How has hobbying affected your RW social skills?

Absolutely their is. "Levels" was nothing but a type of metaphor to distinguish different types of women. Let's not pretend there's no caste system around us and that social classes don't exist. Whether any of us agree with it or not is besides the point as these levels or classes truly do exist. I once got the chance to meet Terrell Owens and got my SO a picture with him but he initally gave me hell for even approaching him. I wasn't even mad at T.O as I understood but let's not pretend there aren't levels. When society collapses then we can sing kumbaya but until then it is what it is. As for my personal belief on this issue I think Kristin Krueks (my fantasy woman) shit stinks just as much as yours or any other womans. However shit stinking and hooking up with Kristin are totally different things. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
funny you should bring up Terrill Owens, he grew up across the street from his dad, never knowing him til he was in his 20's... I can see how you can relate to him....sad
I had a middle class American childhood, I had a father that worked for Ford motor company in Dearborn Michigan, my mom was the head of our schools pta, she was also a volunteer at our church, our lives were pretty awesome, nice neighborhood, good schools....I wouldn't trade my childhood for yours...or TO's
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Zanzie really only considers two levels of humans:

1....those he thincks are at his level

2....those he thincks are below his level Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

I fixed that for ya.
Lol. I'm afraid I can't take the deal.

But, my earlier comment was actually partly serious. That is basically what I took from your statements.

I agree with quite a bit of what you said. But I disagree with the implication that there are "levels" of women (or people in general) based on their choices or their circumstances. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair

Basically, the two levels of women are those who agree with him and those who don't. Those that don't are trying to impress other men or owned by one.

Very progressive.

There's no way a woman could form their own opinion and choose to express it without there being some ulterior motive at work. That would just be silly.

As for my view of escorts? They certainly aren't stay at home housewives are they? In fact most of them (less the ones that have to show they disagree with me in order to please the circle jerk club) will readily admit they are not for being "kept" by any man as most of them done been there and done that. Most will never let a man "own" them to the point they're totally dependent on that man and in fact many feel liberated by their profession. I think housewives should have this same view to be honest. If you disagree with me then fine but you're not gonna convince me I'm wrong so you best stop trying. Ok mon Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

To answer your original question and touch on this new business of being SAHM or a working mom... I consider myself both. I do it alone and I'm not on any public assitance. I work a few hours a day but it's enough to allow me the time a stay at home mom would have if she were married. I am able to do many of the things the married stay at home moms do in my neighborhood but I don't have a husband or any other adult in my home. The hobby has allowed me to do that for the time being and I'm pretty proud of myself for discovering this little trick (no offense) to being a single mom who brings home the bacon and still has enough give a shit left in my day to be an engaged and devoted parent. Providing is a bit more of a juggling act and not sustainable for the long haul but it serves it's purpose for now and I'm very happy with the freedoms my family and I enjoy because of my whoring.

Answer your question? Or are you still gonna find shitty things to say about who I am as a person because I disagree with what you posted and chose to comment on it. I don't need anyone's circle jerk attaboys to feel like I'm right. It's easy to know I'm so right when you're so wrong. The only men I'm "owned" by aren't even old enough to drive.....and yet they already seem to be more intellectually agile than you. Awesome.

Listen no I don't have kids but I work with a ton of people that do. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Oh I am soooooo using this when another racial topic comes up that you can't help fapping about. It'll go something like this so just prepare yourself now: 'Listen, no I'm not black, but I know a lot of people who are therefore I feel qualified to express my baseless opinion as fact and you will just have to accept it as such.'

I can already imagine how well that'll go over. Lmao

Good Morning!!!
Where being in the hobby has affected my RW is that I can hang out with a lady and determine early on if she is a BS artist or not.

Plus I have made some great friends in a few providers.
Basically, the two levels of women are those who agree with him and those who don't. Those that don't are trying to impress other men or owned by one.

Very progressive.

There's no way a woman could form their own opinion and choose to express it without there being some ulterior motive at work. That would just be silly.

To answer your original question and touch on this new business of being SAHM or a working mom... I consider myself both. I do it alone and I'm not on any public assitance. I work a few hours a day but it's enough to allow me the time a stay at home mom would have if she were married. I am able to do many of the things the married stay at home moms do in my neighborhood but I don't have a husband or any other adult in my home. The hobby has allowed me to do that for the time being and I'm pretty proud of myself for discovering this little trick (no offense) to being a single mom who brings home the bacon and still has enough give a shit left in my day to be an engaged and devoted parent. Providing is a bit more of a juggling act and not sustainable for the long haul but it serves it's purpose for now and I'm very happy with the freedoms my family and I enjoy because of my whoring.

Answer your question? Or are you still gonna find shitty things to say about who I am as a person because I disagree with what you posted and chose to comment on it. I don't need anyone's circle jerk attaboys to feel like I'm right. It's easy to know I'm so right when you're so wrong. The only men I'm "owned" by aren't even old enough to drive.....and yet they already seem to be more intellectually agile than you. Awesome.

Oh I am soooooo using this when another racial topic comes up that you can't help fapping about. It'll go something like this so just prepare yourself now: 'Listen, no I'm not black, but I know a lot of people who are therefore I feel qualified to express my baseless opinion as fact and you will just have to accept it as such.'

