Tarrifs (Open at your white nationalist heart's risk)

  • Tiny
  • 05-15-2019, 12:04 PM
the Chinese are taking advantage of favorable trade - including theft of IP (intellectual property), and demanding IP as a condition for doing business in a Totalitarian State. Originally Posted by oeb11
Oeb, agreed. Shutting products manufactured with stolen IP out of export markets could be a good way to force a change in their behavior, if the USA could get the rest of the world to go along with it.
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2019, 12:39 PM
Tiny - Amen
Hotrod511's Avatar

Can not handle the truth again, but you're so used to it anyway. You wouldn't dare to debate with his ass in person because yours will get bitted every time, all the time. Originally Posted by andymarksman
WTF does even mean
I B Hankering's Avatar

Can not handle the truth again, but you're so used to it anyway. You wouldn't dare to debate with his ass in person because yours will get bitted every time, all the time. Originally Posted by andymarksman
That's one ignorant mutha fucker in that video.

He was wrong on almost every point, and Candace Owens was right.

Hitler was an imperialist. "Reich" is literally the German word for "empire". Fascism has its roots in Marxism. Marxism is an imperialistic movement with goals of world domination. Marx and Engels were racists seeking to exterminate the Slavs. Hitler was happy to oblige Marx and Engels.

Is that idiot in the video your teacher and mentor?
Hitler was an imperialist. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

So you're arguing a "nationalist" can't also be an "imperialist"? So democratically elected European politicians can't be colonial "imperialists" as well? Your arguments are full of crap.
  • oeb11
  • 05-18-2019, 03:37 PM
Thread is about "Tariffs".
You are way off topic.
"Reich" is literally the German word for "empire". Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Not true! "Reich" could also mean "nation state" in German. The Weimar Republic's "Reichswehr" and "Deutsche Reichsbahn" of East Germany are just two examples.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nationalist generally don't invade other countries.

one cannot be both imperialist and nationalist. its one or the other, not both.
Fascism has its roots in Marxism. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Are you kidding me?! You're citing Mussolini as your evidence? He was an Italian socialist then became an anti-socialist. He threatened a war against Hitler to preserve the sovereignty of Austria then flip-flopped when Hitler did engineered the Anschluss. He stayed neutral till the French military was on the verge of utter defeat then joined Hitler for the spoils.

Are you really that desperate so you have to cite this con artist for argument's sake?
Marx and Engels were racists seeking to exterminate the Slavs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh some German Jewish racists got expelled by the Prussian government because of their incendiary speeches, thus they had to settle in the Great Britain to keep sprouting their hate speeches. That's all you got?
Hitler was happy to oblige Marx and Engels. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wrong again! A Georgian revolutionary named Stalin proved himself an apt pupil of Marx and Engels. Your arguments are full of shit, as usual.

lustylad's Avatar
Who pissed in your wheaties today, little andy?
Is that idiot in the video your teacher and mentor? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No. But I do think his commentaries are funny and mentally stimulating. Like I've said, you wouldn't stand a chance with him at all. Here's another homework for you to work on, but like I've suspected, you'll receive another "F" on this one as well.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

No. But I do think his commentaries are funny and mentally stimulating. Like I've said, you wouldn't stand a chance with him at all. Here's another homework for you to work on, but like I've suspected, you'll receive another "F" on this one as well. Originally Posted by andymarksman

How bout you against Ben Shapiro?

Thinck you'd win?

the libtard left on the BBC claims this old goat Limey DESTROYED Ben. i say NOT. Instead of the "snippet" let's watch the entire conversation.
this old fart Limey tries repeated to bait Shapiro and gets slammed at every turn.

btw .. Ireland has a NEAR TOTAL ban on abortion. Not even forcible rape is a reason for them. makes me ashamed to be half Irish .. and i am.


"But those rules were not extended to Northern Ireland, which has some of the most restrictive abortion laws of any developed nation. Under no circumstances except to preserve the woman’s physical and mental health are abortions legal in Northern Ireland"

Let's take a guess on what happens when the Physician "decides" the woman's physical and mental health aren't at risk?

I B Hankering's Avatar
So you're arguing a "nationalist" can't also be an "imperialist"? So democratically elected European politicians can't be colonial "imperialists" as well? Your arguments are full of crap. Originally Posted by andymarksman
You're ignoring that it was Candace Owens who was the one making the very valid point that Hitler was indeed an imperialist and that Trump is an isolationist; thus, the lib-retard jackasses that keep comparing Hitler and Trump are lying buffoons. That's a point your jackass mentor factually failed to repudiate.

Not true! "Reich" could also mean "nation state" in German. The Weimar Republic's "Reichswehr" and "Deutsche Reichsbahn" of East Germany are just two examples. Originally Posted by andymarksman
That's pure equivocation, because everyone knows that in the context of Hitler's "Third Reich" it very damn well means "empire".

Are you kidding me?! You're citing Mussolini as your evidence? He was an Italian socialist then became an anti-socialist. He threatened a war against Hitler to preserve the sovereignty of Austria then flip-flopped when Hitler did engineered the Anschluss. He stayed neutral till the French military was on the verge of utter defeat then joined Hitler for the spoils.

Are you really that desperate so you have to cite this con artist for argument's sake?
Originally Posted by andymarksman
Fascism was born with Mussolini who was a dyed-in-the-wool communist who was a devote student of Marx and Engels.

Oh some German Jewish racists got expelled by the Prussian government because of their incendiary speeches, thus they had to settle in the Great Britain to keep sprouting their hate speeches. That's all you got? Originally Posted by andymarksman
Funny how you imagine your deflection did anything other than validate my point that Marx and Engels called for the extermination of the Slavs

Wrong again! A Georgian revolutionary named Stalin proved himself an apt pupil of Marx and Engels. Your arguments are full of shit, as usual.
Originally Posted by andymarksman
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin all advocated for world conquest. The one that is full of shit would be the one who tries to deny what those communists preached.

No. But I do think his commentaries are funny and mentally stimulating. Like I've said, you wouldn't stand a chance with him at all. Here's another homework for you to work on, but like I've suspected, you'll receive another "F" on this one as well. Originally Posted by andymarksman
It's your mentor and teacher that get's a "F" in history. Candace Owens was 100% correct in what she said. The jackass in your video is 100% wrong.