African American Democrats

TexTushHog's Avatar
smfh....definitely NOT ME! I think this Kavanaugh bullshit proves how fucking pathetic the Democratic party is, such hypocrisy from the Left. I noticed in his debate , Beto was quick to paint the Republicans as racists.Typical Democratic response.Fear mongering and race baiting. Plus he is anti Gun, so for me its a hell no! Originally Posted by 2bored@home
Let me explain to you what happens when you really know the facts. Are you aware of why Donald Trump is trying so desperately and quickly trying to get this guy on the bench? Next month a case comes to the US Supreme Court that will be quite interesting. And what that case basically says is that if you were indicted in federal court for a crime you cannot be indicted in state court for that crime. Now, why do you think Donald Trump has a particular interest in that case? All of these people on Donald's team that are taking deals in federal; Donald knows that he can issue a pardon on all of them and stop them from testifying against him. The problem, they can all still be indicted in state court and Donald has no say so there. So if you were indicted in federal court and you can no longer be indicted in State Court Donald can pardon all of those guys and the Russia investigation and the entire investigation effectively is over. Donald is literally trying to stack the court so that he cannot be impeached and subsequently indicted. That's your president bro. It literally just doesn't get any more corrupt than that guy.
PeterBota's Avatar
Let me explain to you what happens when you really know the facts. Are you aware of why Donald Trump is trying so desperately and quickly trying to get this guy on the bench? Next month a case comes to the US Supreme Court that will be quite interesting. And what that case basically says is that if you were indicted in federal court for a crime you cannot be indicted in state court for that crime. Now, why do you think Donald Trump has a particular interest in that case? All of these people on Donald's team that are taking deals in federal; Donald knows that he can issue a pardon on all of them and stop them from testifying against him. The problem, they can all still be indicted in state court and Donald has no say so there. So if you were indicted in federal court and you can no longer be indicted in State Court Donald can pardon all of those guys and the Russia investigation and the entire investigation effectively is over. Donald is literally trying to stack the court so that he cannot be impeached and subsequently indicted. That's your president bro. It literally just doesn't get any more corrupt than that guy. Originally Posted by marvelousntx
Where did you here this ???
TexTushHog's Avatar
Where did you here this ??? Originally Posted by PeterBota
Not keeping up with the news very well, are you?
I will add you to my list of the many that are misguided in this country, you keep believing all their bullshit if you want. It’s a funny thing, that Trump became a racist once he ran against a Democrat. That’s how they come at everyone against them, racism or some kind of sexual misconduct.When you control late night TV, the MSM and academia, you can warp minds into believing most of the crap coming out of your mouth sir.
Again I encourage most of you nonbelievers to pick up a nonpartisan book and read up on our nations history. Don’t use google or wilkapedia either. Knowledge is power.
I personally would love the day that we could all just be Americans and drop our skin color behind.
You remind me of my brother, when all your info is from the left, what other conclusions can you come up with!
I will add you to my list of the many that are misguided in this country, you keep believing all their bullshit if you want. It’s a funny thing, that Trump became a racist once he ran against a Democrat. That’s how they come at everyone against them, racism or some kind of sexual misconduct.When you control late night TV, the MSM and academia, you can warp minds into believing most of the crap coming out of your mouth sir.
Again I encourage most of you nonbelievers to pick up a nonpartisan book and read up on our nations history. Don’t use google or wilkapedia either. Knowledge is power.
I personally would love the day that we could all just be Americans and drop our skin color behind. Originally Posted by 2bored@home
Trump became a racist once he ran against a Democrat? Are you talking about the same guy that was sued and lost in federal court for housing discrimination against blacks and Hispanics? Is that the guy you're talking about that no one knew was a racist? You must mean you didn't know. Seems like with all that reading you want us to do you would have known that little fact before you ever posted.