I can already imagine how well that'll go over. Lmao

Good Morning!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Lol you are very energetic but don't knock those who are on public assitance (who need help) just because they dont do what you do. Not everyone on public assitance is a lazy mooch. Its also commendable that you're juggling multiple duties and responsibilities as you take care of your family as a single parent. I honestly commend that and you obviously agree with me on the notion that its bad for women with no transferable work skills to allow themselves to be "kept". If I ever have kids and have a daughter I will teach her this same philosophy I dont care if she's married to a multi-millionaire or a blue collar guy.

I have a friend who's always on some kind of millionaire match-maker website trying to find a rich man thinking her life will be easier. I was talking to my strictly theraputic massage therapist and she mentioned she used to be married to a rich guy. Here's what she said:

"Many rich guys will start out ok but will make you work for every penny while letting it be known it's their money. Next thing you know you're out and a new girl is in." She said it took her awhile to recover after the divorce to find suitable work.

HN i dont mind discussing random topics with you but when you start acting all crazy with your responses you pretty much wont get anything out of me.
Where being in the hobby has affected my RW is that I can hang out with a lady and determine early on if she is a BS artist or not.

Plus I have made some great friends in a few providers. Originally Posted by Mr. GPop
Thanks and I agree. Also a good way to get back on topic.

HN i dont mind discussing random topics with you but when you start acting all crazy with your responses you pretty much wont get anything out of me. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
yeah ..... right.

Edit: thanks ofs. I owe you one.
yeah ..... right.

Edit: thanks ofs. I owe you one. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I don't know when it happened but you really need to get over your hurt feelings and stop chasing me around. Not a good's the internet ok guy. Get over it already jeez.
^^^^ you started the thread.....idiot.
^^^^ you started the thread.....idiot. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Then contribute something to the topic or keep quiet. Let your silly fixation of insulting me go. Seems like it's consuming you. Ijs
Lol you are very energetic and don't knock those who are on public assitance (who need help) just because they dont do what you do. Not everyone on public assitance is a lazy mooch. Its also commendable that you're juggling multiple duties and responsibilities as you take care of your family as a single parent. I honestly commend that and you obviously agree with me on the notion that its bad for women with no transferable work skills to allow themselves to be "kept". If I ever have kids and have a daughter I will teach her this same philosophy I dont care if she's married to a multi-millionaire or a blue collar guy.

I have a friend who's always on some kind of millionaire match-maker website trying to find a rich man thinking her life will be easier. I was talking to my strictly theraputic massage therapist and she mentioned she used to be married to a rich guy. Here's what she said:

"Many rich guys will start out ok but will make you work for every penny while letting it be known it's their money. Next thing you know you're out and a new girl is in." She said it took her awhile to recover after the divorce to find suitable work.

HN i dont mind discussing random topics with you but when you start acting all crazy with your responses you pretty much wont get anything out of me. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
* I'm not knocking public assistance or those that need help. Just said I'm not on it.

* Who cares if your friend is obsessed with trying to marry a millionaire. How does that even remotely relate to your topic? Is she in the hobby? Has it changed her husband hunting strategy?

* Your LMT isn't everyone. Try not basing your perspective on one person's account of their experience. Again, nothing to do with your thread or drift. How many directions are you gonna take this thing?

* So you're saying my earlier posts/responses in this thread were "crazy"? Interesting. #driftagain

* My last post is the one that brought your thread back on topic and still stayed with the shift. Or did you miss it? YW
* I'm not knocking public assistance or those that need help. Just said I'm not on it.

* Who cares if your friend is obsessed with trying to marry a millionaire. How does that even remotely relate to your topic? Is she in the hobby? Has it changed her husband hunting strategy?

* Your LMT isn't everyone. Try not basing your perspective on one person's account of their experience. Again, nothing to do with your thread or drift. How many directions are you gonna take this thing?

* So you're saying my earlier posts/responses in this thread were "crazy"? Interesting. #driftagain

* My last post is the one that brought your thread back on topic and still stayed with the shift. Or did you miss it? YW Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Huh? Ok. Whatever it is you're trying to say. Lol and you are on public assitance you just dont realize it ;-)

All of my responses to you are based on this sub-topic obviously not related to the OP. I think even Ray Charles can see that. Lol

At any rate I'm not gonna get caught up in some silly vortex with you trying to prove your worth.

Have a nice day sweetie. ;-)
My contribution: "It hasn't."

Edit: She's moppin' up with you zanzie.
My contribution: "It hasn't."

Edit: She's moppin' up with you zanzie. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Good. They do say that every dog has it's day.
Huh? Ok. Whatever it is you're trying to say. Lol and you are on public assitance you just dont realize it ;-)

All of my responses to you are based on this sub-topic obviously not related to the OP. I think even Ray Charles can see that. Lol

At any rate I'm not gonna get caught up in some silly vortex with you trying to prove your worth.

Have a nice day sweetie. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
How am I on public assitance? Because I provide a service to the public? That's a lot of mother truckers on public assistance. Go back and look up the definition of the term. Your little fail was neither "Lol" nor ";-)". Keep trying.

What subtopic??? I'd ask Ray Charles except he is dead. Please explain what you're talking about. I responded to a uniformed post you made because I have extensive knowledge and experience otherwise. Pretty simple. What else is there? You're sounding a little - dare I say it........ Crazy.

Again, what vortex? And how am I proving my worth by disagreeing with you?

And how many different directions can you take this thread? Has the hobby made it difficult for you to stay on topic or have you always been this way?