Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

DarthMaul's Avatar
I see no one has learned anything yet. Now I have (2) choices, either close this thread or ....

There are about (13) RTM's on this thread. Y'all are ratting each other out like gang members. What is this "First 48"??
Oralist's Avatar
We are advised NOT to lock threads unless a question asked is answered or it goes way off the subject matter and starts becoming an insult fest.

I will make this plain as day, as long as he posts something and you respond, he will keep creating threads. Some of you jump on his thread to "straighten him out" or "give my 2 cents". That's the worse thing that you can do. I thought this was a "hobby board"?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Let me esplane it to you. Clicks generate income from advertisers. More clicks and comments means more income for the owners. SC Troll and SP Troll are there to generate income. The four currently active Threads were started by SC or SP, probably the same person. Want them gone? Do not click or comment on any Thread or comment by these Trolls. Then there’s no income to generate or ego to feed. Soon they’ll be gone.

As an added note, the non-profit site would have locked this Thread on page 1.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I see no one has learned anything yet. Now I have (2) choices, either close this thread or ....

There are about (13) RTM's on this thread. Y'all are ratting each other out like gang members. What is this "First 48"?? Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Let me esplane it to you. Clicks generate income from advertisers. More clicks and comments means more income for the owners. SC Troll and SP Troll are there to generate income. The four currently active Threads were started by SC or SP, probably the same person. Want them gone? Do not click or comment on any Thread or by these Trolls. Then there’s no income to generate or ego to feed. Soon they’ll be gone.

As an added note, the non-profit site would have locked this Thread on page 1. Originally Posted by Oralist
If I was a troll why would I encourage you not to click on my threads. I prefer if all of you guys stop opening my threads to start your shit and be messy. Its simple leave me alone. Yall start shit with SC and then complain about it. What the fuck is so hard about staying out of my threads. A troll would not ask you to do that.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Let me esplane it to you. Clicks generate income from advertisers. More clicks and comments means more income for the owners. SC Troll and SP Troll are there to generate income. The four currently active Threads were started by SC or SP, probably the same person. Want them gone? Do not click or comment on any Thread or by these Trolls. Then there’s no income to generate or ego to feed. Soon they’ll be gone.

As an added note, the non-profit site would have locked this Thread on page 1. Originally Posted by Oralist
Darth you know there's nothing wrong with this thread other than the fact you got messy folks that cant stop clicking on my threads. they dont have the self discipline to stop harassing me for any opinion i give on any subject. Just look at em matter what forum I go to or what thread i participate in they following me around like stalkers and groupies all because they're unhappy with life and have zero self control. Notice I rarely go into their threads and even in threads i dont participate in they openly ask me to come in and give an opinion. Something ain't right gotta admit.

Let me tell you what's going here it's simple. I'm black I'm proud and I'm not supposed to be smarter than they are. It's just not supposed to be this way. It goes against what they understand life to be and so they lose it and essentially meltdown. What's happening is not complicated. If I was a white guy that shared their same political beliefs they'd call me Tarzan and Superman. thank God for the Millennial generation it's time for a fresh set of values in this country. The baby boomers time and that mindset is fading away for good and thank God.
Without the baby boomers sc you wouldn't even be here. You would still be jumping from ball to ball. I would think that most of the baby boomers here are actually glad they are old. If this world is turned over to the likes of you....I hope I am not around to see it.
A hard day for you is running your mouth. I seriously don't think you have given an honest day's work to an employer in your prudish life.
You are the very reason that race relations in this country are as bad as they are. You bait every chance you get.
It's very sad they mods let this continue. I've lost a lot of respect for management here.
Boardman hit the nail on the are a cancer.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Without the baby boomers sc you wouldn't even be here. You would still be jumping from ball to ball. I would think that most of the baby boomers here are actually glad they are old. If this world is turned over to the likes of you....I hope I am not around to see it.
A hard day for you is running your mouth. I seriously don't think you have given an honest day's work to an employer in your prudish life.
You are the very reason that race relations in this country are as bad as they are. You bait every chance you get.
It's very sad they mods let this continue. I've lost a lot of respect for management here.
Boardman hit the nail on the are a cancer. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Naah I'm only a cancer to people who were already toxic and suffering from extreme unhappiness and self esteem issues. Yall won the Presidency, Contol the Supreme Court, The Senate, and the House until recently. Taxes are lowered for the rich and the economy is somewhat stable. You buy pussy left and right and all is good. So why is a topic or opinion on this site now he source of your unhappy life? You basically have everything in life that you could case you hadn't noticed this is a public site tb2 it's not a retirement, old folks home, or Bingo Hall so get over yourself...if I dont give a fuck about yalls threads or opinions why do you care so much about mine?

something ain't right with you cats.
I don't really give a shit about your life, your views. If I thought for a minute that putting you on ignore would make you go away in a heart beat...I would. Problem is the quotes. Since you are so tight with the mods....get them to make it to where people on ignore can't be seen in quotes. That would fix the problem. are a cancer to this board.
Two outing motherfucking scumbags Nubian Princess and Sistine Chapel are being protected by Houston staff.
And here is the proof.
Welcome back ********* ^^ Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
So you're ******** that's so rad dude. like you like U2 and Blink 182?

