No money grab? It's called Cap and Trade. It's not here yet, but.... Do you deny that's a goal of the environmental left? And clearly that money and power would go to the "Gubmint" and bureaucrats.
There's also a lot of grant money out there for climate scientists. Billions in fact. Of course, those monies would dry up pretty quickly if it's found that the recent warming was not related to human activity and we therefore don't any control over the climate or it's changes. Do you seriously want to deny that climatolgists would have no incentive to find in favor of catastrophoic anthropogenic warming? Seems naive.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Hmmm "cap and trade"? Isn't that the emissions limitation that controls the amount companies can pollute the atmosphere? I fail to see at what point the "money grab" kicks in. Don't just stop there. Map it out. Where is the money going? and to what end?
You can throw out some ideas but there are huge gaps in your line of questioning.
You're saying that someone somewhere is making money off of saying that climate change is happening, but you can't explain who exactly is making that money.
Scientists? You do know that grant money doesn't go to financing their personal lamborghinis right?
yes I do deny that is the goal of the "environmental left". The goal of the "environmental left" is to stop companies from destroying the earth that you and I and everyone else have to live on.
On the other hand there are multi billion dollar oil industries that have a vested interest in making sure that the public doesn't believe climate change. Really makes you wonder where the money trail leads.
And you have the gall to call me naive?