p411 vs references

mrredcat43's Avatar
I had looked into P411 several months ago and was starting to join, then I saw I had to pay to join, I said WTF, THAT'S RIDICULOUS, and said screw it.

Now after seeing this thread, I will look into it and a high probability of joining. I saw that if I saw a provider and gave her the cash, she could use it towards my registration fees. Did I read that correctly??
mrredcat43's Avatar
Nevermind, I found the free trial link and sent in three references. Pretty easy to register. Thanks
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Awesome I hope you enjoy it
pyramider's Avatar
Nevermind, I found the free trial link and sent in three references. Pretty easy to register. Thanks Originally Posted by mrredcat43
You sound pleased ... just wait until you get the coozy, t-shirt, and keychain ...
Jules, dismissed my refs.....I couldn't believe it. SUCH A BIG FUN of hers
Invisible1's Avatar
Ladies it helps us p411 guys when your ads and showcase say you are on p411. Links or your p-number help too.