Noah's Ark

wellendowed1911's Avatar
how is "thousands of feet of water" that covers the entire earth ...the same thing as Katrina flooding a part of the Gulf Coast? Originally Posted by JCM800
Either way it will recede eventually- also if this is an act of God who knows what he did- you are asking a question to people who believe in powerful entity- it would be just as ridiculous as you asking a Christian how did Jesus die than get brought back to life.

Here's an interesting tidbit: world population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.
Ex-Nyer what happen to the water when Katrina hit or a Tsunami- it recedes- dries up etc- Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Yes. It recedes. It flows back downhill into the ocean. In the case of Katrina, some of it was pumped back into the ocean, since parts of New Orleans are below sea level.

But Katrina covered only a couple of square miles a few feet deep. That doesn't raise the level of the ocean more than tine fraction of an inch.

How is that even REMOTELY related to a world wide flood that covered the world thousands of feet deep? Since sea level got raised thousands of feet, there is no place for it to flow downhill to. So, where did all that extra water come from? And where did it go to?

Give me an example of how it's possible for an animal to turn into another species if Chromosones are fixed:

There is no scientific evidence that a species can change the number of chromosomes within the DNA. The chromosome count within each species is fixed. This is the reason a male from one species cannot mate successfully with a female of another species. Man could not evolve from a monkey. Each species is locked into its chromosome count that cannot change. If an animal developed an extra chromosome or lost a chromosome because of some deformity, it could not successfully mate. The defect could not be passed along to the next generation. Evolving a new species is scientifically impossible. Evolutionists prove that getting a college education does not impart wisdom. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Another false post by WE1911. Chromosomes aren't fixed, they mutate all the time.

Even the number of chromosomes isn't fixed. There is even a human mutation that causes an extra chromosome (XXY). It is a defect, but it still happens.

Post a link to the bullshit quote above. I guarantee that it is from some creationist that is every bit as ignorant of biology as you.

And stop changing the subject. We are talking about your Noah's Ark fable.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Also this famed archeologist who founded the Titanic believes Noah's ar and the flood were true- and I believe this person has a lot more credibility than you do Ex-Nyer:
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yes. It recedes. It flows back downhill into the ocean. In the case of Katrina, some of it was pumped back into the ocean, since parts of New Orleans are below sea level.

But Katrina covered only a couple of square miles a few feet deep. That doesn't raise the level of the ocean more than tine fraction of an inch.

How is that even REMOTELY related to a world wide flood that covered the world thousands of feet deep? Since sea level got raised thousands of feet, there is no place for it to flow downhill to. So, where did all that extra water come from? And where did it go to?

Another false post by WE1911. Chromosomes aren't fixed, they mutate all the time.

Even the number of chromosomes isn't fixed. There is even a human mutation that causes an extra chromosome (XXY). It is a defect, but it still happens.

Post a link to the bullshit quote above. I guarantee that it is from some creationist that is every bit as ignorant of biology as you.

And stop changing the subject. We are talking about your Noah's Ark fable. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You took the bait- if they mutate they don't produce new species- again an alligator and a crocodile can't mate and produce a new offspring- actually they wouldn't produce anything. Give me one example where 2 different specis or rather the same species can mate and produce a different offpring that isn't sterile or "retarted" in some form.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yes. It recedes. It flows back downhill into the ocean. In the case of Katrina, some of it was pumped back into the ocean, since parts of New Orleans are below sea level.

But Katrina covered only a couple of square miles a few feet deep. That doesn't raise the level of the ocean more than tine fraction of an inch.

How is that even REMOTELY related to a world wide flood that covered the world thousands of feet deep? Since sea level got raised thousands of feet, there is no place for it to flow downhill to. So, where did all that extra water come from? And where did it go to?

Another false post by WE1911. Chromosomes aren't fixed, they mutate all the time.

Even the number of chromosomes isn't fixed. There is even a human mutation that causes an extra chromosome (XXY). It is a defect, but it still happens.

Post a link to the bullshit quote above. I guarantee that it is from some creationist that is every bit as ignorant of biology as you.

And stop changing the subject. We are talking about your Noah's Ark fable. Originally Posted by ExNYer Case closed and unless you claim to have more knowledge or experience than a world famous archeologist I rest my case. I do believe Mr.Ballard is more of an expert in this field than you and I and if you read your article he clearly points out when he thinks it happened and how it happened.
Either way it will recede eventually- also if this is an act of God who knows what he did- you are asking a question to people who believe in powerful entity- it would be just as ridiculous as you asking a Christian how did Jesus die than get brought back to life.

. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Oh, how convenient. God made the water disappear! 10,000 feet of water covering the entire earth HIGHER than the current sea level has NOWHERE to go. You also have no explanation where it came from. You fail on both counts.

Either way it will recede eventually- also if this is an act of God who knows what he did- you are asking a question to people who believe in powerful entity- it would be just as ridiculous as you asking a Christian how did Jesus die than get brought back to life.

