Great Ironies of Liberalism

I don't suppose you give it away to illegal immigrants either, do you? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I'm not sure. If they passed my screening I would have.

True story: I got up and booted a would-be client once after I found out he was a family lawyer. Even a whore has standards.
frenchybruno18's Avatar
Democrats are good for Real Estate, don't know why. My real estate always goes up when they devalue the currency, I guess. Plus, all my old clients made money putting people into stupid government programs, so I guess I liked the gravy train.
Nobody pays 500 per hour for useless advice, I assure you. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The value of real estate has nothing to do with currency value, it has to do with interest rates which drives investment, supply and demand and consumer confidence which is always higher under democratic presidents, go figure. You see, it is simple when you focus on the middle class instead of giving tax break to the rich hoping it will trickle down like gold dust on us, you drive consumption and it makes rich people even richer because people can afford to buy their products and services so everybody is happy. You can ask your pals Sheldon Adelson or the Koch brothers who tripled their fortunes under Obama and they dared calling him a socialist.
frenchybruno18's Avatar
I'm not sure. If they passed my screening I would have.

True story: I got up and booted a would-be client once after I found out he was a family lawyer. Even a whore has standards. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

It's moments like this that makes me feel lucky I am not a lawyer.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm not sure. If they passed my screening I would have.

True story: I got up and booted a would-be client once after I found out he was a family lawyer. Even a whore has standards. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
There you go again, judging people based upon stereotypes and group characteristics. Really, every lawyer I have ever met is different. Some smart, some dumb, some hard working, some lazy, some honest as hell, some sleazy, etc. Only unsophisticated people "hate" all lawyers...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Truly a sentiment worthy of God's Chosen. I think God would prefer you to STFU. You're embarrassing Him/Her. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well, if you ever make it to heaven and see me there, you will find out.
Honestly, I think you prefer conflict and enmity over peace and harmony. Other than a few social disagreements, you and I are politically quite compatible, but you really enjoy arguing too much to agree with somebody very often. As smart as you are, you would think it would profit you to become more self aware and convivial.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, if you ever make it to heaven and see me there, you will find out.
Honestly, I think you prefer conflict and enmity over peace and harmony. Other than a few social disagreements, you and I are politically quite compatible, but you really enjoy arguing too much to agree with somebody very often. As smart as you are, you would think it would profit you to become more self aware and convivial. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You got it wrong. I just dislike religious hypocrites. Actually, people like you and BJesux are a lot of fun.

I don't prefer anything on this board other than entertainment. It's not an issue of peace v conflict. It's an issue of entertaining v boring. Your religious pomposity is funny!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

It's moments like this that makes me feel lucky I am not a lawyer. Originally Posted by frenchybruno18
Yeah. I got tired of it. 98% of all lawyers made the 2% of us look bad.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah. I got tired of it. 98% of all lawyers made the 2% of us look bad. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Such subtleness in implying you were part of the good two percent I almost missed it.
Once again, bashing lawyers and grouping them together is a hallmark of unsophisticated people, IMHO.
From Joe Jamail to Hillary to Edwin Meese, there is a great deal of difference types to be found in the profession.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Couldn't it be said that 98% of politicians make the other 2% look bad? So why do we excuse the 98% when they claim that everyone does it when that is not true?