How many dates have to come and go?

Forgive Lusty and Berry they try to make an ass out of anyone who don't agree with them. They love Trump. They post made up bullshit and tell the other guy how stupid they are. They have no proof of anything. Nothing but continuous bullshit.

Any polls they show are from some totally made up republican propaganda. Think of this, if Trump was so good why didn't he do something instead of doing nothing and firing someone when things turned to shit. Trump had four years to get out of Afghanistan and he didn't do it. Now he is going to tell everyone what went wrong.

He did nothing over in with the borders either. Other than taking the kids off of the parents and bragging about it. That was a total shame and I will never forget about that. They never found the parents for a lot of those poor innocent kids. Trump did nothing and there other buddy Reagan closed down all the unions and mills in the Pittsburgh area. Oh Reagan taxed the unemployment also. Another patriot thing to do.

Most of the republican presidents raised the middle class taxes and lowered the riches taxes so they could open up manufacturing in another country. But they will get there made up charts and show how wrong you are.

If you want to know what kind of people you are dealing with check out how many post one of the people in the sandbox has posted in the last 48 hours. If that don't tell you what kind of fucked up people you are dealing with you will never figure it out.
It’s not even the sandbox, it’s “Berry trashing Biden and sucking off Trump” now…
Margin of error was typical of any poll

Can't you comprehend what you read? Because I clearly reported what the Poll said which was "that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election". Originally Posted by berryberry

So even if everything is exposed, you can count on the Democrats, feckless media and others to ignore / dismiss it and do nothing. So while I appreciate Bam's sentiments, no one is overturning this scam of an election. But the people will know the truth. Shoot the majority do now as 51% of all American believe that cheating is what put Biden in the White House. 51% !!! Originally Posted by berryberry
The poll states 51% believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election. 51% don’t necessarily believe it is what put Biden in the White House (as my reading comprehension determined you said). Many of those may believe Biden won in spite of opposing or both parties cheating.
berryberry's Avatar
Forgive Lusty and Berry they try to make an ass out of anyone who don't agree with them. They love Trump. They post made up bullshit and tell the other guy how stupid they are. They have no proof of anything. Nothing but continuous bullshit. Originally Posted by bypass
Awww, poor Bypass. You must be feeling sad that your comments have been exposed so so often for being not only wrong, but way wrong. But no worries, keep trying. Perhaps one day you will get something right.

Oh and as far as proof - I post links, articles, video, etc. to back up my statements unlike you who is the one posting made up bullshit

Any polls they show are from some totally made up republican propaganda. Think of this, if Trump was so good why didn't he do something instead of doing nothing and firing someone when things turned to shit. Trump had four years to get out of Afghanistan and he didn't do it. Now he is going to tell everyone what went wrong. Originally Posted by bypass
Sigh - there you go again, spouting untrue BS. Any poll results I have posted are from well known national polling organizations often quoted in the media.

As far as Afghanistan - you are so far out of your depth it's funny. You have avoided the various Afghanistan threads the past few days like the plague because your hero Senile Biden fucked up so bad even the media who fellate him daily were calling him out. Senile Biden humiliated himself and the country - and went into hiding, just like you and a bunch of liberals here did in avoiding those threads. So if you really want to debate Afghanistan, join us in one of the Afghanistan threads and do so. You are more than welcome to do so

He did nothing over in with the borders either. Other than taking the kids off of the parents and bragging about it. That was a total shame and I will never forget about that. They never found the parents for a lot of those poor innocent kids. Trump did nothing and there other buddy Reagan closed down all the unions and mills in the Pittsburgh area. Oh Reagan taxed the unemployment also. Another patriot thing to do. Originally Posted by bypass
Are you purposely trying to look silly now? Really - this is what you are going with - Trump did nothing with the borders? Nothing except

1. Build a wall (which senile Biden foolishly stopped and still had to pay what was contracted)
2. Work with Mexico and other countries to stem the flow of illegals
3. Develop and enforce the "Remain in Mexico" program to end the abuse of those waiting for hearings who would just be released into the US and never show up for their hearing
4. Supported and enhanced Border Patrols
5. There is more but I proved my point

And now you are back to your lies about Reagan, unions and mills. They have already been thoroughly debunked on here numerous times but yet you persist. It really is quite sad that you don't learn from facts that were previously presented to you

Most of the republican presidents raised the middle class taxes and lowered the riches taxes so they could open up manufacturing in another country. But they will get there made up charts and show how wrong you are. Originally Posted by bypass
LOL, yet another set of BS you have posted before with zero evidence to support it - which has been thoroughly refuted with actual data from the IRS put into easy to read charts. What is a matter - were the charts not easy enough for you to read and follow? Or are you just upset that they clearly disproved your statements?