Here's an interesting tidbit: world population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Post a link to that bullshit.

ALL scientific evidence indicates that mankind barely survive and barely grew in numbers for most of the first 150,000 years. The numbers you posted are COMPLETELY fabricated to get to the result you want.

Try reading this article to gain some actual knowledge:

Key quote:
"Human population has grown very slowly for most of its existence on earth. Scientists currently estimate that modern human beings (Homo sapiens) evolved roughly 130,000 to 160,000 years ago. Many threats, from diseases to climate fluctuations, kept life expectancy short and death rates high in pre-industrial society, so it took until 1804 for the human population to reach one billion. From that point forward, however, population growth accelerated very quickly"
Go that?

Here is an even better link, showing 9 slides estimating human population over the last 2000 years:

It starts with a human population of only 300 million at the time of Christ.

The growth rate for the first 1000 years (0 AD to 1000 AD) is estimated to be only 0.1 percent per year. The populations changes by only about 10 million.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh, how convenient. God made the water disappear! 10,000 feet of water covering the entire earth HIGHER than the current sea level has NOWHERE to go. You also have no explanation where it came from. You fail on both counts.

Post a link to that bullshit.

ALL scientific evidence indicates that mankind barely survive and barely grew in numbers for most of the first 150,000 years. The numbers you posted are COMPLETELY fabricated to get to the result you want.

Try reading this article to gain some actual knowledge:

Key quote:
"Human population has grown very slowly for most of its existence on earth. Scientists currently estimate that modern human beings (Homo sapiens) evolved roughly 130,000 to 160,000 years ago. Many threats, from diseases to climate fluctuations, kept life expectancy short and death rates high in pre-industrial society, so it took until 1804 for the human population to reach one billion. From that point forward, however, population growth accelerated very quickly"
Go that?

Here is an even better link, showing 9 slides estimating human population over the last 2000 years:

It starts with a human population of only 300 million at the time of Christ.

The growth rate for the first 1000 years (0 AD to 1000 AD) is estimated to be only 0.1 percent per year. The populations changes by only about 10 million. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Were you not able to find a link disputing what the archeloogist discovered?? And of course idiot- if I believe God created the heaven and earth - do you thin I would doubt if it made the water recede??? Case closed and unless you claim to have more knowledge or experience than a world famous archeologist I rest my case. I do believe Mr.Ballard is more of an expert in this field than you and I and if you read your article he clearly points out when he thinks it happened and how it happened. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Case closed my ass.

Ballard is trying to sell a book or a movie and he is looking to sucker in Bible thumpers. What qualifies him as a world renowned archeologist? I did not know the Titanic qualifies as archeology.

Ballard is looking at what he calls an ancient shoreline 400 feet down in the Black Sea. Something that sank.

But your Bible didn't say that the land sank into a sea. It says that 40 days and 40 nights or rain flooded the earth. So already, you are changing the story.

You also said that the Ark was found 10,000 feet high on Mt. Ararat in Turkey. So how did it get up there assuming there was an ancient shore line 400 feet down in the Black Sea?

Again, you are changing your story.

I hope Ballard cons you out of money.

Is there a reputable scientist that backs Ballard up?
You took the bait- if they mutate they don't produce new species- again an alligator and a crocodile can't mate and produce a new offspring- actually they wouldn't produce anything. Give me one example where 2 different specis or rather the same species can mate and produce a different offpring that isn't sterile or "retarted" in some form. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Somehow, your parents reproduced.

Don't change the subject. Explain your Noah fable. How did it happen? Where did the water come from? Where did the water go?
Were you not able to find a link disputing what the archeloogist discovered?? And of course idiot- if I believe God created the heaven and earth - do you thin I would doubt if it made the water recede??? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I haven't even tried to find a link "disputing" it because he HASN'T discovered anything yet.

The article says he is LOOKING for something. Can't you read?

Here is a question: If he ever claims to have found something like an ark or an ancient civilization, do you think he will submit his findings for review by real scientists?
Oh yeah, and here is a link to Ballard:

Nothing has been found except ancient shipwrecks.

And here is a link to Black Sea Deluge theory:

Key quote:
The Black Sea deluge is a hypothesized catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea circa 5600 BC due to waters from the Mediterranean Sea breaching a sill in the Bosporus Strait. The hypothesis made headlines when The New York Times published it in December 1996, shortly before it was published in an academic journal.[1] While it is agreed that the sequence of events described did occur, there is debate over the suddenness, dating and magnitude of the events. Two opposing hypotheses have arisen to explain the rise of the Black Sea: gradual, and oscillating.[2]:15 The oscillating hypothesis specifies that over the last 30,000 years, water has intermittently flowed back and forth between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea in relatively small magnitudes, and does not necessarily presuppose that there occurred any sudden "refilling" events.
it is just a theory, but notice there is nothing about 40 days and nights of rain.

It is just a hypothesized breach of the Bosporus that caused a temporary river into the Black Sea.

