President Obama made a good deal

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since Reagan was never prosecuted or indicted, I think he got away with it and no crime was committed. The rest is just bellyaching. It was Congress who crossed the line by passing the Bolan amendment that interfered with the authority of the president to supply money to the Contras. Foreign policy is not part of the responsibilities of the Congress. Reagan found a way to sell obsolete weapons (that Iran had already paid for once) to Iran and got two things (that is how you negotiate); money for the Contras and the release of some hostages.

What Obama did flies in the face of common sense and shows that a keeper should be appointed to look after this man-child until he leaves office. Lincoln, whom Obama claims to admire, stopped trading prisoners with the Confederacy because the officers just returned to the battlefield to fight again.
Since Reagan was never prosecuted or indicted, I think he got away with it and no crime was committed. The rest is just bellyaching. It was Congress who crossed the line by passing the Bolan amendment that interfered with the authority of the president to supply money to the Contras. Foreign policy is not part of the responsibilities of the Congress. Reagan found a way to sell obsolete weapons (that Iran had already paid for once) to Iran and got two things (that is how you negotiate); money for the Contras and the release of some hostages.

What Obama did flies in the face of common sense and shows that a keeper should be appointed to look after this man-child until he leaves office. Lincoln, whom Obama claims to admire, stopped trading prisoners with the Confederacy because the officers just returned to the battlefield to fight again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So then you disagree with Sen Cotton and his band of 46?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So then you disagree with Sen Cotton and his band of 46? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Look, we know you're too stupid to understand the complexities of life but what Cotton did was to inform Iran how things worked. The Bolan amendment was an attempt to control foreign policy.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage. Originally Posted by DSK
I saw a clip of Bill Clinton saying about the same thing when he was POTUS.

That clip was about North Korea.
  • DSK
  • 04-09-2015, 04:45 AM
I saw a clip of Bill Clinton saying about the same thing when he was POTUS.

That clip was about North Korea. Originally Posted by LexusLover
But who could have predicted that little fat guy who loves Dennis Rodman would come along?
LexusLover's Avatar
But who could have predicted that little fat guy who loves Dennis Rodman would come along? Originally Posted by DSK
How about if the "little fat girl" comes along?

"He who giveth can taketh away."
I saw a clip of Bill Clinton saying about the same thing when he was POTUS.

That clip was about North Korea. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I suppose it is only natural that LLIdiot would have an obsession with all things Obama and Clinton.

After all, he once claimed to be a Democrat!

Yeah right, a Democrat of the Strom Thurmond variety!

Once a Klanner, errr Clanner ..... Always a Klanner, errr Clanner.
LexusLover's Avatar obsession with all things Obama and Clinton.

After all, he once claimed to be a Democrat!
Originally Posted by bigtex
You can have their wives, too.

I do realize the Clintons are running low on funds and need to get back on the government tit where they can hustle some more money for their endowment/slush fund ..... even though the country does need a breather from the know nothing you help get elected again.
You can have their wives, too. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have my permission to "carry on."
LexusLover's Avatar
You have my permission to "carry on." Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you "concerned" they would turn you down? A "reasonable" concern!
Are you "concerned" they would turn you down? A "reasonable" concern! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Turned down? What did I apply for?
RedLeg505's Avatar
So then you disagree with Sen Cotton and his band of 46? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nope, we just figured that if getting involved with and blocking a President's foreign policy actions was OK when Dems did it to Reagan, then, it must be okay for Republicans to do decades later. Or are there special rules that say Democrats can do something that Republicans are then not allowed to do??
RedLeg505's Avatar
I suppose it is only natural that LLI
Yeah right, a Democrat of the Strom Thurmond variety!

Once a Klanner, errr Clanner ..... Always a Klanner, errr Clanner. Originally Posted by bigtex
You mean like that other Democrat stalwart Senator Robert Byrd?? Once a Klanner, errr Clanner....Always a Klanner, errr Clanner???

  • DSK
  • 04-09-2015, 08:25 PM
You mean like that other Democrat stalwart Senator Robert Byrd?? Once a Klanner, errr Clanner....Always a Klanner, errr Clanner???

Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You nailed him!
Look, we know you're too stupid to understand the complexities of life but what Cotton did was to inform Iran how things worked. The Bolan amendment was an attempt to control foreign policy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You do what seems to be your thing, you don't answer anything. You said in your post, and I even highlighted it for you, that foreign policy was not the purview of congress. Those were YOUR words. I then asked, politely I might add, if you disagreed with Sen Cotton and his 46 cohorts, since they took it upon themselves to sabotage negotiations. Iran doesn't need to be informed by some dipshit senator how our government works. Half of them were educated here.