Odumbo's CIA Director John Brennan Voted for the Communist Party of the USA

You are contradicting yourself. If a polygraph is 50/50, then its long-term accuracy rate would only be 50%. But you quote an expert as saying it is accurate between 70% and 90% of the time.

Another way of looking at it - if you can guess a coin flip correctly 70% of the time, then it's clearly not a 50/50 flip, it's a loaded coin. A fair or random coin will always revert to the mean of 50% heads and 50% tails over hundreds of flips.

If you don't understand that, there's really no point in going down this rabbit hole any further. An accuracy rate of between 70% and 90% clearly makes a polygraph test useful for many purposes, even knowing it isn't infallible. Originally Posted by lustylad
Now YOU get it. The polygraph's accuracy is skewed by loaded questions, questions that are intended to give a neutral response, thereby proving the polygraph's accuracy/merit. "Is your handle LustyLad?", "Are you an alien?", "Have you murdered someone?", "Are you a male?" are the type of generic questions asked to establish a base for the polygraph. They know the answers in advanced (unless you have committed murder, are an alien, or don't identify as male), and expect you to respond in a like manner. And that raises the accuracy % of the test.

It's that 10%-30% inaccuracy that calls it all into question. It's when the polygraph is used to find specific info that the inaccuracies matter. "Have you robbed a bank" takes on a different meaning when being asked during a job interview test compared to being held as suspect.

Final thought: Even though Brennan answered "yes", we don't know if the polygraph registered his answer as "less than truthful" or not. Brennan thought he was a commie supporter, the polygraph might have said he was lying.
Nonsense, I am well aware of the Kremlin’s political transformation since 1991. Odumbo assured us during his 2012 debate with Mitt Romney that the Russians were no longer our “number one geo-political foe” – don’t you remember? Then on his way out the door, he was suddenly shocked, shocked to discover they often don’t share our national interests or play by our global rules. Or was he really just shocked, shocked to find out they didn’t share his zeal to see hildebeest elected? Either way it was an amazing flip-flop. While I don’t condone anything the Russians may have done to meddle in our 2016 election, it’s bullshit to hype and exaggerate it when Hillary Clinton lost despite receiving the endorsement of 98% of all US newspapers and outspending Trump by a 2:1 margin.

The suggestion that Trump would “steal power & wealth” in collusion with Putin is absurd and offensive. As if one party always earns power & wealth, but the other party steals it. This is sheer left-wing propaganda intended to overturn the election results or, failing that, to discredit and taint Trump’s ability to govern as POTUS. The fact that in Peter Strzok’s words “there is no there, there” is now coming back to haunt Mueller’s team and their shockingly complicit co-conspirators in the mainstream media.

If you are interested in a detailed explanation of how we got to where we are today, read this excellent tour de force:

http://thefederalist.com/2018/02/15/...helped-create/ Originally Posted by lustylad
When you use hyperbole & insults, I ignore them. When I use hyperbole you're offended?:
The suggestion that Trump would “steal power & wealth” in collusion with Putin is absurd and offensive.

Toughen up, buttercup.

Of course Trump isn't stealing, but he is profiting, and trying to profit from the presidency while in office. I think that is disgraceful & offensive. But maybe I'm a buttercup too.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This wasn't a courtroom. It was a CIA employment interview. And yes, he wanted to pass it. Originally Posted by lustylad
And he did pass. He passed by saying, "I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"
The CIA believed his was a protest vote.
How ironic a "nobody" believes everything trump says (even though he lies at an @70% rate) but disbelieves something a former head of the CIA says. A statement he made under oath while hooked up to a lie detector.

Don't be so butt hurt, munchie drunk. I did respond. I even created a Nancy P. meme in your honor. Now go to bed. You don't want to wake up feeling like Peter Fallow's head, do you? Originally Posted by lustylad
Not "butt hurt" because I don't leave my ass hanging out like you.
The response of a corrected person who puts his hands over his ears, closes his eyes, and keeps his mouth open for the next dick to be inserted.
Your signature meme started off okay, where you said "I STAND CORRECTED", but ended like so much of what you say. You don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
You've even went and changed the word but the fact remains you're a punk with declining credibility. You don't refute or retract anything you got wrong.
How do you have a discussion with someone who refuses to acknowledge proven facts and only has stupid insults as simple as he is.
Hint: Try drawing on personal deficiencies for your insults. A huge untapped reservoir.
lustylad's Avatar
And he did pass. He passed by saying, "I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"
The CIA believed his was a protest vote.
How ironic a "nobody" believes everything trump says (even though he lies at an @70% rate) but disbelieves something a former head of the CIA says. A statement he made under oath while hooked up to a lie detector.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your bait is as weak as your reading comprehension, dickmuncher. I never said Brennan didn't pass the test. The only person trying to invalidate the polygraph test is papadoodoo. Have at it with him, not me. The CIA never said they believed Brennan. And I never said I disbelieved him. I really don't give a fuck if he voted commie as a protest vote or because he likes to suck commie cock as much as you do. Either way, he showed an appalling lack of good judgment that is utterly disqualifying for any future CIA chief, except in an administration staffed by Saul Alinsky/Bill Ayers/Louis Farrakhan acolytes.

