Nationwide Walk for Choice this Sat 2/26 Turns Worldwide

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  • WTF
  • 03-03-2011, 09:25 AM
legislature busy in Ohio..

and Charles the link is to the AP so I'll count it as one of your sources....

so how many of you looking at a baby on a sonogram want to kill it???? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
That is what you call a leading/badgering question counsler.

Let's try this, "How many of you after finding out a woman you never intended to raise a kid with was happy to lend both monetary and emotional support to her when she decided to abort it?"

That would be me. I want not to kill anyone and do not think I have had a part in doing so.

Let's try another....How many of you have been blackmailed for a certain amount of cash so a woman would have an abortion and you turned them down and threathened to turn them over to the police? They ended up having an abortion. Did I want to kill a baby? No. Do I think it is a baby at a certain early stage? No.

How many unwanted babies have you adopted? How much money have you given to poor children? Do you advocate rehab in prison because of poor upbringing that lead to a life of crime?

Not you personally atlcomedy but people that think like you in this issue?
ATL, when you first posted demanding that women..."women up" to having an abortion I responded. Instead of responding on the appropriate thread, you chose to derail another thread in D & T by responding there, masquerading your reason for response behind something YOU (no-one else) considered inappropriately said by the moderator. Your coment has nothing to do with SR said. You are pro-life. Here we go again with you trying to provoke rather than incite discussion on this same issue. Conveniently. Again. This is the last response you are getting from me on this topic ever. Hopefully, it bring will peace to the board...

As I made clear in my response to your comment (on the thread about whether the US should get involved with Libya where you brought this up again), I had an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is where the fetus exists OUTSIDE of the womb. The fetus CANNOT, under any circumstances fully develop. Further to this, if an ectopic pregnancy is not aborted early enough the mother can die. It's considered a medical emergency. Is it still abortion? Yes it is. You have made no exclusions to the circumstances surrounding abortion, either before or after my post, but unfortunately as you can see, abortion does not always fit into the nice little pro-life box that you have compartmentalized in your mind. Not every woman who aborts does so because she does not want the child. Some do it because they cannot have the child. What I find most astonishing is that anyone pro-life, can advocate a woman NOT aborting an ectopic pregnancy when the child will not live and the mother may also die. How is taking 2 lives, rather than removing one that was not going to be able to exist anyway, pro-life? If you want to scream that "abortion is muder" even in the situation of an ectopic pregnancy then bring forth an alternative. If there is one, I will be the first in line to file a lawsuit if I was mis-informed and there were other alternatives.

The increased risk of another ectopic pregnancy whe you have had 1 is something like 60%+ and that assumes no other complications have occured. That is why I do not have children. I would have loved to have children but I make the hard choice not to take that risk again. Don't under estimate that even when backed up with medical facts that having that abortion was easy, it wasn't, however, your comments about me not being a mother because I aborted do not offend me because I am at peace with the decision I made. If you feel I am a failure as a mother because of my circumstances then so be it. I did find your comment about how it would have been a beautiful baby truly offensive because it was ignorant.

If you were trying to incite discussion, you might have received a better response had you not been so provocative. Let's face it though ATL, discussion isn't what you are looking for are simply trying to (continually) provoke people....which by the way is against the Eccie rules that you seem to be having a hard time finding (left hand panel). It's difficult to say for sure whether a discussion would have occured because this is one of the hot button topics. There are people on here that support your pro-life view and there are people on here that share a pro-choice view. I would like to think that unlike you have shown yourself to be, I am much more flexible in considering the circumstances that surround each situation.

I'm done trying to discuss this with you. I have explained my situation, I have asked you for alternatives and all I see is you stamping your virtual feet like a 2 year old whilst sticking to your guns. That's fine, stick to whatever approach/belief you like but in turn, expect the sme from others. You are not going to change the world on an internet forum. I have no regrets about what I did. Anything otherwise would have been foolish. I have no regrets about speaking up either. In fact, one thing I have learned from this is that if there are women out there that are in a similar position to the one I was in and they are being met with the kind of retorts from others that you have been flinging around then I should have spoken up sooner. I'll do something about that now that you have opened my eyes...

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Dammit! Who's making all of that noise? You don't want me to come down there and take care of things!
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Dammit! Who's making all of that noise? You don't want me to come down there and take care of things! Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Jesus. You make him a mod and he instantly turns into Darth Vader.

I guess the Dark Side is all powerful.

This thread is going to be locked in a few minutes. Enough. You guys made loud noises to wake MA. Not good in my book.
Naomi4u's Avatar
This thread is going to be locked in a few minutes. Enough. You guys made loud noises to wake MA. Not good in my book. Originally Posted by SR Only
Can you please lock it now?
Lastly, alt you have ignored my messages. I am disappointed in that outcome.