De'Von Bailey's family calls his death 'wholly unjustified' after Colorado Springs police release bodycam footage

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L.I.B. Goddamned!

Oeb11 made it through the weekend.

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L.I.B. Goddamned!

Oeb11 made it through the weekend.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

what else were you expecting? hoping for something that's not gonna happen?


perhaps you have something to add to the thread? for once ...
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2019, 10:47 AM
I repeat for the poor, tired intellects of the A of S:
The RTM button is your little Friend.

The fact that they want me banned means I live in their heads - which have little room for anything but their Egos in there.

matchingmole's Avatar
I don't want you are one of the funniest Trumptards on this forum
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
paging Ecky9.5k .. NO CHARGES .. told ya.

Colorado officers who shot black teenager won’t be charged

FILE - In this Aug. 3, 2019, file photo from police body camera video from the Colorado Springs, Colo., Police Department shows the first in a sequence of photos of a confrontation between officers and De'Von Bailey, 19, center. A grand jury has found that two Colorado police officers were justified when they shot and killed Bailey during a foot chase. KRDO-TV reports El Paso County District Attorney Dan May announced the decision Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019, in the Aug. 3 death of Bailey in Colorado Springs. Bailey was shot three times in the back and once in the arm while running from police. (Colorado Springs Police Department via AP, File)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A grand jury found that two Colorado police officers were justified in killing a black teenager who was shot multiple times in the back during a foot chase, the district attorney said Wednesday.

As a result, no criminal charges will be filed against the officers involved in the Aug. 3 death of De'Von Bailey in Colorado Springs, KRDO reported, citing El Paso County District Attorney Dan May.

Bailey, 19, was shot three times in the back and once in the arm.

In Colorado, district attorneys can decide to file charges, send a case to a grand jury or determine police were justified in a shooting.

“For De’Von’s family, the decision was like a kick in the gut, but of course we are not one bit surprised,” family attorney Mari Newman said. “This is the exact result that the system was designed to yield when a tainted investigation is presented by a biased prosecutor. This is precisely why we have been calling for an independent prosecutor and an independent investigation from the beginning.”

Police body camera footage shows officers talking to Bailey and another man in a neighborhood about an armed robbery that was reported nearby. One officer ordered the men to keep their hands up so that another officer could search them for weapons.

Bailey ran as he was about to be searched and was shot after he put his hands near his waistband. The footage shows him falling to the ground and the officers running up to cuff his hands behind his back.

Police said they found a gun hidden in Bailey’s shorts.

The shooting “is something neither police officers nor citizens ever want to experience,” Police Chief Vince Niski said in an open letter to the community Wednesday. “The loss of a son, a friend, a community member, is a devastating event that impacts all of us.”

He also said he “fully trusts and supports” the investigative process, noting that the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office looked into the death before the district attorney handed the case to the grand jury.

Newman, who was joined by Gov. Jared Polis and Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers in calling for an independent investigation, said Wednesday she would pursue additional legal action.

“The criminal justice system, as we see time and time again, is skewed in favor of police,” she said.

law breakers one and all .. law breaker #1

and law breaker #2

which one was the "victim" of racism by the police? answer: NONE
eccieuser9500's Avatar
paging Ecky9.5k .. NO CHARGES .. told ya.

Colorado officers who shot black teenager won’t be charged

FILE - In this Aug. 3, 2019, file photo from police body camera video from the Colorado Springs, Colo., Police Department shows the first in a sequence of photos of a confrontation between officers and De'Von Bailey, 19, center. A grand jury has found that two Colorado police officers were justified when they shot and killed Bailey during a foot chase. KRDO-TV reports El Paso County District Attorney Dan May announced the decision Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019, in the Aug. 3 death of Bailey in Colorado Springs. Bailey was shot three times in the back and once in the arm while running from police. (Colorado Springs Police Department via AP, File)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A grand jury found that two Colorado police officers were justified in killing a black teenager who was shot multiple times in the back during a foot chase, the district attorney said Wednesday.

As a result, no criminal charges will be filed against the officers involved in the Aug. 3 death of De'Von Bailey in Colorado Springs, KRDO reported, citing El Paso County District Attorney Dan May.

Bailey, 19, was shot three times in the back and once in the arm.

In Colorado, district attorneys can decide to file charges, send a case to a grand jury or determine police were justified in a shooting.

“For De’Von’s family, the decision was like a kick in the gut, but of course we are not one bit surprised,” family attorney Mari Newman said. “This is the exact result that the system was designed to yield when a tainted investigation is presented by a biased prosecutor. This is precisely why we have been calling for an independent prosecutor and an independent investigation from the beginning.”

Police body camera footage shows officers talking to Bailey and another man in a neighborhood about an armed robbery that was reported nearby. One officer ordered the men to keep their hands up so that another officer could search them for weapons.