If you want to know what kind of people you are dealing with check out how many post one of the people in the sandbox has posted in the last 48 hours. If that don't tell you what kind of fucked up people you are dealing with you will never figure it out. Originally Posted by bypass
Aww, you seem upset. I guess you haven't noticed the past few days we have had one of the biggest foreign policy debacles by a US President in history. A complete and utter clusterfuck by a totally clueless senile Biden. It has consumed the news cycle, it is of momentous importance, even the suck up media have called senile Biden out for his humiliating fuck up. And you are upset there were a number of posts about it. Please. We likely won't see another catastrophic foreign policy blunder like this in our lifetimes. This is historic in how bad it is. And sharing lots of information and educating people about it is a good thing - unless of course you are one of those who are a SIMP for senile Biden. Are you?

Remember. those who do not read and learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. And we certainly can't afford another clusterfuck of senile Biden proportions
The topic is When is Trump taking back over?

There is nothing about Biden in this topic.

Berry you haven't proven shit. You post bullshit from radical so called news groups or people like yourself that hate Biden or any other Democrat. There is very little truth to any of it. I guess you feel threatened from Biden because Trump was beaten so bad in the election. What brings insult to injury Biden is so old.

These posts are one sided bullshit nut posts period which no one with half a brain would even read. I looked at a couple of the one sided radical information centers that you post till I figured out what it is. Nuts made up wishful thinking bullshit.

I see you post hateful things of Biden daily. It is like LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK WHAT JOE DID TODAY Like Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter

Trump is a spoiled rich kid that is use to getting his own way. He will say or do anything to get it. There are counselors in this world that help people like that, so they don't do something crazy.

There was a guy in Pittsburgh that did something nuts cause he didn't like Jewish people in recent years. I would never want to see that happen again in my life. I am sure a lot of other counties leaders are the same and that is why we have wars.
bambino's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
The topic is When is Trump taking back over?

There is nothing about Biden in this topic.

Berry you haven't proven shit. You post bullshit from radical so called news groups or people like yourself that hate Biden or any other Democrat. There is very little truth to any of it. I guess you feel threatened from Biden because Trump was beaten so bad in the election. What brings insult to injury Biden is so old.

These posts are one sided bullshit nut posts period which no one with half a brain would even read. I looked at a couple of the one sided radical information centers that you post till I figured out what it is. Nuts made up wishful thinking bullshit.

I see you post hateful things of Biden daily. It is like LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK WHAT JOE DID TODAY Like Arnold Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter

Trump is a spoiled rich kid that is use to getting his own way. He will say or do anything to get it. There are counselors in this world that help people like that, so they don't do something crazy.

There was a guy in Pittsburgh that did something nuts cause he didn't like Jewish people in recent years. I would never want to see that happen again in my life. I am sure a lot of other counties leaders are the same and that is why we have wars. Originally Posted by bypass
Dude - you are unreal. I was simply answering your post that was full of lies.

Yeah, posting video clips from CSPAN, CNN, CBS, FOX, etc are "radical" in your mind. Same with news articles from mainstream news organizations. But because they don't say what your BS DNC talking points do, you deem them radical and lies. You apparantly are not smart enough to think for yourself and read a variety of sources and viewpoints.
You need to wake the hell up and realize it is the DNC who is lieing to you with the BS talking points they feed you.

And it is not my fault senile Biden fucks up daily. I simply report on current events here. I know you are embarrassed for voting for such a senile bastard but you are afraid to admit it so you try to make believe the facts I and others share from legit sources are not true. That is pathetic !!!

But hey - I welcomed you to post on any of the Afghanistan threads. Instead you continued to hide just like senile Biden. Please show me on those threads exactly what is inaccurate. Be specific and provide facts and sources. I will be waiting, although I suspect you won't show up because you know everything I posted is real and accurate.
lustylad's Avatar
For some reason, you like to ask me irrelevant questions...

The question was relevant enough for you to ask berry. Why would it suddenly become "irrelevant" when I turn around and ask you the exact same question?

I couldn't care less about a rasmussen poll...

Then why did you bother to ask berry if its methodology was sound?

...and never claimed to know their methodology...

