GA Election Case - Back Open!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’ve already done it, Salty.

Perhaps if you included citations in your
Arguments you wouldn’t have to hide behind accusations when your fellow political stumpers call bull shit.

At least they’re sticking with the facts in Georgia.
chefnerd's Avatar
You do realize of course with brain-washed Diaper Don supporters that they will never ever accept the truth
VitaMan's Avatar
You provide nothing factual about GA, Salty.....only ideas that come out of your own Salty mind. You tell everyone to wait and see what comes, when there is no basis for it ever coming.

When you asked about the facts for Trump interfering in MI, the source of the published phone calls, the Detroit Free Press, was immediately provided.

Maybe you can learn something here, Salty.

Instead of giving long winded accusations and conspiracy theories, actually provide something concrete.

Then your topics would have some substance instead of the whistling wind in the dark.

... If you don't like the thread topic - you need-not post.
This concerns the Georgia elections - as I surely have mentioned.

The accusations in Georgia also come-from others.
Which is why Raffensperger's office is being investigated.

... The "human error" in the ballot-countings and the rush
to downplay it has caught the attention of people.

While we wait to see the other ballots.

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Wait . . . Wait . . . Wait . . . .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... If you don't like the thread topic - you need-not post.
This concerns the Georgia elections - as I surely have mentioned.

The accusations in Georgia also come-from others.
Which is why Raffensperger's office is being investigated.

... The "human error" in the ballot-countings and the rush
to downplay it has caught the attention of people.

While we wait to see the other ballots.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So if these accusations come from others, why can’t you list them?

One of three reasons…
eyecu2's Avatar
Only one reason....these are simply untrue made-up shit from either the author, or some 'alternative facts' source that would be laughed at. As of the most recent new court cases or motions in court of the same.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... If you don't like the thread topic - you need-not post.
This concerns the Georgia elections - as I surely have mentioned.

The accusations in Georgia also come-from others.
Which is why Raffensperger's office is being investigated.

... The "human error" in the ballot-countings and the rush
to downplay it has caught the attention of people.

While we wait to see the other ballots.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Which “people?”

Are those the same people who are saying?
VitaMan's Avatar
... If you don't like the thread topic - you need-not post.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Virtually every thread you post in full of untruths and conjecture, to be proven later.
Especially all the conspiracy theories. All pro Trump. All anti Democrat.
Spreading false narratives created by fake news extreme radical right wing sites such
as Revolver and Bitchute.

Why bother to post on them ?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

Maybe things are done differently in Australia, Salty. This is America, the greatest democratic experiment in history.
We are not about to let Mr. Trump and his cult destroy it.

Maybe things are done differently in Australia, Salty. This is America, the greatest democratic experiment in history.
We are not about to let Mr. Trump and his cult destroy it. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Oh really? ... ... and WHAT are YOU gonna
do about it? ... Cry and whine??

Once again - this thread is about the Georgia election.
Not whatever fantasys YOU have of doing things to Trump.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
When you actually have some news or PRoof about the GA election, it will be welcome.

Otherwise, it still remains the same.....with several of Trump associates already pleading guilty.

You may as well call this thread "Salty's conjectures about the GA election."
... Will Brad Raffensperger just decide to RESIGN??

He's been lying from the beginning... From his lies and leaks
from the "Trump phone call" - how many retractions did the
Washington Post do again? ... buried, though they were.

NO real machine audits... He lied about that. ... No wonder
Joe Rossi was able to find the Fulton County "miscountings"
and "human errors"... No proper audit was ever done.

... So the investigations into this will surely continue.
And you fellows already know why:

... For Truth, Justice and the American Way! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lies and leaks during the RECORDED Trump phone call?

You’re funny, mate! Right-entertaining you are.

Precious_b's Avatar
... Me first paragraph surely mentions where.
And Revolver News might have a blurb about it.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Originally Posted by VitaMan
So if these accusations come from others, why can’t you list them?

One of three reasons… Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think I found those others.
Ima sure that NaCl-y will confirm or supply proper supporting links.

Seeing that he relies on revolver, I figure this one is just as good and where he has been getting his insider info.

The Halfway Post (@HalfwayPost) posted at 3:47 PM on Mon, May 23, 2022:
BREAKING: Donald Trump interrupted a wedding party at Mar-a-Lago to tell MAGA fans to boycott Georgia: "Georgia is a shithole. Never vote there again. I only endorsed David Perdue out of pity. Let the Democrats have Georgia. I don't want their electoral votes ever again
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Out of curiosity, OP, you keep saying this is about the GA election. Trump was on the federal ballot. I think the GA election was about Ms. Abrams, no?

If you're talking about the election that Trump was in, then it would include all states, right?

Please stay on topic.