What would you do if you found out your daughter was an escort

Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi obviously has a damn good education and still chose to go into escorting..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
My mother wasn't an escort though . She's a stay at home housewife...something I couldn't be ..not in a million years. She sits pretty while daddy dearest pays the bills in Africa . Daddy dearest doesn't take care of me. I've been on my own since 17 years old ...and I think I turned out pretty well.

I know a lot of ladies that have damn good education but choose to escort. I mentioned them in my post. A lot of ladies CAN get a decent paying job but not one that gives you the freedom that escorting does. They will always have that degree to fall back on. So if their pussy decided to turn purple one day, lose their looks or whatever else, they wouldn't be homeless.

That's a very small group of ladies.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Venture Capital is not flowing right now, some of us do what we do in order to finance other ventures and then get out. I did. I'm out yet still addicted to Eccie! As for the daughter, I would hope we hide what we did or do well and not expose our children to this. You would be surprised how many " on call nurses" or " IT consultants" we have on here...Or at least appear to be for our loved ones.....

This is after all a part time job with full time pay..It does allow you a freedom that is hard to let go of. I speak from experience. I'm working a civilian job and still goof of on Eccie.

If I had a daughter I think I would know the signs and gently let her know I knew and that it was not an OK thing to do. I would hope I had given her enough education and life experience to evaluate the risk. I would come clean with my experience and tell her it's not pretty and not glamorize it at all.
Naomi4u's Avatar
As for the daughter, I would hope we hide what we did or do well and not expose our children to this. You would be surprised how many " on call nurses" or " IT consultants" we have on here...Or at least appear to be for our loved ones..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Thank you for posting this! Sooo many women here have told me they tell their children what they do. I would never tell my child ever unless for whatever reason she felt that hooking was her calling! I think that is traumatizing to children plus children are very talkative. I plan on being a PTA mom, that wouldn't go over too well if the community were to find out .
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
How does one who would vote to legalize prostitution make a post in this thread without coming off against this hobby?

This is what I would tell my daughter.

For every provider who drives a Vette or Lexus, there are many more that don't have a car or it's a piece of crap.

For every provider who lives in a nice home, townhouse, or apartment, there are many more that suitcase from weekly hotel to weekly hotel.

For every provider who makes >$100,000 a year, there are many more that survive day to day.

For every provider who has a sugar daddy and treats her like gold, there are many more that have a pimp who treats them like crap.

For every provider who does only 1 session a day to avoid burnout, there are many more that would have clients parade in and out all day long.

For every provider who really enjoys meeting men for an hour or so of pleasure, there are many more who would smoke a joint or get some other chemical help to make the time pass by quickly.

For every provider who actually enjoys the physical intimacy with their clients, there are many more who practice the theory of displacement.

I would take her to the local mall and ask her to point out guys in the mall she would like to be intimate with. Of course she will point out all the young and well built guys. I would point to a guy in his 50's, bald, out of shape and tell her she may have a client like him. I would also tell that same guy may be Asian, African American, Latin American or some other nationality and tell her that those type of men may be her future clients. I would point out a bum who obviously hasn't bathed or shaved in a few days, and let her know someone like that may ask for a date.

Of course she would know she would need a website that had nude or semi nude shots. She would tell me that she could take down the website if a special man came into her life. I would correct her by giving her the opportunity to visit the web archive site and let her know her ads and pictures could be there for many years, and she probably couldn't do a thing about it.

I would also tell her there are websites that grade providers and their skill levels. That what she did behind closed doors with a client may be posted on the web and be there for years to come. Not only that, her future husband and kids could somehow or another find this stuff out one day. It would be like a guillotine hanging over her neck, waiting for the blade to fall and ruin her life. And this could happen at any time in the future.

I would tell her to get a concealed handgun license and take classes in self defense. That sweet man who set up an appointment may be some rapist, or a nut case that stalks her.

I would suggest money management courses so she would save money and not party it away, knowing she can spend the next day in the bed to make up for her party money.

I would suggest to her to find a way to shut off a part of her heart. I would let her know that she will be physically intimate with every client and it would be easy to fall for some handsome and well heeled guy, but that same guy would be going home to his wife and family. I would let her know that the movie Pretty Woman would be a one in a million shot.

I would tell her to get blood tests every three months, for not only her safety, but the safety of her clients. Speaking of safety of clients, she should also be responsible for the safety of her clients. Things will happen, condoms will break or slip off and she should be aware of this.

I would also mention displacement for a minute. That neat guy who she saw last week, when she sees him at the Galleria should remain a stranger. Her life with him starts and stops in the room. She should know that after the client gives her a hug good bye, he means nothing more to her until she gets back in the room with him, and he with an envelope.

************ thats all for now, sorry if this comes off as being a bummer, but these are my honest feelings for the original question asked***********

Before I submit this reply, let me mention one thing that happened a few months ago, and it could be a part of this thread.

This was from a well known provider who's name or handle I will never disclose. I have seen her BCD several times.

I hadn't seen her post very much and I sent her a pm and asked her if everything was OK. She, being the classy lady, asked if everything was OK with me. I mentioned that I was trying to get my marriage stronger and was pretty much out of the hobby, and the wife and I went fishing a lot and had a great time.

Her reply was like a rock to the face. Here it was a well known and well reviewed provider talking to me like I was just a regular guy, and I was talking to her like a regular lady. I mean a well reviewed lady with many friends and here was her reply (paraphrasing)........

"I wish someone would take me fishing, like friends."

After the money she made, and her BCD and fellow provider friends she had made, at the end of the day, she just wanted to be a regular girl and hang out and fish with a guy she loved and he loved back in return. Unconditionally.
I wouldnt b able to look at myself if i were to ever turn my back on my children ( i dont have any) but having it had done to me i know what its like on the recieving end. I wish my parents would just b happy with me, im not saying they have to support/agree with what im doing but thats just my opinion : )
As for how dome of u seem to be throwin around pimping ... Its not being used the right way, if u chose to help ur daughter run her business, that doesnt necessarily mean ur pimping her out, that doesnt make u a pimp. Having been "under direction" in my early days i know about wht it really means to b a pimp just sayin : )
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well it might go over well if you told them that you had experience in this lifestyle and knew the dangers and what it can do to a person if they choose this road in life. They may come to you for guidance rather than shun you
Eccie Addict's Avatar
This is how you offer guidance to a child. This is how you educate. By hiding facts and pretending to be someone you're not to your daughters will one day backfire. Children are much smarter then you think. They know when you're lying to them and therefore the good, well meaning advice you give them tends to fall on deaf ears. Be honest with them and they are more likely to hear and listen to what you're telling them....

Would you rather your daughters lie to you and choose this path or be honest with you and at least allow you to be there for them when they need you.

How does one who would vote to legalize prostitution make a post in this thread without coming off against this hobby?

This is what I would tell my daughter.

For every provider who drives a Vette or Lexus, there are many more that don't have a car or it's a piece of crap.

For every provider who lives in a nice home, townhouse, or apartment, there are many more that suitcase from weekly hotel to weekly hotel.

For every provider who makes >$100,000 a year, there are many more that survive day to day.

For every provider who has a sugar daddy and treats her like gold, there are many more that have a pimp who treats them like crap.

For every provider who does only 1 session a day to avoid burnout, there are many more that would have clients parade in and out all day long.

For every provider who really enjoys meeting men for an hour or so of pleasure, there are many more who would smoke a joint or get some other chemical help to make the time pass by quickly.

For every provider who actually enjoys the physical intimacy with their clients, there are many more who practice the theory of displacement.

I would take her to the local mall and ask her to point out guys in the mall she would like to be intimate with. Of course she will point out all the young and well built guys. I would point to a guy in his 50's, bald, out of shape and tell her she may have a client like him. I would also tell that same guy may be Asian, African American, Latin American or some other nationality and tell her that those type of men may be her future clients. I would point out a bum who obviously hasn't bathed or shaved in a few days, and let her know someone like that may ask for a date.

Of course she would know she would need a website that had nude or semi nude shots. She would tell me that she could take down the website if a special man came into her life. I would correct her by giving her the opportunity to visit the web archive site and let her know her ads and pictures could be there for many years, and she probably couldn't do a thing about it.

I would also tell her there are websites that grade providers and their skill levels. That what she did behind closed doors with a client may be posted on the web and be there for years to come. Not only that, her future husband and kids could somehow or another find this stuff out one day. It would be like a guillotine hanging over her neck, waiting for the blade to fall and ruin her life. And this could happen at any time in the future.

I would tell her to get a concealed handgun license and take classes in self defense. That sweet man who set up an appointment may be some rapist, or a nut case that stalks her.

I would suggest money management courses so she would save money and not party it away, knowing she can spend the next day in the bed to make up for her party money.

I would suggest to her to find a way to shut off a part of her heart. I would let her know that she will be physically intimate with every client and it would be easy to fall for some handsome and well heeled guy, but that same guy would be going home to his wife and family. I would let her know that the movie Pretty Woman would be a one in a million shot.

I would tell her to get blood tests every three months, for not only her safety, but the safety of her clients. Speaking of safety of clients, she should also be responsible for the safety of her clients. Things will happen, condoms will break or slip off and she should be aware of this.

I would also mention displacement for a minute. That neat guy who she saw last week, when she sees him at the Galleria should remain a stranger. Her life with him starts and stops in the room. She should know that after the client gives her a hug good bye, he means nothing more to her until she gets back in the room with him, and he with an envelope.

************ thats all for now, sorry if this comes off as being a bummer, but these are my honest feelings for the original question asked***********

Before I submit this reply, let me mention one thing that happened a few months ago.

This was from a well known provider who's name or handle I will never disclose. I have seen her BCD several times.

I hadn't seen her post very much and I sent her a pm and asked her if everything was OK. She, being the classy lady, asked if everything was OK with me. I mentioned that I was trying to get my marriage stronger and was pretty much out of the hobby, and the wife and I went fishing a lot and had a great time.

Her reply was like a rock to the face. Here it was a well known and well reviewed provider talking to me like I was just a regular guy, and I was talking to her like a regular lady. I mean a well reviewed lady with many friends and here was her reply (paraphrasing)........

"I wish someone would take me fishing, like friends."

After the money she made, and her BCD and fellow provider friends she had made, at the end of the day, she just wanted to be a regular girl and hang out and fish with a guy she loved and he loved back in return. Unconditionally. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
How does one who would vote to legalize prostitution make a post in this thread without coming off against this hobby?

This is what I would tell my daughter.

For every provider who drives a Vette or Lexus, there are many more that don't have a car or it's a piece of crap.

For every provider who lives in a nice home, townhouse, or apartment, there are many more that suitcase from weekly hotel to weekly hotel.

For every provider who makes >$100,000 a year, there are many more that survive day to day.

For every provider who has a sugar daddy and treats her like gold, there are many more that have a pimp who treats them like crap.

For every provider who does only 1 session a day to avoid burnout, there are many more that would have clients parade in and out all day long.

For every provider who really enjoys meeting men for an hour or so of pleasure, there are many more who would smoke a joint or get some other chemical help to make the time pass by quickly.

For every provider who actually enjoys the physical intimacy with their clients, there are many more who practice the theory of displacement.

I would take her to the local mall and ask her to point out guys in the mall she would like to be intimate with. Of course she will point out all the young and well built guys. I would point to a guy in his 50's, bald, out of shape and tell her she may have a client like him. I would also tell that same guy may be Asian, African American, Latin American or some other nationality and tell her that those type of men may be her future clients. I would point out a bum who obviously hasn't bathed or shaved in a few days, and let her know someone like that may ask for a date.

Of course she would know she would need a website that had nude or semi nude shots. She would tell me that she could take down the website if a special man came into her life. I would correct her by giving her the opportunity to visit the web archive site and let her know her ads and pictures could be there for many years, and she probably couldn't do a thing about it.

I would also tell her there are websites that grade providers and their skill levels. That what she did behind closed doors with a client may be posted on the web and be there for years to come. Not only that, her future husband and kids could somehow or another find this stuff out one day. It would be like a guillotine hanging over her neck, waiting for the blade to fall and ruin her life. And this could happen at any time in the future.

I would tell her to get a concealed handgun license and take classes in self defense. That sweet man who set up an appointment may be some rapist, or a nut case that stalks her.

I would suggest money management courses so she would save money and not party it away, knowing she can spend the next day in the bed to make up for her party money.

I would suggest to her to find a way to shut off a part of her heart. I would let her know that she will be physically intimate with every client and it would be easy to fall for some handsome and well heeled guy, but that same guy would be going home to his wife and family. I would let her know that the movie Pretty Woman would be a one in a million shot.

I would tell her to get blood tests every three months, for not only her safety, but the safety of her clients. Speaking of safety of clients, she should also be responsible for the safety of her clients. Things will happen, condoms will break or slip off and she should be aware of this.

I would also mention displacement for a minute. That neat guy who she saw last week, when she sees him at the Galleria should remain a stranger. Her life with him starts and stops in the room. She should know that after the client gives her a hug good bye, he means nothing more to her until she gets back in the room with him, and he with an envelope.

************ thats all for now, sorry if this comes off as being a bummer, but these are my honest feelings for the original question asked***********

Before I submit this reply, let me mention one thing that happened a few months ago, and it could be a part of this thread.

This was from a well known provider who's name or handle I will never disclose. I have seen her BCD several times.

I hadn't seen her post very much and I sent her a pm and asked her if everything was OK. She, being the classy lady, asked if everything was OK with me. I mentioned that I was trying to get my marriage stronger and was pretty much out of the hobby, and the wife and I went fishing a lot and had a great time.

Her reply was like a rock to the face. Here it was a well known and well reviewed provider talking to me like I was just a regular guy, and I was talking to her like a regular lady. I mean a well reviewed lady with many friends and here was her reply (paraphrasing)........

"I wish someone would take me fishing, like friends."

After the money she made, and her BCD and fellow provider friends she had made, at the end of the day, she just wanted to be a regular girl and hang out and fish with a guy she loved and he loved back in return. Unconditionally. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

This reminds me of another thread a while back (no I will not search for it) but remember the thread about can you have a friendship relationship with an escort? Do things like friends do, go out for pizza, talk about this and that and just hang out.

Remember that thread?

WE are all human and we all need some form of interaction with other humans, not so much physical but sometimes just hanging out with someone talking about whatever is rewarding.

To quote Rick SpringField "We all need the Human touch"
I would think that if my daughter was providing it would be a direct result of me being a total failure as a parent, in the first place. And if I was enough of a loser to not raise my daughter properly, then I probably wouldn't be bothered very much if I found out she grew up to be a stripper/escort.

Oh, and I don't consider turning your back on her to be "tough love". To me it seems more like "no love".
Eccie Addict's Avatar
How can a child making their own mind up to be escorting make you a failure as a parent. It's as if some of you forget that your children have a mind of their own. You could do everything right and they could still choose a path you never saw coming. That doesn't make you a failure. You're human for crying out loud.

Do you ladies that are providers now see your parents as failures?
I think with adoptive parents, they dont have the same connection with their adoptive kids as in comparison to giving birth and raising them on your own. So its easier for them to take them out of their lives Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy
Honey, this just about broke my heart. I met my birth father when I was 18 years old and he died when I was 31 - I was never what he'd imagine a daughter of his to be like - I married a farmer first and a biker the second time.

He more or less disowned me and banned me from his death-bed & funeral. My steps recognized his wishes while he was alive, but made sure that I was there for the funeral. They've kept in touch with me all these years and while we're not what you'd call close, we are family-ish.

I tell you that to say this: Some people are just cold-hearted and they carry their f*cked up mores and beliefs til their deathbeds. What YOU are has nothing to do with it, it is what THEY are.

In response to the original question, kinda, my daughter toyed with the idea of become a dancer when she was 18. I didn't like it, of course.

My response? I told her to move away if she was going to do it, and don't bring it home. I also reassured her that she would always be welcome at home.

As parents all we can do is raise our kids the best we can and give them wings. The decisions they make as adults are theirs. We don't have to like the decisions, but we can't stop loving and supporting them, if not their choices.

I wish you happiness and love, Mandy.
LexusLover's Avatar
What my daugther does is not what my daughter is.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I dont know my mother created a handle on here to keep tabs, she stopped talking to me as well as the rest of my family. So thts wht she did when she found out Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy
That is disturbing. My mom being on eccie?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
That is disturbing. My mom being on eccie? Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Does she have verified provider status? showcase? GFE? PSE? rates?
Does she have verified provider status? showcase? GFE? PSE? rates? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Lmao............no i find tht highly unprobable