Yes, you did indirectly. You would have to know something about their methodology in order to accuse berry of getting it wrong.

...which is why I haven't made any claims that they are an accurate representation of the will of the American people.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

Lol... ok then, on what basis do you claim they are NOT an accurate representation of public opinion at the time of polling?

You made the following blanket statement... now you admit you can't back it up with anything!

Rasmussen polls are not a "representative sample of all Americans." Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It's obvious you know nothing about polling. Too bad.

I gave you a chance to shine and show off your knowledge of this topic and you blew it!

In future, you should refrain from accusing others of being ignorant about something when you know even less than they do!
Lol... ok then, on what basis do you claim they are NOT an accurate representation of public opinion at the time of polling?

You made the following blanket statement... now you admit you can't back it up with anything!

It's obvious you know nothing about polling. Too bad.

I gave you a chance to shine and show off your knowledge of this topic and you blew it!

In future, you should refrain from accusing others of being ignorant about something when you know even less than they do!
Originally Posted by lustylad
I already explained it. Apparently you missed it.
It’s not even the sandbox, it’s “Berry trashing Biden and sucking off Trump” now… Originally Posted by swpa1706
If you look at all the threads, it's hard to argue with this. Mods, will you do anything about this? Maybe change the forum name to The Trash Can?
bambino's Avatar
If you look at all the threads, it's hard to argue with this. Mods, will you do anything about this? Maybe change the forum name to The Trash Can? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Thousands of Americans are stuck with the Taliban and this is what you’re bitching about?
lustylad's Avatar
I already explained it. Apparently you missed it. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You explained nothing. You're pathetic.

To repeat:

It's obvious you know nothing about polling. Too bad.

I gave you a chance to shine and show off your knowledge of this topic and you blew it!

In future, you should refrain from accusing others of being ignorant about something when you know even less than they do!
Forgive Lusty and Berry they try to make an ass out of anyone who don't agree with them. They love Trump. They post made up bullshit and tell the other guy how stupid they are. They have no proof of anything. Nothing but continuous bullshit.

Any polls they show are from some totally made up republican propaganda. Think of this, if Trump was so good why didn't he do something instead of doing nothing and firing someone when things turned to shit. Trump had four years to get out of Afghanistan and he didn't do it. Now he is going to tell everyone what went wrong.

He did nothing over in with the borders either. Other than taking the kids off of the parents and bragging about it. That was a total shame and I will never forget about that. They never found the parents for a lot of those poor innocent kids. Trump did nothing and there other buddy Reagan closed down all the unions and mills in the Pittsburgh area. Oh Reagan taxed the unemployment also. Another patriot thing to do.

Most of the republican presidents raised the middle class taxes and lowered the riches taxes so they could open up manufacturing in another country. But they will get there made up charts and show how wrong you are.

If you want to know what kind of people you are dealing with check out how many post one of the people in the sandbox has posted in the last 48 hours. If that don't tell you what kind of fucked up people you are dealing with you will never figure it out. Originally Posted by bypass
The word triggered go thrown around by certain people endlessly for 4 years. Seems they are triggered now.
berryberry's Avatar
If you look at all the threads, it's hard to argue with this. Mods, will you do anything about this? Maybe change the forum name to The Trash Can? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
It is not my fault senile Biden fucks up daily. I simply report on current events here so others can keep current and learn what the media doesn't widely share so they are better educated for the future.

I know you are embarrassed for voting for such a senile bastard but you are afraid to admit it so you get upset when actual news is shared showing how bad he is. Why are you so scared about the news and current events?
eyecu2's Avatar
the plain fact biden did not have a bad plan in place, he basically had no fucking plan.

what about the afgans who we promised to help, is our word worth anything as a nation? did biden have a plan in place to evacuate these people we promised to protect?

what about the million upon millions of dollars of our equipment that the taliban now has? fuck at least blow it up so they cant use it.

posters who come on here and just keep going back with their hatred for trump and close their eyes to some of the shit going on today show their ignorance.

you are right about one thing, this is like vietnam, we were embarrassed as a country then and we are doing the same now Originally Posted by chizzy

This has proven that whoever is handling foreign policy at the WH needs to throw in the towel and get the fuck out of town. This is where Antony J. Blinken needs to get his nuts kicked in and tossed out. What in the fuck were they thinking would happen when you leave equipment, and bases, and ammo and whatever...and just throw the keys on the table...peace out. This will come back to haunt everyone for decades.

and you all know I am no fan of Trump or Trumper's in general.