FBI Secret Society, Is this true?

LexusLover's Avatar
More childishness. The immaturity of WhatThaFuckDoIKnow is only surpassed by the overt stupidity and ignorance of StandingInShit! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Have you uncovered that Secret Society in the FBI yet? Originally Posted by WTF
Have YOU uncovered YOUR last box of rainbow-colored Depends from that stack of gay porn yet HOVEL BUILDER ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
0zombies like WTF...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Has WhatThaFuckDoIKnow finished covering up the "secret society" in the sand pile so he can inquire whether someone else has "uncovered" yet?

The FBI agents uncovered the "secret society" by discussing it.

Keep tossing sand, WTF, feverishly trying to cover up the turds in the litter box .... just like the pussy you are!
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  • 02-05-2018, 04:39 PM

The FBI agents uncovered the "secret society" by discussing it.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes they were joking about a Secret Society , lucky for you they weren't joking about pigs flying....

Has WhatThaFuckDoIKnow finished covering up the "secret society" in the sand pile so he can inquire whether someone else has "uncovered" yet?

The FBI agents uncovered the "secret society" by discussing it.

Keep tossing sand, WTF, feverishly trying to cover up the turds in the litter box .... just like the pussy you are! Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's an idiot. Page and Strzok are idiots texting that over a secure line knowing the line is recorded. There are even texts by Page and Strzok celebrating how they are going to get un recorded phones.

Just idiots. The only thing more foolish is trying to play it off that somebody "can't get a joke."
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  • 02-05-2018, 09:15 PM
He's an idiot. Page and Strzok are idiots texting that over a secure line knowing the line is recorded. There are even texts by Page and Strzok celebrating how they are going to get un recorded phones.

Just idiots. The only thing more foolish is trying to play it off that somebody "can't get a joke." Originally Posted by gnadfly
The only thing you got right was they were idiots for texting that.

Thinking they were serious , well I'm ordering your tin foil hat!
The only thing you got right was they were idiots for texting that.

Thinking they were serious , well I'm ordering your tin foil hat! Originally Posted by WTF
32820 and counting.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only thing more foolish is trying to play it off that somebody "can't get a joke." Originally Posted by gnadfly
When WhatThaFuckDoIKnow gets caught in one of his mindless, stupid guesses about what someone that he does not know and has never met was "thinking" when they said or posted something ....

.. .he gives it the "it wasn't serious" bullshit.

Actually, if there is a "joke" in all this thread ..

... it's WhatThaFuckDoIKnow aka WTF who is the JOKE!

Using his own remarks: The way he's defending these "public servants" who are (according to him) making jokes while on the job and "on duty" being paid by the U.S. taxpayers and cultivating their fuck sessions while on the government tit ... IS ....


That long rope snaps hard!
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  • 02-06-2018, 04:50 PM

Using his own remarks: The way he's defending these "public servants" who are (according to him) making jokes while on the job and "on duty" being paid by the U.S. taxpayers and cultivating their fuck sessions while on the government tit ... IS ....

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Go get'em LL before that Secret Society becomes a bunch of looters!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Talk about cherry picking and mind reading.
In all the texts sent between the 2 people "secret society" is mentioned once. By one of the people. You can call "off the book meetings" anything you you want.
There is no proof "secret society" in this refers to one of those extra off the book meetings, no proof it refers to a real organization at all, and no proof it isn't a joke.
Could she have included a smiley face or real indicator it was a joke? Sure. The bulk of the released texts looked like boring bs between groping co-workers. But it's obvious they fucked up using their work phone.

Since there is no proof of the meaning of the term in this case, they should be disiplined (he has been) and we should move on.
Unfortunately "Mr. Mature" can't leave it at that. Everyone who disagrees with his conclusions are stupid or if you don't mention the all the points that he feels you should he'll "mind read" you, use his own interpretation of those thoughts and assign a position that can be totally at odds with yours but will reflect his. Just like people who didn't clap for trump are treasonous (later the White House said it was a joke).
And he likes to yell
If anyone actually believes groups of Federal agents and officers from various agencies (as well as state and local agencies and their officers) don't have "off the book" meetings and discussions ...... JUST LIKE HOBBYISTS DO ON ECCIE and EVERY MAJOR CORPORATION, FIRM, BUSINESS, AND/OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ....

then that "one" doesn't have any business voting or driving!

Which means they are qualified to register as a Democrat these days based on the "recruiting" by the DNC of illegal aliens!

The friggin' "alleged journalists" wringing their hands about the idea ... do the same fucking thing ....

... they just don't call it the "Secret Society" ...

... or do they? It's UTR and not discussed AT WORK!

What's WRONG in this instance ... they didn't leave their "shit" back at the meeting, and it appears they may have done some plotting and scheming in those meetings ... if nothing else ... fucked each other! Originally Posted by LexusLover
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  • 02-07-2018, 07:45 AM
32820 and counting. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Awwww my stalker is now counting my posts1

Awwww my stalker is now counting my posts1
.. Originally Posted by WTF
Just the stupid ones. 32846!
LexusLover's Avatar
Talk about cherry picking and mind reading.
In all the texts sent between the 2 people "secret society" is mentioned once.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Munchie is claiming he's looked at all the text messages.

That Kryptonite comes in handy.

He's almost as good as BigKotex who had "over the horizon xray vision at 6,000 miles"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Just the stupid ones. 32846! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Eccie counts for you, right?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-07-2018, 09:33 AM
Eccie counts for you, right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Says the eccie poster with almost 40k stupid posts!
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  • 02-07-2018, 09:35 AM
Just the stupid ones. 32846! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Lol...good one.

The real question is, "Can we find one single post in this forum that is not stupid as fuck?"