Unfortunate PM

Thancks. I got all the info I needed. I am done here.

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

Classic The_SP_Hunter
I started reading this thread when it was on the 2nd page and thought to myself...dayum hasn't this chick been given a hard enough time already dayum, as a single mom of two wonderful little ones....I agree with the guys you should of never mentioned your son's condition...i actually felt bad for him and was really fixna jump on here and stick up for you when i read the term 'dead babies'....my mouth literally dropped open and it didn't matter to me if i lost business in houston or not, because i really was gonna WK you, no matter your other post...because in my world saying something like that is fightn words!! Just like Ansley said...I thought you were better than this, your fine as hell with a beautiful accent....what gives!! Now that it has gotten to this page...all i can say is wow

Valerie....In my first post to you i told you that these guys were assholes....did i not!
Your response was something like I'm not gonna let these guys affect my business...im already almost booked!!
I was nothing but nice to you....and none of my post since then have reflected anything to you or about you since!!


"white trash"......REALLY

That threAD was to have fun with because I wanted Brooke to come on there and see how crazy she looked for lumping the Houston men thats on a SHMB into the same circle as ALL HOUSTON MEN....she took it the wrong way and self destructed!!!

So calling my threAD 'white trash' is really calling me 'white trash'....and isn't that name-calling, which i thought you were sick of the name calling and the harassment....but now your doing it!!

I don't hold grudges with anyone but Valerie sit back and thinck how would you react to me calling you or your threADS...sorry threads....white trash!!!

How would you respond?

I was texted by several Houston men not to respond to this comment cuz i would more than likely get banned.....sorry guys for the dissapointment but you all know me to well for me not too!!!

So Valerie you tell me how i should take this comment and not through pm either.....
A few very abstract comments.
- some of the messages regarding Valerie were over the top.
- as a fellow Brit, remember not all Brits are alike. Valerie and I are probably not compatible. Valerie is more like the British Bulldog type, gets her reaction in first, whereas I am more the stiff upper lip type.
- same way, not everybody in Houston is the same
- Brits love a good argument, and excel in drama/acting. At least if we have any Irish blood (which most of us have).Colin Firth for Oscar? - I bet he can cry like a baby.
- Houston/Texas is quite raw. Some hate it, some love it. But it is not Surrey.
- Houston is a host to some of the most intelligent and cultured people on the planet. It is the world centre of the oil industry, which employs some fo the best scientific intellects in the world, and of course there is NASA. Plus lots of other industries.
- Houston has a cultural inner life which is not immediately obvious, but goes from Houston Opera to Shepherd school of music and beyond, which are world class.
- it takes time to appreciate the contrasts of Houston and appreciate its diversity.
- life for many in Houston is quite tough, This creates both a dynamism and an aggression for survival.
- ladies of Houston are, in my experience, the sexiest and most attractive in the world, certainly in my area of interest, ebonies. Their innate sexuality and affection is outstanding, if treated right. I adore them.
- I still can't say "y'all" without people falling over laughing at my accent.
- if you can't laugh at being 'found out' and buy everybody a drink and laugh at it, you are probably not going to enjoy Houston.
- Valerie - just say 'next round on me' and otherwise STFU!
- don't take it all so effing seriously.

I am trying to host an extended session with two visiting friends. They put up one ad saying they were visiting, and that was it. They have a small but very admiring clientele. That was it. I won't say of whom I am speaking because I want some quality time for myself. But if I said they were two of the most respected providers in the southern states, you may guess of whom I am speaking. I will do my utmost to give them a good time

Less is more.
boardman's Avatar
I now feel pretty confident in saying that I believe we would have ended up at the same place if Valerie had visited our fair city or not. Yeah, maybe the timing and content of the thread might have been different but the point would have been the same.

I agree with JAD.
"Thanks folks, I've got all the info I needed. I am done here.
One more thing.

Different phrases have different weights in different cultures.

I have used the term white trash, in private, but I am not proud of having done so. It is a pure display of snobbery, and is shameful.

I guess in Houston it is a term which is incendiary, particularly if spoken in public about an individual.

Let me turn it around. What if I used the N word about a member of the board here?

It is all a matter of context. One of my favourite lovers calls me her N, and it is spoken with deepest affection and respect, and I take it that way.

But I would be wary of anybody on this board calling me that

Less is more.
dearhunter's Avatar
Essence, I would be wary of anybody who called you that on this board......suffice it to say that "white trash" is fighting words around these parts......"hooktard"' is a term of endearment by comparison.
Excuse me!~!! WTF?
What are yall on?! Or did we miss our morning meds here at sunny ECCIE Gardens? This board is becoming a twelve step program, and I'll have no part damnit!