Bailey ran as he was about to be searched and was shot after he put his hands near his waistband. The footage shows him falling to the ground and the officers running up to cuff his hands behind his back.

Police said they found a gun hidden in Bailey’s shorts.

The shooting “is something neither police officers nor citizens ever want to experience,” Police Chief Vince Niski said in an open letter to the community Wednesday. “The loss of a son, a friend, a community member, is a devastating event that impacts all of us.”

He also said he “fully trusts and supports” the investigative process, noting that the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office looked into the death before the district attorney handed the case to the grand jury.

Newman, who was joined by Gov. Jared Polis and Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers in calling for an independent investigation, said Wednesday she would pursue additional legal action.

“The criminal justice system, as we see time and time again, is skewed in favor of police,” she said.

law breakers one and all .. law breaker #1

and law breaker #2

which one was the "victim" of racism by the police? answer: NONE Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Not surprised. Just another day in the lily white world of the American Justice system. Wait? Isn't the Executive Branch supposed to uphold the laws?

Civics lesson:

The Judicial interprets.

The Legislative creates.

And . . . are we seeing before our very eyes that the Constitution is bullshit. Stay tuned.

The platform ignored the interests of black voters, except for a perfunctory sentence about the necessity for anti-lynching legislation. Furthermore, during the campaign Hoover devised a southern strategy against Democratic nominee Al Smith, who Southerners perceived negatively because he was Catholic and was believed to represent ethnic and African-American interests. By courting the racially conservative white vote with tacit support for the segregationist status quo, Hoover fractured the solid South and captured the electoral votes of five southern states: Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas.

What did Jeb Bush say about electing a clown?

Give Kaepernick a chance!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how Lilly white is this guy?

break the law pay the price.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Power devaluation, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Democratic National Convention of 1924.


In the early 1920s, millions of American men and women joined the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. As the movement expanded, it became heavily involved in local, state, and national politics. The Klan became the center of controversy at the Democratic National Convention of 1924. An anti-Klan faction proposed a plank to the party platform that, if accepted, would have condemned the Ku Klux Klan by name. After a raucous debate, the plank was defeated by a narrow margin. In this paper I analyze state-level variation in support for the Klan at the convention. Klan support is predicted by delegates' support for prohibition, by party competitiveness in non-Southern states, and by a 3-way interaction between increasing numbers of voters, increasing numbers of manufacturing workers, and decreasing farm population within the states. The findings support predictions generated by the status politics model, political mediation theory, and the power devaluation model. I conclude the paper by discussing ways in which the central insights of the status politics model and of political mediation theory can be incorporated into the general framework of the power devaluation model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Democrats Decry the KKK While Forgetting Legacy of One of Their Own

A Commentary By Charles Hurt

Monday, August 21, 2017

Because, of course, they want rule of law to reign, a group of citizens began digging up the grave of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis this week over his helping found the Ku Klux Klan.

They only got a few shovelfuls before giving up. But they vowed to return with a backhoe to dig the rest of the man’s grave up later.

Legally speaking, this would be called “grave robbing” and “vandalism,” and might even violate a few of God’s laws, as well. But none of that matters to vigilantes in pursuit against racism and racist racists who practice it.

Real guts, these fine people have, to take a stand against something so popular as racism. Yeah, it’s right up there with gonorrhea, syphilis, flesh-eating amoebas and child rape. Good old red-white-and-blue racism.

But there is a method to this nihilistic madness. Without “racist America,” you would not have the political party known as Democrats. Its entire existence, every dime it raises, every position it takes is based on this century-old cliche that somehow America — the country that invented freedom and self-governance — is still totally racist.

Their leader Nancy Pelosi — a full decade after she became Speaker of the House — is shocked — SHOCKED, I SAY!!! — to find that there are Confederate statues all throughout the Capitol building where she has worked for more than a quarter-century.

Suddenly she finds them “reprehensible” symbols of racism.

“There is no room for celebrating the violent bigotry of the men of the Confederacy in the hallowed halls of the United States Capitol or in places of honor across the country,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

After, apparently, 30 years of herself celebrating “violent bigotry.”

In this land of dishonest race hucksters, it is always important to remember that small lies never win. They always go for the BIG LIE.

Remind me, again, who was behind all the “violent bigotry” of the Civil War? Oh, yeah, it was Democrats. And who was behind all the vestiges of it over the last century? Democrats.

Mrs. Pelosi knows this, of course, because she worked shoulder-to-shoulder for 23 years beside a retired member of the Ku Klux Klan. That would, of course, be the “great senator” from the “great state” of West Virginia, Robert C. Byrd, a lifelong Democrat.

As the “Exalted Cyclops” of the KKK, Mr. Byrd recruited more than 100 people to join his chapter and warned in a letter against America becoming “degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Modern-day Democrats denounced Byrd in 1989 by naming the suite of offices in the U.S. Capitol that house Democrat leadership the “Robert C. Byrd Rooms.”

