Kamala's policies - which ones do you like?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
https://jumpshare.com/s/k83ZOhcn5wBeQoWo78NX Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood

they are. didn't you get the memo from Mr. Wayne?

there is in this one


kinda hard to call "bullshit' on actual Canton Police bodycam video .. yes??

"1 dead cat in O-HI-O"

it is happening in Ohio. FACT! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I especially love it when Cockula uses one of her special accents bringing out her true self

Not the scripted 2 week rehearsed promotional "debate"

Nope the one where she wants to just take the patents

Of the pharmaceutical private companies

And when even a dumb liberal has a moment of clarity

And asks

"Is that legal? Can you just take someone's patents?

Oh yes says Cockula with great glee

"You just need the WILL and I HAVE THAT"

So you think the scamdemick was fun

Wait till they steal rem death sphere

And want to force able jam that in your arm

Twice a year or loose your job pleeb
(I do kinda admire her hate though...I thinck it might be legit...unlike that self-serving horseface moron Megan Kelly...FBSM don't like it when people call her horseface tho..be careful, or he'll tell ya to "stay on topic!"..)
. Originally Posted by rooster
rooster's Avatar
I got peeps agreein with me all day long on this fine Saturday. Whew. Gotta buy a Lotto ticket. Or maybe roll the dice on Escort Alligator...

How many hours did you spend searching for that little nugget?

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
welp when ole roo was calling upset "pussies"

I cant remember when ole roo doesn't act pusssy like himself

so thought why not search his posts and bet I can find some

real hypocrisy really quick... so let me go back and do it again

hold on just for you

7 min

so 14 total
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the Harris platform .. copy/paste Biden's polices and claim them as her own

rooster's Avatar
The fuggin echo here is back, and in very strange ways.

Anyone else seeing this?

Now we got posts that repeat other posts and then copy into here from a whole 'nother different threAd.

Weird doesn't begin to describe it.

It's making a few of the posts above seem crazy whacked, obsessive, and nonsensical. Like some kinda bizarre construct.

Very unstable.

Though strangely boring also.

I wonder what's triggering this?

Maybe someone can help me out and explain to me what exactly Kamala told us specifically about her policies in her 2nd (softball) interview with a local ABC affiliate in Philly with Brain Taff?


First question asked was about a few “specifics” regarding how she’d bring down prices for the American people: She started off with the same canned BS about being born into a middle class family and about how folks in her neighborhood cared about their lawns. Umm…ok…I guess?

A 6K child tax credit for the first year of a child’s life, ok I’m cool with that, but then comes the usual giveaways that we, the tax payers, would end up footing the bill for. Giving first time home buyers a 25K down payment (would this only be for legal citizens?), and give start up businesses (small businesses) a 50K tax deduction (would this also be for only legal citizens?) which would be up from 5K.

Btw, her parents were extremely highly educated individuals, so if she grew up in the middle class, I grew up in the poorest of poor households.


I honestly am still not seeing anything from this woman that explicitly addresses the increased costs average Americans are facing at the gas pump & the grocery store due to the last 3 1/2 years of the Biden/Harris Admin.

But, maybe somebody can help me out with what I missed?
FBSM - price gouging is what she claims is the increase in costs. Thus the reason her other ridiculously flawed policy, price controls.

As for the 6K tax credit. It'll never pass. 6K is too much.

as for the rest

4 million new homes an average per year, 33% on average new home buyers = 33 billion

50K for start ups - well I guess I'm opening a few new LLC's a year.

Nearly 5.5 million new business started in 2023 = 250 billion

Best part of her 25K for new home owners was when she was asked where the money will come from and she says it will come from the ROI. What return are you getting from giving them the money for a new home 6-10k / year in taxes????

Dems don't have any answers, not a one of them has come on to stand up for her at all. All they can do is bash Trumps policies, and anyone that says anything against the Dem party.

They have shown to be closed minded
rooster's Avatar
Don't tax overtime and tips! 20 percent tariff on imports! Replace Obama Care with a "concept." End the Ukraine war BEFORE he takes office.

Them are some policies right there. Pure genius!

I thought this discussion was about Kamala’s policies?