You can stay longer if you want

onehitwonder's Avatar
My internet has been back up for a month, silly! I post from my phone when I'm in the car......or bathtub.....*ahem*and that would be "Live and in living color" unplugged..............

And as far as "the boys" turning it on? They'll have to peel me off of you first....just sayin...
Dragon7769's Avatar
Ok out of boredom i read this whole thread.

Some thoughts,

Iris - some good sugestions on just saying something like - "thanks for the offer but i really should be going." if someone gets upset at that they are unstable.

Charles, perhaps you should see the same provider a few times. i was luck and found on I "clicked" with fairly fast and since then even when excited to hobby with another provider it leaves somewhat to be desired. Just a thought.

Hobbiest, sorry to hear about your bad luck, Gems are hard to find. i knew I had found one when she called me one night when the weather was bad to make sure i had made it home ok.
Ok, When I first started, I didn't make myself clear and didn't put my foot down when it came to saying "no" to my friends that wanted to spend extra time for free. I don't think it's always the guy being rude on purpose by asking what are your plans for afterwards or inviting you to stay. One really nice business man always asks me to go to dinner and I always tell him no thanks and that I really have to get home. I said yes to dinner last time and he was shocked and told me he really only asks to be nice and a gentlman and that he actually never expected me to agree to go. LOL So, he was just being a nice guy and using manners. We both had a great laugh over it. So, sometimes men can just be being a nice guy. Sometimes it's just small talk. Sometimes they really are trying to get free time. Sometimes the sessions are so much fun during the moments. It shouldn't be unheard of that the line could get blurred. Maybe he felt like you seem to enjoy yourself so much that you REALLY liked being with him. Acting is part of the job discription to a point I guess. I take it as a compliment that they want extra time with me. It means they enjoyed themselves with me. If you say no thanks and they still pester you about it, put your foot down a little harder. You don't have to make up excuses to not stay. Be polite and most of the guys realize it is what it is. They shouldn't be in the hobby if their feelings are getting hurt over things like this. If they write a bad review on you JUST because you won't give them FREE time, it's blackmail.

You should join this site with your provider name and get verified. There are alot of nice people here. Maybe the men here wouldn't hassle you or take advantage of your kindness the way your previous clients have seemed to be doing. Just a thought. You could also get alot of advice from the other ladies in the powder room also.[/quote]

Chloe, thank you for the suggestion. As everyone knows I am here ingonito. Some people don't like that and I understand. Everyone is supicious of an anonymous person. But you know whats funny, is that I've met many clients here and I've actually been reviewed. I just don't advertise here. (I am verified on p411 and I have my own website). So when you say that guys here will be different, well, just because they are on Eccie doesn't make them less susepatible to anything. Women put up alerts all the time about men they met here, as well as else where. I never joined this site under my provider name, I decided to join anonymously. For a long time my clients kept suggesting that I join Eccie. I'm glad that I joined anonymously because I already have a nutty stalker who PM's me. He follows my posts and then directly insults me wherever I post. I mean, I never did anything to this man, I just told him that I'm not interested in meeting him because I'm under this handle anonymously. Then he got angry at me. So there are some nutty ones here too. They are all over.

Anyway, I agree I need to put my foot down. But to be honest, seeing how ultra sensitive many (not all) of the hobbyists are, perhaps it was a good thing I never made an issue of OTC time to the client. They would come right back here and bash me. Yes, that is blackmail. BUt thats the way it goes sometimes.
Ok out of boredom i read this whole thread.

Some thoughts,

Iris - some good sugestions on just saying something like - "thanks for the offer but i really should be going." if someone gets upset at that they are unstable.

Charles, perhaps you should see the same provider a few times. i was luck and found on I "clicked" with fairly fast and since then even when excited to hobby with another provider it leaves somewhat to be desired. Just a thought.

Hobbiest, sorry to hear about your bad luck, Gems are hard to find. i knew I had found one when she called me one night when the weather was bad to make sure i had made it home ok. Originally Posted by Dragon7769

Dragon, good point! I will definitely use your suggestion...

Everyone, sorry for my spelling. Yes, I know I make horrible spelling errors I'm not the best at typing....sorry if my spelling offends anyone. I'm not used to typing without spellcheck!
Mariah Moore's Avatar
I just loved the answers on this thread but guys sometimes you do get a little to personal.....
Guest031213-03's Avatar
Yes I do understand that just because we meet someone on this site doesn't mean he is a knight. lol I'm glad to hear that you are a member of p411 and that you have your own site. Good luck to you. You bring up alot of interesting points that I know some have wanted to ask but just haven't. I have felt in the past that my time and kindness have been taken advantage of also. I know that it's because I didn't put my foot down. Again, be polite but firm. You are not obligated to anyone.
phatdaty's Avatar
That is an excellent point phatdaty and I've been guilty of it too, but that isn't the move used when it isn't going well and I want them to leave. But I'm filing it away just in case. Originally Posted by Wayward
There is a sort of art to making seem like you are complimenting you for fucking you into a coma.

