
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-24-2010, 03:32 PM

It's as if you're imposing something upon me; it doesn't work like that, Mister!

What may be good for the goose, may not be good for the gander.

Stop grasping for straws! Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
I don't know why but that was FasF! Way to go Nicolette!

ANONONE, I think what the ladies are saying is they do not want to get hit up for pussy everytime they order a milkshake. Yes cash can be used for barter but some are willing to just pay the stated price and move on.
ANONONE's Avatar
Could you please explain how would that be "bartering"?

She already paid him for his services, and then he's using HIS money that she used to pay him to pay HER in return for her services. Now, you tell me how's that bartering, and, where are you going with this?

It's as if you're imposing something upon me; it doesn't work like that, Mister!

What may be good for the goose, may not be good for the gander.

Stop grasping for straws! Originally Posted by Nicolette Morgandy
You apparently have not read any Douglas Adams.

Okay, so since irony is lost on folks. . .

What difference does it make if you use a green piece of paper, a chicken, or the eggs that the chicken someone else bartered with you to make a new transaction.

Stop acting like bartering is some inferior form of economics.

If anything it is simply more expedient. Heck, you are even being green when you barter!

The notion that it somehow makes you "cheaper" by exchanging a product or service as opposed to a piece of paper that represents the value of that product and service is just silly.
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  • WTF
  • 02-24-2010, 04:08 PM

ANONONE, I think what the ladies are saying is they do not want to get hit up for pussy everytime they order a milkshake. Yes cash can be used for barter but some are willing to just pay the stated price and move on. Originally Posted by WTF
ANONONE's Avatar
You are usually more adept than this WTF.

Paper currency is merely a common unit of exchange. Barter usually replaces money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, when the currency is unstable and devalued by hyperinflation.

If anything, I would argue that the milkshake holds its value a bit better than a greenback in this economy.

In fact, Lynette stated:

A product or service I gain through bartering will not earn any interest, and in all reality, is likely to lose value almost immediately.
Seriously, let's break this down a bit. If a provider simply sticks those greenbacks in a mattress they will be worth less in a short time than they were when she first received them. This is exacerbated when then government is spending money like a drunken sailor on liberty. Those printing presses are smoking right now. That is why they are almost always instantly converted into something of more lasting value like an investment, or a collectible good that will appreciate. At the very least converted into a consumable product or service that has instant value.
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  • WTF
  • 02-24-2010, 04:18 PM
You are usually smarter than this WTF.

Paper currency is merely a common unit of exchange. Barter usually replaces money as the method of exchange in times of monetary crisis, when the currency is unstable and devalued by hyperinflation.

If anything, I would argue that the milkshake holds its value a bit better than a greenback in this economy. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Thats not what I am saying. I agree with you 100% about the value of greenbacks.

You are missing my point.

Women, at times, do not want to barter their hoochie. It should not be an acceptable form of conversation. A lady does not want to order a milkshake and have the man behind the counter say..."Lick my balls and I'll add a extra scoop!"

That is all I'm saying. Yes everuthing can be bartered....but there is a time and place.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Until someone awoke this from the dead this morning, didn't we all kind of agree to disagree on this one 3 weeks ago?
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  • WTF
  • 02-24-2010, 04:22 PM
Until someone awoke this from the dead this morning, didn't we all kind of agree to disagree on this one 3 weeks ago? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
This group nevers agree to anything...we've just gotten old enough to forget what we were disagreeing on.
TexasGator's Avatar

A lady does not want to order a milkshake and have the man behind the counter say..."Lick my balls and I'll add a extra scoop!"

That is all I'm saying. Originally Posted by WTF

For the record,, neither do I.

That is all I'm saying.
ANONONE's Avatar
Thats not what I am saying. I agree with you 100% about the value of greenbacks.

You are missing my point.

Women, at times, do not want to barter their hoochie. It should not be an acceptable form of conversation. A lady does not want to order a milkshake and have the man behind the counter say..."Lick my balls and I'll add a extra scoop!"

That is all I'm saying. Yes everuthing can be bartered....but there is a time and place. Originally Posted by WTF
I get that, as long as we are admitting that it is an artificial mental buffer that gives us comfort. See, now we are back at Douglas Adams.

It should not be an acceptable form of conversation. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with you 100%. In my mind any man who thinks it is acceptable is greasy and creepy. eww
i've been stiffed by clients..big fat guys...slovenly dressers......crude liars....given a choice...i'd rather be stiffed by pretty women any time
ANONONE's Avatar
I agree with you 100%. In my mind any man who thinks it is acceptable is greasy and creepy. eww Originally Posted by Ansley
Kind of like how paper money is greasy and creepy. Just imagine where some of those greenbacks have been.

I am thinking a chicken, or a hog might actually be a cleaner and a more civil form of a transaction.

What may be good for the goose, may not be good for the gander.
Speaking as a gander, I think you may have meant that the other way around. But then, maybe you didn't. . .

Were you offering to cook for me? I am actually not a big fan of any sauce.
Kind of like how paper money is greasy and creepy. Just imagine where some of those greenbacks have been.

Originally Posted by ANONONE
Actually, not at all.
ANONONE's Avatar
Actually, not at all. Originally Posted by Ansley
Well not my money, anyway. I always take it to the dry cleaner before prepping the white envelope. Of course, they charge extra for adding that Mountain Spring scent.

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