It is Time To Vote: Think It Over First!

TryWeakly's Avatar
Didnt ya'll hear?

joey is running for the Senate

bahahahahahhahahahha Originally Posted by winn dixie

Haha. It was SO matter-of-fact, too !

Amazing.. no wonder BigolTiddaysPelosi is greasin the skids for the 25th ....

Meanwhile, there seems to be some truth to the other drama not found on LSM/MSM..

TryWeakly's Avatar
I've thought it over and while Trump would not be my first or even second choice ( at this point ), the policy differences between the two parties, is as stark and far apart as I have ever seen in my lifetime and this nominating process in the Senate that we are witnessing points this out rather remarkably. Both sides have decided that the "other side" is not merely a political opponent, but the enemy of Democracy and must not only be defeated at the polls, in the case of Democrats towards Republicans, but must be fired from their jobs and their children expressing the views of their Republican parents, must be ostracized and bullied until they are run out of school.

So I have completely given up on who the person is that represents one of the only two parties viable to us and have decided that I will concentrate on the policies each party has put forth as their objective in the coming years.

We just went through 4 years of the Democrats and the media, telling us that Trump is bad, corrupt and will destroy our Democracy because he speaks against a free press, tries to subvert the free press.

And now remarkably, stunningly on the virtual eve of the election, the two biggest social media platforms, where it is reported that maybe as much as 85% of millennials get their news, has decided that they will suppress any news that might hurt Joe Biden whether it is true or not. A story reported in the 4th largest daily market for newspapers on the possible corruption of Joe Biden has been banned not only from appearing as a news article, but you can not even discuss with your friends that you have heard this story.

This is fucking un-believable. You're going to tell someone on Facebook or Twitter what news you can or can not discuss with a friend?

Anybody remember this happening when the possible corruption of Trump was the topic of conversation, allegations not yet proven as the excuse is given by Facebook and Twitter why they won't allow any discussion of Joe Biden and possible corruption because there is no "proof" in their opinion so you will not be allowed to know about it and if you do know about it, may not discuss it on their platform?

Remarkable and stunning doesn't even begin to explain this development. Facebook and Twitter, in their attempt to help Joe Biden, has just opened a Pandora's box of problems for themselves going forward and has now elevated this story to the biggest story of the day as often happens when any media tries to suppress a story.

Notice that the Biden people are not denying outright that Biden never talked to a representative at Burisma, ( as one of our members said, so what ) only that they can find no such notation in his daily calendar of meetings. Uh, Duh! Why would such a meeting be put on his official calendar? If Biden didn't take this meeting, let him say say just like Trump and Don Jr. were forced to address whether they had taken any meetings being asked about by the media.

Why isn't every major newspaper and media in the country saying that they will investigate this story to see if the allegations are true instead of not only will we not investigate the story, we will not allow or readers to even talk about it among themselves.

Remarkable. Stunning. A threat to out Democracy. Jack Dorsey of Twitter will be subpoenaed to testify before the Senate judiciary committee next Friday on why he took this remarkable step to suppress a news story when he took no such step to suppress the same kind of story against a Republican. Hope you have a good answer Jack. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Watch The Social Dilemma and you will find the answers you seek...
rexdutchman's Avatar
the blackout is coming , the triggered

We just went through 4 years of the Democrats and the media, telling us that Trump is bad, corrupt and will destroy our Democracy because he speaks against a free press, tries to subvert the free press.

Why isn't every major newspaper and media in the country saying that they will investigate this story to see if the allegations are true instead of not only will we not investigate the story, we will not allow or readers to even talk about it among themselves.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
the actual enemy of a free press isn't djt, the press is the enemy of a free press
TryWeakly's Avatar
Ok 8.1 percent. Republicans have every election cycle claimed that blacks are gonna vote Republican and it doesn’t happen. And it won’t since Republicans aren’t willing to make the necessary trade offs to lure black voters over. All those black people waiting in line to vote are not voting for Trump, or any other republican. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Which street are you basing that from? Sheila Jackson Lee's hood ? Or Maxine Waters hood ? wait. NM, Maxine doesnt even live in her told by a black dude ..
rexdutchman's Avatar
"C'MON MAN!" the enemies of the press is the press the lying fake stories the lack of any truth
  • oeb11
  • 10-21-2020, 08:54 AM
Which street are you basing that from? Sheila Jackson Lee's hood ? Or Maxine Waters hood ? wait. NM, Maxine doesnt even live in her told by a black dude .. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Would not be safe for mad maxine to live in her own 'hood' - not with disbanding cops and rule of law under her tenure.

Like all arrogant DPST elite - she cares about feathering her own bank account - and fuck off the people who vote for her unless they contribute millions of dollars.

hey - posters - it is known in 'teh' DNC as Democratic socialist 'Capitalism" - oh - such a word that triggers poor little DPST sensibilities - so go to your 'safe places' and place thumbs in mouths - it is the best useage of DPST mouths there is.