Yes I do understand that just because we meet someone on this site doesn't mean he is a knight. lol I'm glad to hear that you are a member of p411 and that you have your own site. Good luck to you. You bring up alot of interesting points that I know some have wanted to ask but just haven't. I have felt in the past that my time and kindness have been taken advantage of also. I know that it's because I didn't put my foot down. Again, be polite but firm. You are not obligated to anyone. Originally Posted by Chloe Love
Chloe, thank you and well said! You really do put things in great perspective, you should be the Carrie Bradshaw of Eccie, not me :-)

You know, you brought up a great point. I think the main reason why I wanted to come here anonymously is because of what you just said. I wanted to talk about things that maybe others didn't want to bring up for whatever reason. There are issues that people want to discuss, but they don't want to be the one to start the thread.

For example, I've seen threads started where the escort might bring up her concerns over an STD. Then everyone automaticly assumes she has the STD, when that isn't the case. She just had a legitimate concern or curiosity. It's healthy to discuss things, but I can see how some might be reluctant to want to bring up issues for fear of offending anyone, or giving the wrong impression.

I'm anonymous, and some people might not like that. I'm not here trying to bust anyone. I only PM people if they PM me first. Most of my communicaton is on the boards. I will only admit to the city I live in and thats Philadelphia. But thats all I'm gunna say.

Yes, I am a member of p411 and I do screen. I've met plenty of clients here. I do great even without the advertising that Eccie offers. But I do have regulars, so that helps too.

And Everyone: I know I'm not no Carrie Bradshaw. I was just joking by saying that.
  • thx
  • 03-27-2011, 11:31 PM
Couldn't those questions/topics be normal for a GFE session?
I have asked (and been asked) questions like 'what I was doing in the evening/weekend', but, it was more about mutual respect, care, and interest... not try to score sex.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I think she was talking about asking for dinner or additional time after the session was over. I'm sure she will correct me if I misunderstood her though.

And yes I think small chit chat is very normal during a visit. I like when my friends inquire about me as a normal human being and not just a business transaction. As long as the line isn't crossed.
Couldn't those questions/topics be normal for a GFE session?
I have asked (and been asked) questions like 'what I was doing in the evening/weekend', but, it was more about mutual respect, care, and interest... not try to score sex. Originally Posted by thx

I certainly can't speak for everyone. All I know is I would rather not discuss my personal life in too much detail with clients. I know fellas want to know a little about you, but why can't we just discuss something like music, or art, sports, etc. Something less intrusive of my personal life?

I know this will offend some and I'm sorry. But I have resorted to lying about things to keep the energy positive. I lie to protect my personal details when they ask what my plans are. I'm not saying everyone else does that, but I do. And perhaps I'm wrong. But I don't want to ruin the GFE feeling.

But a white lie is a lie you tell that doesn't hurt anyone. I guess I just don't like being put on the spot. Plus, if I'm going to see another client after him, doesn't it ruin the mood to say that?? I would never say that. GFE is a state of mind, but there has to be a line where you understand that I'm not your real girlfriend, and you respect my need to keep mum on things.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I was thinking. Maybe you should dream up a fantasy "real" life that you could share with the people you meet. I know this is not unheard of. I have read lots of places where providers have fantasy lives that they share with friends in the hobby. The guys feel like they are getting to know the real you and you feel better sharing traces of yourself along with the fantasy parts of you also. I don't have a fantasy side of me that I've made up. I should though. I think they call it a persona or something like that. I think this is great if you can pull it off. I started out being a little to honest about my personal life. No names or anything to personal like that,but I shared a few real details about myself and my personal life. I thought they would enjoy knowing I wasn't making up stories about myself. Nobody could ever make up this stuff. lol. Who would ever know whether the private details that you discuss are real or fantasy?
I am a country girl. That is how my regulars know me. Our discussions range from hunting, to fishing, to numerous other things that only one would know about unless they were a lil "country". That's where the real me shows through. lol. I enjoy talking about my hobbies with other people that enjoy the same thing. Some like that about me. Others may not like that about me.
love with this guy would it be ok if he wanted you to stay a few hours otc
I just fell in-love. Men like this don't exist much anymore. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
TBH, you are putting more stress on yourself when you believe you have to lie to leave after the appointment is over. It is better to be forthright about it than put that kind of stress on yourself or make you feel like you did something wrong. If the client gets their feeling hurt from being told the truth, they will have to just deal with it. You are being paid for your time, and you are not obligated to go past it. If you do, that's cool but you are not obligated to.

Now this is not say I have never asked if a lady want to grab dinner or lunch before or afterward especially when it is around lunch or dinner time but I do it as a kind gesture and getting to know each other better. Sometimes the lady says no and other times they are willing. If they say no, it's all good and I understand that their time is just as precious as mine and they may have something to attend to.

Just do what you are comfortable with.
phatdaty's Avatar
But a white lie is a lie you tell that doesn't hurt anyone. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Please tell us more Miss Carangi!