traffic accidents, gun shot wounds, etc. It was a good gesture but wasn't utilized at the time for what was needed. Originally Posted by royamcr
Lemme see if I got you here. NYC is such a chite hole that their hospitals are overrun by violent crime victims, perpetrators, addicts and klutzes on the average year. As such, they can't handle an unexpected influx. Basically, they are always are running at high occupancy levels.

Or are you saying that if you take away everyone's freedom to move about, interact and participate in free commerce that there will be less crime and accidents? Like say you might see in a prison, for example. I do recall that in the Chyyyna, they had roving government patrols going around town and welding their "citizen's" (subjects) front doors shut.

But then, why wouldn't you want to isolated the people infested with the covid on a ship, away from the general population? Though there was also an edict from Cuomo to force suspected covid infested people, even younger ones into state nursing homes, who happened to typically cater to the elderly, who as you may recall, were the most vulnerable and susceptible to the ravages of the covid - such as advanced age and multiple comorbidities.

Seems like one of the biggest cluster-flops in action, managed by an erratic dictator to me. Oh wait! Are you Chairman Xi IRL?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Are "we" using stupid videos to make our point? Hhhmmmm? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Are "we" arguing over a stupid point of what the dead would say to make "our" point? Hhhmmmm?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Who gave them the incentive? The Government that's who. People think they'll catch a Virus walking around amongst the Public domain. If that were true Pandemics would be common place and they aren't in fact they are quite rare. Originally Posted by Levianon17
In Texas Gov. Abbott, a Republican, shut down everything. I could not go to the gym, eat in a restaurant, go to the gym, etc. I do not remember him laying out rules for stores though. Maybe he did, but the rules were at the state level, not the federal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It used too. But Pandemic sort of changed all that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It most definitely did not. Procedures certainly changed to protect the health of the workers and patients but the doctors and other medical staff still worked in the best interests of their patients. The scenario you laid out was bs.
In Texas Gov. Abbott, a Republican, shut down everything. I could not go to the gym, eat in a restaurant, go to the gym, etc. I do not remember him laying out rules for stores though. Maybe he did, but the rules were at the state level, not the federal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Shit rolls down hill. It originated from the top, the Federal Gov't. You have zero perception.
It most definitely did not. Procedures certainly changed to protect the health of the workers and patients but the doctors and other medical staff still worked in the best interests of their patients. The scenario you laid out was bs. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Wrong again. More people died in the Hospital than they did at home.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Wrong again. More people died in the Hospital than they did at home. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Of course they did. That does not prove that the treatment given at the hospitals led to their deaths. That is just stupid.
Of course they did. That does not prove that the treatment given at the hospitals led to their deaths. That is just stupid. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The Hospital Protocol was flawed simple as that. I even had a neighbor who is a Nurse tell me if you feel sick and you think you have Covid don't run off to the Hospital just call me. It's not that they weren't trying to help people it's what they were doing didn't. You give way too much credit to politicians and Government Agencies. They aren't particularly wise people.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Time travel, game theory, using your head for more than a hat rack. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

In other words, just make shit up to make yourself happy. AKA bullshit.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In Texas Gov. Abbott, a Republican, shut down everything. I could not go to the gym, eat in a restaurant, go to the gym, etc. I do not remember him laying out rules for stores though. Maybe he did, but the rules were at the state level, not the federal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, they were more at the local (county) level. I know I dang sure did NOT vote for the local Judge for reelection after that BS. Ours was caught using the FD to attend a birthday party, riding in on a fire truck, after having attempted to lock everyone else down. Though I did get to observe, first hand, the ambiguity within The Occupied Territory of Austin at how the covid germ only traveled at an altitude of 4 ft 7 inches and above ground level in the restaurants. Walking - wear a mask. Sitting - Not. Hard not to laugh at the commie-bots that tried to move their mask to shovel in food then chew with mask on - repeatedly.
It was a lot like living in an SNL sketch - only funnier.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In other words, just make shit up to make yourself happy. AKA bullshit. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Hat Racker - Eh Comrade?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It most definitely did not. Procedures certainly changed to protect the health of the workers and patients but the doctors and other medical staff still worked in the best interests of their patients. The scenario you laid out was bs. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Oh did they now?!? So no censorship, deplatforming, forced vaxxing, canceling of the Doctors or Nurses who did not agree on "the programming". No shortage of previously readily available alternate meds like hydroxcloroquin and Ivermectin? None of that you say?
Michael8219's Avatar
Holy Freaking Sh*t Batman! Those that forget history are doomed to having it repeated upon them on a much much grander scale:
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hat Racker - Eh Comrade? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Game theorist slash bullshitter? Which one do you like better?
Holy Freaking Sh*t Batman! Those that forget history are doomed to having it repeated upon them on a much much grander scale: Originally Posted by Michael8219
That's right. They did it with AIDS and now with Covid-19. Fauci was around during both. Fauci is a Globalist Depopulation Advocate. The story of AIDS and Covid-19 and how they both entered into the human population are quite similar.