
Now DH you have lost me with all that equation shi\\\ stuff. Maybe St. C can teach you how to write loong paragraphs. Originally Posted by jjflash
Won't work! He's been trying to get me to do it for years, I prefer the Keep Ii Simple method of communication.
jjflash's Avatar
SP_H - How to write a NY Times best seller: never just use a word where a phrase can be used, never use a phrase where a sentence can be used and never settle for a sentence when a paragraph can be used.

Uh, or is that from the bureaucrat's manual?

Found this laying around the staff office, can you sign it for me LAP?
Damn SP can't you read the small print?? That belonged to Htowner.

I think I saw LAP's laying around here somewhere. Let me see if I can find it.
boardman's Avatar
"imperative to stay online all day as long as you can, if you fall asleep just catch up". Originally Posted by HoustonHotties

Doesn't this pretty much sum up any online instruction manual?

LAP, I found your book dude! You can have it though...I don't know that anyone here really needs it.
Attachment 6540

LAP, I found your book dude! You can have it though...I don't know that anyone here really needs it. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
That's fucking funny bro...Deuce would be proud, you should give credit where it's due!

Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
That's fucking funny bro...Deuce would be proud, you should give credit where it's due!

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
What are you saying?
T.O.B.'s Avatar
Attachment 6540

LAP, I found your book dude! You can have it though...I don't know that anyone here really needs it. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
I have to say this got me!


AMP edition. Lmao! That's some of your best work LAP.

LAP, I found your book dude! You can have it though...I don't know that anyone here really needs it. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
That is so wrong. Funny as chit though.
TexasGator's Avatar
Great work, St. C and Lap. It's nice to see you guys playing by Houston rules.
C'mon in - the water's fine

Htowner's Avatar
Lol, all the twelve step programs I know has been for stepping away not towards .
Just not
Horsefly's Avatar
Once points are assessed they will always remain. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Hey I've got one for you: Once members have you pegged as an asshole mod, you will always be an asshole
O'Mike's Avatar
Speaking of points and assholes, what does bumping a 10 year old thread deserve?

This has to be the thread bump record, right?