What's one thing you can't live without?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I was 16 so just barely.
I remember seeing gas at that price but not yet buying it. Originally Posted by discreetgent
OK I not as old as this might seem but in 1971 before the first so called "Shortage" I was buying gas at $0.15 per gallon, during a gas war (do you guys / gals remember any of those) taking place in my home town.

Glad those days are over, I love it now at $2.50 average, not to low and not to fucking high, as long as it is in a stable window frame, then it is workable for every one. But if you do not like it, you have the choice of supply and demand.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Back on track. In the context of the original question I must say that I have nothing. Or there is nothing.

Now family as previously stated of course but that's not what she asked.
TheDogger's Avatar
Clearly the:

"Monster session with my ATF" Totally hedonistic luxury that is impossible to replicate in normal life.

Sex is like chocolate...once you have it and have it good...you can never do without it.
atlcomedy's Avatar
OK I not as old as this might seem but in 1971 before the first so called "Shortage" I was buying gas at $0.15 per gallon, during a gas war (do you guys / gals remember any of those) taking place in my home town.

Glad those days are over, I love it now at $2.50 average, not to low and not to fucking high, as long as it is in a stable window frame, then it is workable for every one. But if you do not like it, you have the choice of supply and demand. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
I kind of liked it high like $3.50 - 4 a gallon in 2008. It gave everyone something in common to bitch about. Young, old. Rich, poor, Black, White. Gay, Straight. Repub, Dem. etc. If you wanted to bond with someone all you had to say was something like, "Can you believe it just cost me ^&*^%% $120 to fill up my Tahoe?"

And I loved the bullshit out it gave people from doing things, like "You know I don't want to drive down the street to the movies/game/theatre/restaurant. Gas prices, you know!"
I kind of liked it high like $3.50 - 4 a gallon in 2008. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
me too -- less traffic. Of course, I don't drive more than 1000 miles in a month -- and thats a high number. For me, variations in fuel costs are usually a rounding error compared to fixed costs (lease, ins, etc.).
Yeah, I know, but Continental actually carried a piano and someone to play it. Of course, this was back when gas was around 50 cents a gallon. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Geez? How old are you Peej? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
That's nothing. I can remember when it was $.12 a gallon.
Pack a cigs was .50¢ (and I struggled to come up with that) for me in high school (in 8th or 9th grade). I quit 31 years ago (quitting cigs is one of the harder addicitons to break). Originally Posted by SR Only
That's because you haven't been addicted to me.
That's because you haven't been addicted to me. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Funny, I was thinking of putting something in the post about the addiction to people like NB even though I have not met you. I have a feeling you'll be a drug hard to give up and that geography will be the only thing that offers restraint. You've already won my heart with your personality, and you've stolen my psyche to your visual beauty. You ARE the temptress and I am at your mercy.

I know: "get a room." We're working on it.
I know: "get a room." We're working on it. Originally Posted by SR Only
Obviously, not that hard.
My favorite little kitten slut:

I'd be utterly miserable if there weren't any little furry things around to love and play with. Then again, my animals are incredibly awesome.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Fi real man.

YouTube- Bob Marley - Three Little Birds Originally Posted by NicholetteM
FYI today would have been Bob Marley's 65th birthday.
This is my first post here in this section, so hello to all and I hope you don’t mind me jumping in every now and then.

The one thing that I cannot live without would have to be my dog. I consider him my luxury. He is a Rottweiler and I have found that they are not easy dogs to have, as most places will not rent to you because they consider them aggressive bread. It is funny though because my dog is the biggest baby ever and has never been aggressive, but that is a whole other conversation lol.

I found a place 4 years ago when I moved here to Nashville that would allow me to live here with him and I stay here mainly for that reason. It is a very nice apartment community therefore I do have to pay a higher rent than I would elsewhere. Although I have considered moving because of what I have to pay in the increased rent I would not be allowed to take him with me and there is just no way I could give him up. He is like my child and I cannot imagine seeing his adorable face every day when I wake up or once I walk through the door from a long day.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
FYI today would have been Bob Marley's 65th birthday. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Yup. His "Reggae Music" legacy will always live on...
This is my first post here in this section, so hello to all and I hope you don’t mind me jumping in every now and then. Originally Posted by Rsweething
Mind!? Heck no. I for one am glad that you decided to stick around. Make yourself at home. For the most part this is a pretty tame crowd.