Quote from John F. Kennedy

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  • WTF
  • 07-31-2014, 05:44 AM
Do your parents vote Republican? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who i have voted for or not voted for in any election is none of your business. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hypocrite ...

Let me make it simple for you. You are the son of leeches who benefits from cheap labor illegally brought into this country, who also sop on the entitlements and burden the taxpayers, who pay all of their taxes unlike you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
My 84 year old parents paid taxes on roughly 150k last year and have been doing so since 'retirement'. You do understand that the upper end of taxpayers most likely pay more into the system than they take out....unlike you and yours.

On the other hand, it is clear that almost everyone will get far more in Medicare benefits than they pay in. The average Medicare beneficiary will get four to five times more out of the system than they contribute. Only the very highest income earners actually pay their way in Medicare. http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook...te-5631920.php

Next I pay all of my taxes....and I do not take more out of the system than I put in unlike you. You leach off society and seem to be to ignorant to even understand how you are doing so. Do you take the 65 and over property tax exemption? Leach. Wait maybe you do realize what a leach you are and that is why you will not answer questions that I easily answer. My parents vote the GOP in presidential elections. Why is it you can not answer that simple question?
Hypocrite ... Originally Posted by WTF
We have another BINGO!

LLIdiot regularly holds other posters to a completely different set of standards than he holds those of his "ilk."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2014, 05:59 AM
Not me!

I have noticed over, what seems to be years, time that WTF is a racist, so he wants everyone else to be a racist; I post a study showing that we are all racist, you are to ignorant to understand all includes you. he takes advantage of the "disadvantaged" illegal aliens, giving a man a job that he wants is not taking advantage of a man. so he wants everyone else to be taking advantage of them; you take the same advantage by eating at a restaurant or buying a house or driving on roads with illegal workforces. Again you are just to ignorant to realize it. he is a dumbshit who regurgitates crap he has read on here, so he wants everyone else to be a dumbshit who regurgitates crap they have read on here; No , that is a lie. and his parents, and he, are a bunch of entitlement leeches, so he wants everyone else to be an entitlement leech ... .....My parents have done very well and are in the minority position of paying more into the system than they will ever get out. I have never taken a dime from the government. All I have done is pay into the system....can you make that same claim?

... so he will feel better about himself and his lack of substance.

That's his "affirmative action" program on Eccie... his "handicap"!!!

Kind of like HIS PRESIDENT. My President is also your President, are you to ignorant to know that? Rather than improving himself, he wants to drag down everyone else to his level .... HIS PRESIDENT calls it "financial equality," those who actually know what it is call it "income/wealth redistribution." You want taxpayers to pay for your Medicare, wtf do you call that leach?

WTF actually wants his parents to die so they will quit leeching off the taxpayers! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have already explained that my parents are part of a small segment of society that is not leaching. Which kinda shoots your theory about me wanting them to die because they are leaching down.

What I would like is for you to educate yourself about the real cost of Medicare and who is paying it. While Medicare was running a huge surplus , you advocated spending that surplus on War and Defense. I now advocate that you either repay that debt or go without Medicare.

Maybe then the next generation will think about putting War on their credit card and not paying it off like your generation did.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2014, 06:01 AM
We have another BINGO!

LLIdiot regularly holds other posters to a completely different set of standards than he holds those of his "ilk." Originally Posted by bigtex
LL votes the person not the party , it just so happens that person has been in the GOP party since 1980.

My guess is the last Presidential Democrat he voted for was Carter. I love Carter. Our world would be a much better place were he re elected in 1980.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
"Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country". JFK

"I dream of a day when a man will be judged not by the color of his skin,, but by the content of his character". MLK

Both of these great pronouncemnts by two great men are made a mockery of by today's Liberal Establishment, Poverty Pimps, and Demagogues of The Left. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I don't really think it has to do with "democrat or republican". More like "What will we do with the power we have?"
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Hypocrite ...

My 84 year old parents paid taxes on roughly 150k last year and have been doing so since 'retirement'. You do understand that the upper end of taxpayers most likely pay more into the system than they take out....unlike you and yours.

On the other hand, it is clear that almost everyone will get far more in Medicare benefits than they pay in. The average Medicare beneficiary will get four to five times more out of the system than they contribute. Only the very highest income earners actually pay their way in Medicare. http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook...te-5631920.php

Next I pay all of my taxes....and I do not take more out of the system than I put in unlike you. You leach off society and seem to be to ignorant to even understand how you are doing so. Do you take the 65 and over property tax exemption? Leach. Wait maybe you do realize what a leach you are and that is why you will not answer questions that I easily answer. My parents vote the GOP in presidential elections. Why is it you can not answer that simple question? Originally Posted by WTF

Chuckle. . .chuckle. . .boys will be boys! Not saying I don't like them because I do. Always love a good debate too

Over and out!

LexusLover's Avatar
Chuckle. . .chuckle. . .boys will be boys! Not saying I don't like them because I do. Always love a good debate too

Over and out!

Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Nice legs and thighs. Very kissable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Chuckle. . .chuckle. . .boys will be boys! Not saying I don't like them because I do. Always love a good debate too

Over and out!

Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
That's not a debate. That is an ad hominem attack. Unlike WTF's parents we are all leeches according to him.