Optimistic Observations

Carlos Danger's Avatar
politics rivaling only GWN reviews in sincerity whew

elghund's Avatar
All you guys make me feel better about my opinion on all media.....it is controlled by a very few major corporations, who profit from continuing the ongoing political divide in the country, and continue to promote that divide.

Grandpa always said “Don’t believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see, and you will be good.”

In today’s world, I would amend that....don’t believe anything you see on a video screen of any type.......because it more likely than not has been staged or edited......

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thank Christ on the cross that Z, and to a lesser extent elg, dropped in to introduce a semblance of normalcy, relatively speaking, into the ridiculous democrat narrative after that epically ineffective performance yesterday by Doove.

You two have restored some of my faith in humanity.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-30-2020, 07:38 AM
Thank Christ on the cross that Z, and to a lesser extent elg, dropped in to introduce a semblance of normalcy, relatively speaking, into the ridiculous democrat narrative after that epically ineffective performance yesterday by Doove.

You two have restored some of my faith in humanity.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Keep talkin' about me.
Next Best Thing's Avatar

Krystal, hot little piece of ass, is at it again making fun of democrats and their mentally retarded worshippers:


This is not good.

It's exactly the type of thing enemies of these liars have been harping on for years.

In terms of substance, it's nothing compared to the Flynn bombshell, also made public yesterday, but it's precisely the kind of material that moronic democrats have been living on for the past three years.

There's probably still time for these children to continue to stick their heads in the sand, but not much.

Dementia Joe still silent, probably struggling with the increase in medication that the doctors in his nursing home have prescribed for him since he started soiling his diapers with loose stool 3 times a day.

Next Best Thing's Avatar

Do not click on this link if you want to continue to pretend that the democrat party is somehow not lying to you:


Somehow all of this seems to be either totally irrelevant (bullshit) or not true (bullshit) according to what we have heard from TDS media and the mentally retarded democrats for the past 3 years or so.

I wonder if there's going to be any outrage from the party of the people.

Of course not. Federal law enforcement is infallible and there's no such thing as a deep state.

Donald Trump made up all of this, the swamp is a figment of his imagination.

Looks like the only choice we have at this point is to ignore this shit and continue to cripple the economy with this obsession with the sniffles narrative and hope no one notices what is actually going on.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-30-2020, 09:57 AM
Michael Flynn lied to the FBI. Now, i realize that someone who believes a guy who got his charity shut down because he was corrupt should be President would come to the conclusion that obeying the law is optional for his cult members, but the real world doesn't work that way. We'll see what the judge thinks. My guess is the "explosive" documents revealed little more than standard operating procedure.

As to Tara Reade, there are sworn depositions out there claiming Donald Trump is a rapist. We'll see if she sits down and offers one. Given that she'll be obligated to answer the myriad of issues in the article i linked to, i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you. Either way, while Krystal Ball has a right to make an issue of Tara Reade, anyone in Cult45 doesn't. The fact that you keep trying just reinforces what i mentioned above - that Cult45 thinks that they can determine who needs to follow the law and who gets to ignore it.

I await your next 12 posts ranting and raving about the same nonsense you've spent the last 12 posts ranting and raving about.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Thank Christ on the cross that Z, and to a lesser extent elg, dropped in to introduce a semblance of normalcy, relatively speaking, into the ridiculous democrat narrative after that epically ineffective performance yesterday by Doove.

You two have restored some of my faith in humanity.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
How was Z any more effective than Doove?
Doove had a link that cast doubt on Reade's credibility. Z addressed PV, saying it was propaganda and threw in a few memes. Z maybe more entertaining and introspective, but he rarely provides any real evidence to dispute the points. The left wing media bad press of PV is expected. they've also had to retract many of their claims.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
How was Z any more effective than Doove?
Doove had a link that cast doubt on Reade's credibility. Z addressed PV, saying it was propaganda and threw in a few memes. Z maybe more entertaining and introspective, but he rarely provides any real evidence to dispute the points. The left wing media bad press of PV is expected. they've also had to retract many of their claims. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I didn't say they were any less ineffective, I said they were more normal.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
How so? Doove seemed angry, I get it. Tempers flare when discussing these subjects. But the normal thing to do when you're debating someone is to provide something that Cast doubt There are never any real winners or losers n these conversations. We're all trying our best to support our own statements. If memeing and bringing Trump and Paulie for an obligatory insult is normal, I don't get it.
His. messages get diluted by all of the extra BS.
Next Best Thing's Avatar

Tucker at it again, really tearing apart these liars, including Hussein and his transvestite wife:


This is a good one because it outlines what democrat party leadership actually thinks of the sniffles narrative.

This while they can't stop reminding you how dangerous this shit is, and how it's perfectly OK to deprive you ordinary nobodies of your constitutionally protected rights.

Meanwhile, things continue to deteriorate in Chicago, a shithole city which reminds one more of Calcutta than a 21st century American city. On the bright side, their democrat mayor has a nice haircut.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
It's cool. We can see it differently.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
How so? Doove seemed angry, I get it. Tempers flare when discussing these subjects. But the normal thing to do when you're debating someone is to provide something that Cast doubt There are never any real winners or losers n these conversations. We're all trying our best to support our own statements. If memeing and bringing Trump and Paulie for an obligatory insult is normal, I don't get it. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
elg and Z are having a good time, laughing and carrying on.

This is very apparent.

I think memeing is lazy and juvenile, but neither one of them communicates like an angry millennial SJW with hurt feelings, like Doove does.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
I watched TC last night. I really. enjoyed it. The only thing I wish he would. stop doing is. comparing CV19 to flu. We have a vaccine fo the flu, so not a fair comparison. CV19 is worse until we do.

I think memeing is lazy and juvenile,
Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
especially the Z memes which are all the same....

, but neither one of them communicates like an angry millennial SJW with hurt feelings, like Doove does.
Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
If I agree with Doove 1% of the time.... that would be a stretch... however he is a master of communication compared to most on here.

Pity he frustrates you with coherent arguments.... I thought you were better than that....