And, oh yeah, you wouldn't need to build and ark and put two of every animal on earth into it to survive. It took 300 days to stop flooding. So all you had to do was walk away from the rising edge of the Black Sean. No ark needed.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh yeah, and here is a link to Ballard:

Nothing has been found except ancient shipwrecks.

And here is a link to Black Sea Deluge theory:

Key quote:
The Black Sea deluge is a hypothesized catastrophic rise in the level of the Black Sea circa 5600 BC due to waters from the Mediterranean Sea breaching a sill in the Bosporus Strait. The hypothesis made headlines when The New York Times published it in December 1996, shortly before it was published in an academic journal.[1] While it is agreed that the sequence of events described did occur, there is debate over the suddenness, dating and magnitude of the events. Two opposing hypotheses have arisen to explain the rise of the Black Sea: gradual, and oscillating.[2]:15 The oscillating hypothesis specifies that over the last 30,000 years, water has intermittently flowed back and forth between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea in relatively small magnitudes, and does not necessarily presuppose that there occurred any sudden "refilling" events.
it is just a theory, but notice there is nothing about 40 days and nights of rain.

It is just a hypothesized breach of the Bosporus that caused a temporary river into the Black Sea.

And, oh yeah, you wouldn't need to build and ark and put two of every animal on earth into it to survive. It took 300 days to stop flooding. So all you had to do was walk away from the rising edge of the Black Sean. No ark needed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
anyway you flip he's an archeologist and neither you nor I are one- so I believe his testimony whose a lot more weight than 2 guys on a hooker board.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Somehow, your parents reproduced.

Don't change the subject. Explain your Noah fable. How did it happen? Where did the water come from? Where did the water go? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I didn't change the subject are you saying two moneys can someday reproduce and create a new species and a superior one of that? Show me where that has happened- if that were true they should be able to replicate it in experiments right? It does NOT happen my friend- loo what happens when you mate similar species a horse and donkey- what's the result? What's the result when you mate a Tiger with Lion? You wither get hybrid mutations that can't reproduce or you get abnormalities- show me where you get a different species.
Also, it's been proven that monkey's and humans are far different than how evolutionist portray us- can money's reason? Compare a monkey's vocal chords to a human's. When monkey's start writing songs, building cars and buildings and writing great pieces of music come back and tell me.
I didn't change the subject
Yes you did. The subject was the Noah's Ark myth. You changed to evolution.

are you saying two moneys can someday reproduce and create a new species and a superior one of that?
I don't say anything. And evolution does NOT say that TWO monkeys did it. That is another FALSE statement by you. Evolution says that mutations between MANY generations of monkeys may, over many generations, produce a new species. The species may or may not be "superior". It depends on how you define superior. But it takes a LOT more than two monkeys.

Show me where that has happened
See above. No one says that two monkeys did it. It took many generation. So you are demanding that I prove your FALSE statement.

Also, the evidence of evolution is in the fossil record - which you refuse to acknowledge because you are a religious fanatic who disregards evidence that disproves the Bible myths.

- if that were true they should be able to replicate it in experiments right?
Wrong, for multiple reasons. First, you made a false statement. Two monkeys do not produce a new species. Gradual mutation over many generations produces new species. Second, humans do not yet know how to control genetic mutations, so how can we replicate it consistently? Third, even if we knew the exact mechanism and the correct genes to manipulate, we would have to do it over hundreds of generations of monkeys. As a practical matter, how would we find the time or the money to conduct that experiment?

It does NOT happen my friend- loo what happens when you mate similar species a horse and donkey- what's the result? What's the result when you mate a Tiger with Lion? You wither get hybrid mutations that can't reproduce or you get abnormalities- show me where you get a different species.
FALSE COMPARISON. Genetic abnormalities caused by cross-breeding different species is NOT the same as evolution. Evolution generally occurs through SMALL genetic variations within the SAME species. Only rarely is there a large genetic mutation that fails to kill the animal and gets passed on to the next generation.

Also, it's been proven that monkey's and humans are far different than how evolutionist portray us- can money's reason? Compare a monkey's vocal chords to a human's. When monkey's start writing songs, building cars and buildings and writing great pieces of music come back and tell me.
Wow, it has been proven that monkeys and humans are different. There is a surprise. Unfortunately for you, evolution acknowledges that species that come from a common ancestor may be radically different. So this idiotic statement means nothing. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
All of your arguments are based entirely on false descriptions of evolution.

You are nothing buy a lying propagandist for an asinine religious doctrine that refuses to accept scientific evidence.
anyway you flip he's an archeologist and neither you nor I are one- so I believe his testimony whose a lot more weight than 2 guys on a hooker board. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Re-read the article idiot. You believe something that he has not said.

Ballard does not have any testimony yet. Because he has not found anything yet. He only says that he is going to search for a shipwreck of the Ark in the Black Sea.

Good luck to him.

Come back and tell us about his "testimony" when he actually finds something he can report about.