Obamacare: The Last Straw?

flghtr65's Avatar
Yes. They are Originally Posted by gnadfly
No link, just bullsh*t.
No link, just bullsh*t. Originally Posted by flghtr65

You just take, you old fucking pilot...

You piece of 0zombie Shit!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's gone, Fluffy. Kaput. Fini. Deep-sixed. Done. Stick a fork in it. Over.

Wave "Bye-Bye"!
flghtr65's Avatar

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tell that to the people in this link. From the link:

MIAMI — Dalia Carmeli, who drives a trolley in downtown Miami, voted for Donald J. Trump on Election Day. A week later, she stopped in to see the enrollment counselor who will help her sign up for another year of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
“I hope it still stays the same,” said Ms. Carmeli, 64, who has Crohn’s disease and relies on her insurance to cover frequent doctor’s appointments and an array of medications.


The heath insurance policy that the woman above got from the government exchange is "REAL" health insurance coverage. The policy is no different than the one you would get from a company like GM, IBM, ATT or any other large company that is in the S&P 500. Five hundred companies make up the S&P 500 index.

If BCBS sells a health insurance policy on the government exchange to an individual or to an employee of a large company, the policy must have the ten minimum benefits. That is a Fact Jack.

LL, you simply do not know what you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Tell that to the people in this link. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You should probably to read the ACA. If you can.

I'm going to repeat, again, what I posted:


You remind me of some female (didn't catch her name ... doesn't matter) yesterday who was a "pundit" on a Trump Bashing session who was whining about Trump not knowing anything about international issues "and how the world actually works," which is why he should be "ATTENDING" the "security briefings" provided by the Obaminable Administration.

You people have gone shit-house crazy .... if you aren't crying, whimpering, blubbering, and vandalizing, you are just flat out making up shit and lying (giving you all benefit of the doubt!).
Why should Trump attend any briefings he knows everything.
Retarded Lenny's new title
Retarded Lenny's new title Originally Posted by gary5912
Another " Crown " he can add to his collection ! Go EKIM, GO !!!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, you simply do not know what you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by flghtr65
Typical liberal bullshit. You voted for HillaryNoMore, right?

I do know .. I read the fucking ACT!

In fact ... I saved in my computer data base as a reference.

Let me repeat myself: "The ACA is NOT INSURANCE COVERAGE."

There is no such thing as an insurance policy issued by ACA!!!!

Gruber really fucked you head over, didn't he? Laughed himself sick!
flghtr65's Avatar

I'm going to repeat, again, what I posted:

Originally Posted by LexusLover
You should read the link in post #94. A health insurance policy purchased at heathcare.gov is real insurance, with real coverage. You can get treated by real doctors.

In South Florida, a teeming mix of retirees who may not have reached Medicare age, hotel and restaurant workers and recently arrived immigrants working for small, homegrown businesses has helped ensure robust enrollment in the subsidized plans offered through the marketplace. While the Republican leaders of the state have refused to expand Medicaid, individuals with annual incomes of about $12,000 to $47,500 qualify for subsidies that pay some or most of the cost.
Ninety-one percent of plan holders in Florida this year receive premium subsidies — a higher percentage than in any other state — and 71 percent also have reduced deductibles, a benefit available to people at or below 250 percent of the poverty level.
Some of them, like Ms. Carmeli, voted for Mr. Trump. She pays $45 toward her monthly premium, with a subsidy of about $600 covering the rest. She is looking at a new premium of $171 if she keeps her current plan, but she believes that she will find a more affordable option.

“I hope it still stays the same,” said Ms. Carmeli, 64, who has Crohn’s disease and relies on her insurance to cover frequent doctor’s appointments and an array of medications.

LexusLover's Avatar
A health insurance policy purchased at heathcare.gov is real insurance, with real coverage. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I bought some "real" apples at a Walmart Market on Thursday.

What's your point?

(Actually, you don't have one, so don't bother!)

Now, let me repeat again:


(I made it a little bigger so it would look like "Big Chief"!)

"Link"? Do you have an original thought of your own?

(Oh, wait, silly me I forgot for a moment: You are a LIBERAL!)

You don't have "original thoughts of your own"!!!!
Retarded Lenny's new title Originally Posted by gary5912
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You DGAF that YOUR new title is 2016-2017 DOTY POLL WINNER !! After all YOU have gone through to WIN it ??? Don't try to be coy and humble NOW EKIM !! We ALL know (or in Chimpspeak, NO ! ) how much tine YOU have put into WKing for woomby and assup !!!! Plant yer " two-lips " ya lyin, liberal POS !!! Show us some more of YOUR fag pictures in YOUR fag " uniform !!!! Ya peter-puffer !
Getting cold in those KAnsASS " mountains " yet ?
flghtr65's Avatar

There is no such thing as an insurance policy issued by ACA!!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The policy is issued by the health insurance company that participates in offering their plans on the government exchanges (healthcare.gov) in various states. The rules that the health insurance companies must follow for selling health insurance in the individual market come from the ACA law.

For example: the health insurance company cannot refuse to sell an applicant a policy because of a pre-existing condition. They cannot ask do you have high blood glucose (sugar). They cannot ask do you have high sodium, etc. etc. etc. The only things they can ask is how many people are you insuring, how old are you, are you m/f , do you smoke and where do you live. From this information, the premium is calculated for the plan that the applicant selects. The healthcare.gov software tells the applicant where to mail the first month's premium. The policy is then mailed to the applicant and will have what the information is regarding premium, deductible, co pay amount and the policy max for the amount of claims that can be submitted.
LexusLover's Avatar
The policy is issued by the health insurance company that participates in offering their plans on the government exchanges (healthcare.gov) in various states. The rules that the health insurance companies must follow for selling health insurance in the individual market come from the ACA law. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Apple Growing No. 1 delivers apples to Walmart to distribute to customers throughout the U.S. Are they "Walmart Apples"? No! The apples have to be up to Walmart's standards ....

.... FOR RESALE! In the instance of ACA there's not even a "Resale"!

Look at the sticker on the apples.

You are so full of shit. It was easy for Gruber to "win you over"!

Since you live (and die) for "LINKS" ... post a picture of a health insurance policy issued with the name of "The Affordable Care Act" printed on the top of the issued policy. And don't post one of those dumbass cartoon photo-shopped cut-and-pastes.