During Black History Month that year, Democrats talked up Byrd for serving in the Senate “with great distinction for more than 30 years.” They noted his “diligent work, attention to detail, boundless energy and intense loyalty.”

Funny, Adolf Hitler also noted those same prized characteristics in awards he gave his most efficient oven masons and wire-fence builders.

Democrats also denounced Exalted Cyclops Robert C. Byrd by placing him No. 3 in line for the presidency.

And to think that a racist like Donald Trump sits in a seat once reserved (three times removed) for the great Exalted Cyclops Robert C. Byrd!

Anyway, we shall see if Nancy Pelosi and fellow members of the racist Democratic Cartel will call for the dismantling of the Robert C. Byrd Democratic Senate office rooms. Or the 400 bridges, roads and federal buildings that bear his name in West Virginia.

In his defense, Exalted Cyclops and Democratic Sen. Robert C. Byrd did later renounce his membership in the Klan.

Once, more recently, while advising that young people get involved in politics, he added this admonishment: “Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don’t get that albatross around your neck. Once you’ve made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena.”

So, nothing to do with the KKK being a bunch of dumb, racist scumbags. It just makes it hard to advance very far in politics.

Unless you are a Democrat in the U.S. Senate.

• Charles Hurt can be reached at and on Twitter, @charleshurt.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

break the law pay the price. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is a pretty lengthy article. Yeah yeah it's The New Yorker.

It's still a good piece. As soon as a liberal progressive is being sworn in, the Notorious RBG can finally retire or just pass away with dignity.

Is the Supreme Court’s Fate in Elena Kagan’s Hands?

People don’t tend to identify Kagan with any single judicial philosophy or area of the law—and she seems to like it that way. It gives her more freedom to maneuver. This elusiveness distinguishes her from Ginsburg, who has made sexual-discrimination law her legacy, and from Sotomayor, who has a particular concern for the rights of criminal defendants.It also separates Kagan from Thomas—who, now that Scalia is gone, is the main exponent of the view that the Constitution’s exact language should govern the Justices’ interpretations.
By Margaret Talbot

Just another day in a scared white cop's life. Shoot first . . . .

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
While the taking of the young man's life is a tragedy for his family, the kid knew he had a gun and was running from the police who had a legitimate reason to be there, and the kid went for his gun.

Heroic response by the police officer.

I'd give him a medal.

The other kid complied and he lived.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is a pretty lengthy article. Yeah yeah it's The New Yorker.

It's still a good piece. As soon as a liberal progressive is being sworn in, the Notorious RBG can finally retire or just pass away with dignity.

By Margaret Talbot
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you should post it in its entirety. New yorker has a paywall behind it. not every one can read it.

for a bridge builder, Kagan is an interesting modernist judge. she compromises narrowly with conservative justices when she can or gets them to narrow their ruling in her favor.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you should post it in its entirety. New yorker has a paywall behind it. not every one can read it.

for a bridge builder, Kagan is an interesting modernist judge. she compromises narrowly with conservative justices when she can or gets them to narrow their ruling in her favor. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

kagan & ginsburg, they're both jewish?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
you should post it in its entirety. New yorker has a paywall behind it. not every one can read it.

I will do that. It's a lot of work on a handheld device. Not so easy to "click, highlight . . . ."

for a bridge builder, Kagan is an interesting modernist judge. she compromises narrowly with conservative justices when she can or gets them to narrow their ruling in her favor. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I like Kagan. You use compromise. I say she balances. Not so much a hardliner.

Was I dreaming or did I hear or read somewhere that the POTUS will select a liberal judge if RBG "goes"? As a saving grace to his legacy after being impeached, but of course not removed.

My vitriol for him would dramatically decrease if that were true. Watching the coverage of Santa Clarita shooting just takes me back to the thumbs up picture in the El Paso hospital. I need to make sure I know what I'm talking about.

kagan & ginsburg, they're both jewish? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I hope you were joking.

kagan & ginsburg, they're both jewish? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Fuck yeah!! (but that is the only good qualities they have)
I like Kagan. You use compromise. I say she balances. Not so much a hardliner.

Was I dreaming or did I hear or read somewhere that the POTUS will select a liberal judge if RBG "goes"? As a saving grace to his legacy after being impeached, but of course not removed.

My vitriol for him would dramatically decrease if that were true. Watching the coverage of Santa Clarita shooting just takes me back to the thumbs up picture in the El Paso hospital. I need to make sure I know what I'm talking about.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I hope that if Trump gets to nominate someone to replace RBG that person will be more effective and more right wing that Scalia.

Not only that, I hope he is a Mormon who secretly believes in polygamy and hates gay men.

After that, I hope Trump wins the election and replaces the liberals with 3 more ultra right wingers and we can run off all the liberals in this country forever.