Just remember what happened to Lester;-) ok bye now ***** Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
As all of you can plainly see, my real name was posted twice on this board yesterday.
Rtmed both of them twice.
Had to get admin to remove the outing.
Why are these two outing Negoes still here?
Outing is a one year ban.
The answer is simple, Houston has Negro staff that protects them.
None of our privacy is safe on this site.
Watch yourself it’s a jungle in Houston.

There’s the real difference between ASPD and Eccie!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yall got lame excuse after lame excuse for why yall dont put me on ignore. . Let me help you out...put me on ignore and dont open any thread I start. In fact if you ignore me I dont think you'll even see the thread. But the real issue is what I've already laid out. Unhappiness mixed with envy creates a toxic environment. Isnt this you essentially pseudo asking me to give my opinion on a another thread dealing with race. See the problem is yall want your cake and eat it too. Yall need the comfort of each other's similar thought processes. It's how you build up your courage but 1 on 1 none of yall could check me it's why yall like to gang up...where I'm from there's a word for that. Ohh and I'm speaking about check me intellectually in case someone falsely accuses me of threatening them. Yall are a sad lot or heap of men.

You probably wont see sc chime in much on this thread Originally Posted by tbone2u
  • pxmcc
  • 03-12-2019, 07:32 AM
Not one user has missed the fact that you are the only handle on the forum who loyally defends sp & sc. That screams volumes about you and your agenda. Originally Posted by Eidolon
bro i have no agenda. i agree that shine has to be careful to avoid spamming the board; pretty sure some of his bans were for spam. if he gets banned again over spam, i'm not gonna defend him, cause he already knows it's an issue. SC doesn't start that many threads to begin with, so why is he driving ya'll nuts?

it has already been established many times over that shine and SC are black and i am white.

back on topic. when did Aspd actually start, anyone know? i know how it ended tho..
Yall got lame excuse after lame excuse for why yall dont put me on ignore. . Let me help you out...put me on ignore and dont open any thread I start. In fact if you ignore me I dont think you'll even see the thread. But the real issue is what I've already laid out. Unhappiness mixed with envy creates a toxic environment. Isnt this you essentially pseudo asking me to give my opinion on a another thread dealing with race. See the problem is yall want your cake and eat it too. Yall need the comfort of each other's similar thought processes. It's how you build up your courage but 1 on 1 none of yall could check me it's why yall like to gang up...where I'm from there's a word for that. Ohh and I'm speaking about check me intellectually in case someone falsely accuses me of threatening them. Yall are a sad lot or heap of men. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
And you are an outing fucking scumbag, it’s all there for everyone to see. As is the inaction of the site to protect members privacy.
So you're ******** that's so rad dude. like you like U2 and Blink 182?

Just remember what happened to Lester;-) ok bye now ***** Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Two outing motherfucking scumbags Nubian Princess and Sistine Chapel are being protected by Houston staff.
And here is the proof.

As all of you can plainly see, my real name was posted twice on this board yesterday.
Rtmed both of them twice.
Had to get admin to remove the outing.
Why are these two outing Negoes still here?
Outing is a one year ban.
The answer is simple, Houston has Negro staff that protects them.
None of our privacy is safe on this site.
Watch yourself it’s a jungle in Houston.

There’s the real difference between ASPD and Eccie! Originally Posted by submarineracer

I got called this in another thread, which broke several rules on one quote plus he lied his ass off.

You have got to be the most miserable mofoooker on eccie by far. No longer buy pussy but hang around to dispense misery or talk about the good old aspd days. You hate everything and everybody, possibly you don't hate the desperate providers who were throwed enough to let you raw dog them. Like seriously dude mental health is a serious issue we all should be concerned with , especially from our pale brothers(I don't think Trey is) because we know you'll don't know how to process any pain and will go postal in a heartbeat unfortunately. It's time out for sucking it up. I would rather the dude took a month off to get himself together and any employer with some sense would without jeopardizing his job. My best friend is a lineman. There is no way in hell I would work alongside someone sleep deprived. The power companies should never work guys like that, but at the end of the day most companies really don't give a foook about their most valuable resource; people. Sometimes sit one out dojo. This wasn't the time like you don't want anyone lecturing you about the sense of raw dogging providers during the height of the alphabet epidemic.... Originally Posted by shinepro

I can't help but wonder if he's being protected.

By the way, what ever happened to wakeup, chicagoboy, and deerhunter? I haven't seen them post in quit a while.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And you are an outing fucking scumbag, it’s all there for everyone to see. As is the inaction of the site to protect members privacy. Originally Posted by submarineracer
Out you? Yeah right. Not my style and I wouldnt know you from a hole in the ground in Iraq anyways. You're nobody to me so why should I care. Dude go get paid because you clearly broke as FUCK!!!. Being broke is the only thing I can think of that would make people act like you. Get a're melting down faster than ice on lava.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
it has already been established many times over that shine and SC are black and i am white. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Has it? Not from my point of view. I still think that shine and sischap are both a none black guy playing games because they can get away with it.

back on topic. when did Aspd actually start, anyone know? i know how it ended tho.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

1999 and I was one of the original moderators, but we really didn't do much moderating at that time.