Not "butt hurt" because I don't leave my ass hanging out like you.
The response of a corrected person who puts his hands over his ears, closes his eyes, and keeps his mouth open for the next dick to be inserted.
Your signature meme started off okay, where you said "I STAND CORRECTED", but ended like so much of what you say. You don't have a clue about what you're talking about.
You've even went and changed the word but the fact remains you're a punk with declining credibility. You don't refute or retract anything you got wrong.
How do you have a discussion with someone who refuses to acknowledge proven facts and only has stupid insults as simple as he is.
Hint: Try drawing on personal deficiencies for your insults. A huge untapped reservoir.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Lame, lame, lame. This is why I rarely respond to your drunken rants, asseater. You actually think your run-on insults are clever, when in reality they are lamer than Kaitlyn Jenner's dick. You have never corrected me. You just declare victory whenever I ignore you. You're the Baghdad Bob of the Political Forum. You stupidly take Politifact's highly subjective opinions and judgment calls and label them "facts" simply because you see the word "fact" in the rater's name. Maybe you could adapt their Truth-O-Meter to gauge your next erection, dickmuncher. (Limp, semi-limp, chub, keep fluffing, did i pop yet?) Why would anyone waste valuable debate skills on a lame, drunken jackass who can't even tell the difference between a fact and an opinion?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I didn't say you did say he didn't pass, douche-bag. Learn to read moron.
Your bait is as weak as your reading comprehension, dickmuncher. I never said Brennan didn't pass the test. The only person trying to invalidate the polygraph test is papadoodoo. Have at it with him, not me. The CIA never said they believed Brennan.Stop acting stupid.
Would they have hired him if they didn't believe him? And how do you know they never said they believed him.
And I never said I disbelieved him. I really don't give a fuck if he voted commie as a protest vote or because he likes to suck commie cock as much as you do. Either way, he showed an appalling lack of good judgment that is utterly disqualifying for any future CIA chief, Your opinion.
Nothing more. And not backed up by your "logic". You're a trump shill.
except in an administration staffed by Saul Alinsky/Bill Ayers/Louis Farrakhan acolytes.

The following are excerpts from you.

"The libtard argument is so what - it was just a youthful indiscretion on the part of Brennan to vote for Gus Hall back in 1976, a protest vote, no biggie! I beg to differ. It shows an appalling lack of judgment. He was in his 20s and out of college, so he had studied Marxism and knew what he was doing"
You show an appalling lack of judgment going after Brennan based on the admission of a protest vote that he admitted to himself. And how do you know he had studied Marxism at that point?

"Hmmm... so if John Brennan admits the USA Communist Party led by Gus Hall (who he voted for) was dedicated to overthrowing our democratic form of government, why can't you?"

When did he say that?

"He most certainly did! He mentioned his 1976 vote for Gus Hall in direct response to the polygraph question "Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to the overthrow of the US?"

Once again, he said;
He said,
"I said I was neither Democratic or Republican, but it was my way, as I was going to college, of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change. I said I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so the polygrapher looked at me and said, 'OK,' and when I was finished with the polygraph and I left and said, 'Well, I'm screwed.'"

"Oh yeah... Brennan just wanted to "err on the side of caution" lol. He knew damn well the USA Communist Party fell squarely into the category described by his questioner. That knowledge, plus the fact that he knew he couldn't beat a polygraph, is why he blurted out that he voted for Gus Hall back in 1976. If Brennan didn't think our home-grown commies were "dedicated to the overthrow of the US" he would have just remained calm and answered no to the question"

The above says you don't believe him.

"Again, the irony here is just too striking - how did a guy who admits he once voted for the Kremlin-backed candidate wind up in charge of our premier spook agency investigating whether another candidate "colluded" with the Kremlin? Gee, shouldn't that be a little bit disqualifying? You can't make this shit up"

Not irony. The fact you think it matters is the bizarre aspect.

Lame, lame, lame. This is why I rarely respond to your drunken rants, asseater. You actually think your run-on insults are clever, when in reality they are lamer than Kaitlyn Jenner's dick. You have never corrected me. You just declare victory whenever I ignore you.Like I care if you ignore me. Even when you respond you're full of shit. You cry and whine and still show no facts that back up you refuting the statement I made. You're the Baghdad Bob of the Political Forum. You stupidly take Politifact's highly subjective opinions and judgment calls and label them "facts" simply because you see the word "fact" in the rater's name. Maybe you could adapt their Truth-O-Meter to gauge your next erection, dickmuncher. (Limp, semi-limp, chub, keep fluffing, did i pop yet?) Why would anyone waste valuable debate skills on a lame, drunken jackass who can't even tell the difference between a fact and an opinion? Originally Posted by lustylad
I could hear you stomping your foot from here. You're a liar. A proven liar. Stop holding your breath.
It's real simple. And you still don't get it.
All you have to do is show proof I'm wrong. You whine and bitch.....oh, and provide no proof to back up your flapping gums.
I know why an asshole would decline to waste his time. Because they're blowhards who can't back up the words that come out of their sperm traps.
Of course, you'll attack sources, grammar, fonts, habits (having no respect for the forum rules by mentioning forbidden topics), and any diversion to hide the fact you have no proof.
My claims you've been corrected come from statements I've made and you haven't refuted.
I'm not going to repeat everything for you because you're slow.
Anything else? Bitch?
lustylad's Avatar
Like I care if you ignore me. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You don't care if I ignore you, little munchkin? Is that why you cockstalk me all over this board and pop up in other forums with posts like this one:

Get your ass back over here and publicly kiss my ass, you pompous lying loser. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Riiiight... you obviously don't care if I ignore your constant pleading for my attention!

All you have to do is show proof that I'm a whiny, pathetic little cocksucker who thinks getting the last word in with long-winded, rambling, incoherent drunken rants is tantamount to "winning" a debate on a hooker board. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Really, munchy? You're demanding "proof" again? Just pick any of your 4,732 eccie posts at random. You prove your cluelessness with each and every post you make.

You stupidly weighed into this thread to prove you think voting for the Communist Party of the USA qualifies someone to be CIA Director!
