I've heard a lot of arguements from people saying that the government should not be able to tell people what to do. Here is language from the bill:
"No person shall be required to perform
, refer for, or participate in
medical procedures or in the prescription or administration of any device
or drug which result in the termination of a pregnancy or an effect of
which the person reasonably believes may result in the termination of a
pregnancy, and the refusal of any person to perform, refer for, or
participate in those medical procedures, prescription or administration
shall not be a basis for civil liability to any person. No hospital, hospital
health care facility, health care facility
administrator or governing board of
any hospital health care facility shall terminate the employment of, prevent
or impair the practice or occupation of or impose any other sanction on
any person because of such person's refusal to perform or participate in the
termination of any human pregnancy exercise of rights protected by this
So, you own a business and hire a pharmacist - of course you can't ask what their religious beliefs are in the interview - said pharmacist refuses to supply the "morning after pill", which you as a business owner want to supply to you customers. You lose money and customers, but too bad, the government is interfering with your business by saying you can't fire said pharmacist.
However, since Kansas is an at will state - meaning you can fire an employee without cause - you still can't fire someone for their religious beliefs.
So what is the point of this law? You can make many arguements, but all aspects of this bill are already covered under existing laws.
This law was nothing but political pandering.
Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
And finally, we have a winner. The law was intended to insure that people could stay within their religious convictions. As usually happens, they fucked it all up.
BUSINESSES have policies that their EMPLOYEES have to abide by all the time. Some place contraceptives behind the counter because THEIR POLICY is that you have to be of a certain age to buy them and they (the business, not the government) requires anyone purchasing said materials be carded. If you can't live with that, then don't work there or don't buy there.
(personally, I think it's silly, but I do defend their right to do business as THEY SEE FIT)
In trying to push a moral and political agenda under the guise of personal freedom they screwed the pooch. The entire concept of even thinking that any person or business should be REQUIRED BY LAW to sell any fucking thing is ludicrous and in direct opposition to the Constitution (and yes, MsAlena, I'm well aware of your thoughts on that document, but feel free to share them anyway!