Last night numbers are in. It's Assup by a Landslide!

Slappy Balls's Avatar
Why the fuck would I get banned? I post worthwhile posts. I recently made an informative report on my trip to Mexico. My posts are awesome. You regurgitate horseshit taught to you by Hollywood and the mainstream media.
joe bloe's Avatar
So what's the procedure to get a sticky attached to this thread. I think we should talk about what a dipshit Assup is forever, or at least until Obama shuts down the internet.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-11-2013, 07:58 AM
So what's the procedure to get a sticky attached to this thread. I think we should talk about what a dipshit Assup is forever, or at least until Obama shut's down the internet. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Just pm the mods....

How about it CC, CZ, and EA, make this sucker a sticky. Lmao
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe we should present Assup with a special award.



You count votes like a true Democrat; trying to cheat and rob the electorate of the results...

AssUP got 5 more votes because 5 more people voted for him !

Are you that dumb ?

And you are adding 5 people who voted for AssUp to the totals of the others?

You are not only a dumb shit but a cheat. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but aside from the vote counting issue, it appears a very important word is being overlooked. ABOVE.

I don't want to speak for Dali, but the placement of "All of the ABOVE" may well be strategic. The only name ABOVE that is Assup, thus implying that the extra 5 belong to him only, not any of the other vote-getters. Very clever, DL!!

It couldn't happen to a more deserving candidate.
Slappy Balls's Avatar
Damned Obama worshippers.....
I B Hankering's Avatar

Assup 59.09%

The rest of the field 40.91%

MRHAPPY's vote was not counted. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We could post the poll numbers for "Twat of the Year", but it's pointless. IB Hankering ran unopposed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We could post the poll numbers for "Twat of the Year", but it's pointless. IB Hankering ran unopposed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
And you're still the most pretentious Yankee jackass.
And you're still the most pretentious Yankee jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The "most"? I'm honored.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The "most"? I'm honored. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's your arrogant pretentiousness that permits you to see it is an honor, you pretentious Yankee jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit, IBWorminandsquirmin! You had to bump a nearly month old thread? Where's the Kotex cartoon?

Seen the vet lately? Sounds like you need a good worming!

It's your arrogant pretentiousness that permits you to imagine that it is an honor, you pretentious Yankee jackass.

It's your arrogant pretentiousness that permits you to see it is an honor, you pretentious Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Are your trying out two nearly identical sentences to see which one looks best?

Couldn't decide between "see" and "imagine", so you went with both?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He must have hit the sauce a little early tonight...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Holy shit, IBWorminandsquirmin! You had to bump a nearly month old thread? Where's the Kotex cartoon?

Seen the vet lately? Sounds like you need a good worming!

LMAO @ TWAT OF THE YEAR! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The thread was bumped to remind you, Assup the jackass, that you were elected: