Unfortunately true. When i was back in school i had concerned teachers and admin that got involved with personal matters. If there was a disruption the student and teacher have a one-on-one. If problem escalated parents or guardians were called. Seems like people skip over protocal and take things in their own hands. I dont have kids, but i'll be damned if someone disciplines my child without contacting me. Just common sense or lack there of.
Originally Posted by SunniD
This was not about "discipline" .... it was about a student disrupting class, and the "protocol" is to remove the disruptive student from the classroom so that those who desire to be educated may participate in that process without having interruptions and distractions by those who don't want an education or believe they don't need one, because they already know it all.
If you read the article (since it seems "everyone" is making up their minds based on the article/video) it says the teacher already had a "one-on-one" and then an ADMINSTRATOR tried a "one-on-one" .... and the little turd was only interested in having her way ... or no way.....which is when the officer was called upon to remove the little turd from the classroom .... so ...
....those who desired to be educated could participate in that process without having interruptions and distractions by the little turd who didn't want an education.
Our educational system fails generally, because parents FAIL TO TEACH their children in the "pre-school" days to respect authority and respect others .... so that when they get to a classroom setting they know to keep their little mouths shut unless called upon, remain in their desks until told to get up, and leave the classroom when the bell rings and make it to the next class before the tardy bell rings......and while in the classroom listen and participate (when asked) to facilitate their learning of the topic presented in the classroom ...
... and the sorry ass parents expect our educational system to ...
potty train, counsel, medicate, feed, socialize, and do just about everything expected of a parent, including babysit their kids, because the parents are too busy with their own lives to take care of the kids the created....
... and then they whine, like WTF, about all the school taxes.