Providers, if you are in this life, you have more than thick skin, you are a hustler. And if you got it like that, and can pre-book, then do so. Houston is a plethora of cash for the women who can handle the ups and downs, and the hobby clowns. Every shmuck that is on this board, or this thread anyway, has had there opinion on me, and I am not there cup of tea! My words I assure you, not there's; BUT I VALUE THERE WISDOM.
Yes, DH, WU, FW, and even BP, are hardcore hobbyist with outspoken opinions, and BP is much more candy coated and politically correct; but his opinion and WU are just as important to this community as whole.
My opinion, this is sad. Pussy Control, is what the hobby does not need, as much as i am one of the chics, I don't trust, nor associate with any of them. Female logic, imagine the plots wthin plots with in plots. shit they own the spice already@!
Now can we can get back to our regular scheduled programming!
DH, I know, it is a very very rare girl who can call me that word, given my white ass (and no I am not white trash), and those girls are nowhere near this board, neither do I see any girls on this board with one or (in a week or so DV) two rare exceptions.

It's all in the way it is said.

You f**cking c**t, stop being such a f**cking wanker and buy your round you cheapskate f**cking scrounger

is of course the greatest compliment anybody might expect.

@boit, exactly, why are we trying to analyse what some hooktard plans, they do everything on a whim and an intuition, that is why we love them.

But we males need to play the game and seduce them with silvery tongues.
Wayward's Avatar
proper said it best! Before I get called a WK for getting pissed off about that "white trash" comment, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was made in the heat of the moment.

So, here's my proposal, Valerie..........

Surely, one who demands respect and common decency (to paraphrase all you claim to seek) is capable of recognizing when she has stooped to a level beneath that of which she complains?

I'll give you some time to reflect and make appropriate amends before my next post. Common decency will dictate if and when I am so compelled. Trusting the necessity to do so will not present itself, I remain.........

Respectfully yours, Originally Posted by TexasGator

I cannot see Wayward's profile as I have him and various others on ignore, however I have read that sig line before...not sure why you'd want me to take a look at it....The only thoughts that crossed my mind when I read it were white trash.. Originally Posted by Valerie
Val has us on ignore, which was the reason for the very poor attempt at humor however SHMBs are not the place for children. I shouldn't have gone dead baby, don't believe she should have posted it either, but if there is even a chance it's true then I apologize humbly and sincerely. There is no greater trauma than the lost of a child.

When poking fun at someone for a threAD, we try very hard to show who ever we are teasing that there are very clever ways to do the same thing. The one in my sig line is the best one I have ever seen. To call it or the charming woman that was responsible for that masterpiece "White Trash" shows all of us Valerie's true nature. I may be a sadistic bastard, but her attack on another provider that had not harmed her in any way shows the true content of Valerie's character.
macksback's Avatar
I hope you got your deposit back. Originally Posted by boardman
LOL, You must scour the internet all day looking for silly cat pics.
dearhunter's Avatar
You f**cking c**t, stop being such a f**cking wanker and buy your round you cheapskate f**cking scrounger

is of course the greatest compliment anybody might expect. Originally Posted by essence
I do believe it has been put to me in exactly those words during my travels.
TexasGator's Avatar
So you would like me to lie and tell you what you want to hear, rather than telling what first popped in my mind when I read it?....Sorry, not gonna happen, I'm honest with my feelings, and just because I personally thought that, doesn't make it true, but it is all I've known, so I called it like I saw it.....The exact way all you boys did me when I first started posting....And I'm at a point now with you guys and all of your antics that I don't care what you think about me anymore...If you wanna keep on with a new thread everyday making fun of my accent, and my business, and your cat pics then have at it....I'm out. Originally Posted by Valerie

Naw, Val, I want you to say the first thing that popped in your mind because Lord knows, it worked so well for you the first time you posted here.

I was prepared to say that the guys here may have been a bit rough on you since you were new to the city and forum, and that despite your self-destructive, argumentative nature, there probably was some blame to be attributed to all for fueling the fire, so to speak.

After reading your response to an offer to momentarily appear less judgmental and snooty than you are, I have resigned myself to the fact that the "lynch mob" (as BP refers to those whose tactics differ from his) probably did you a favor. Doubtful you would have enjoyed your visit here nearly as much as you did the banter on this SHMB. The humidity, traffic, and hideous manners of the Southerners here would have paled in comparison to the "white trash" eateries, bargain basement haberdasheries and ghastly beer joints gaudily brandishing the walkways and streets.

I mean no disrespect when I speak exactly as you have counseled by stating the "first words that popped into my mind:" I'd rather spend years with the white trash of whom you speak than an hour in the world in which you live.


boardman's Avatar
LOL, You must scour the internet all day looking for silly cat pics. Originally Posted by macksback
Well, it's my other hobby when I'm not working at my radio shop.
As for how much other providers post, I do not care, I am not them, I conduct my business the way I choose, get over it.... As I've stated before, I will post where I want.

I cannot see Wayward's profile as I have him and various others on ignore, however I have read that sig line before...not sure why you'd want me to take a look at it....The only thoughts that crossed my mind when I read it were white trash.. Originally Posted by Valerie

Post what and where you want. But just realize you bring this shit on yourself. You could also choose to STFU while you are behind but you continue to feed into your own drama.

Anyway, chin up, BDS! I'd rather be white trash than a fake, sanctimonious hen, any day.
texasjohn1965's Avatar

The poetic prose that have been crafted here lately are masterpieces.

We all owe a huge "thank you" to V for her work. Without her incessant whining about being treated harshly, while slinging feces like a professional mud wrestler, we would never have these SHMB golden moments.

From the bottom of my heart....thank you