What is your definition of Energy Independence

  • Tiny
  • 03-14-2022, 12:43 AM
You silly fucs think I'm opposing something I'm indifferent to.

The reason you dumb fucks think it is so great is because you do not understand how integrated oil is.

For example....if Country A....say Russia found a trillion barrels of oil and decided to dominate the market and sell it for 10 bucks.

Our production along with the rest of the world's would dry up. That would hurt me and others in this country who are either invested in oil or have a job in oil but it would be a net positive for the rest of the country. They'd have more money to save or spend on others goods. So what was bad for me....would be good for others.

You fucking Roosters just keep thinking without you there is no Sunrise. It feeds your idiotic self importance. It is similar to your idiotic belief that lowering tax rates is always a good thing. It is definitely not always good for our deficits and debt. Originally Posted by WTF
Wouldn’t it be a whole lot better if the USA, instead of Russia, discovered 1 trillion barrels of oil and dominated world oil markets? Like I said in a previous post, look at the level of prosperity in places like Norway, Qatar and Abu Dhabi. Yeah, we’ve got a much larger population, but still the effects would be very positive. Maybe we could do away with the federal income tax. Wouldn’t that be great!!!
  • Tiny
  • 03-14-2022, 03:30 AM
Btw WTF, from memory, our oil resources and reserves total around 260 billion barrels, first in the world. And our gas reserves and resources are around 450 billion barrels equivalent (BOE). Together that's 700 billion BOE, within striking distance of your trillion barrels. We're blessed, if only the politicians don't screw it up.
Btw WTF, from memory, our oil resources and reserves total around 260 billion barrels, first in the world. And our gas reserves and resources are around 450 billion barrels equivalent (BOE). Together that's 700 billion BOE, within striking distance of your trillion barrels. We're blessed, if only the politicians don't screw it up. Originally Posted by Tiny
“If only the politicians don’t screw it up”

We are seeing first hand what can happen when the American people vote for morons.
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 06:00 AM
Wouldn’t it be a whole lot better if the USA, instead of Russia, discovered 1 trillion barrels of oil and dominated world oil markets? Like I said in a previous post, look at the level of prosperity in places like Norway, Qatar and Abu Dhabi. Yeah, we’ve got a much larger population, but still the effects would be very positive. Maybe we could do away with the federal income tax. Wouldn’t that be great!!! Originally Posted by Tiny
It was just an example to show how price variations help different sectors here in the States depending on the price.

Next...all those countries have nationalized oil companies. Is that what you suggest?
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 06:02 AM
“If only the politicians don’t screw it up”

We are seeing first hand what can happen when the American people vote for morons. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie. Please explain how the rig count increasing under Biden is screwing up our oil and gas industry?

Personally I'd suggest investing in our oil and gas industry.
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 06:08 AM
make a snapshot gif of it and upload to a file hosting site and link it. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Just go to the link and see for yourself how the price of gasoline follows the price of oil.

I'm shocked everyone in this forum would even need to see a graph to understand that basic economic principle.

I've asked Wacko to provide a link showing g where this country get some kind of gasoline rebate if we export more oil than we import. I've never heard of such a thing.
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 06:12 AM
Btw WTF, from memory, our oil resources and reserves total around 260 billion barrels, first in the world. And our gas reserves and resources are around 450 billion barrels equivalent (BOE). Together that's 700 billion BOE, within striking distance of your trillion barrels. We're blessed, if only the politicians don't screw it up. Originally Posted by Tiny
Maybe we should have the governments of Norway, Qatar and Abu Dhab run our oil and gas sector?

I think many of you are confusing politics with reality.

Which is my point of this thread.

Energy independence is more a political talking point than any real goal we should aspire or not.

Our private oil and gas sector will drill more when gas prices are high and cut back when prices drop. Them is just a reality eco 101.

When Trump shut down the economy...all you have to do it look at our rig count. It went down. It did not care that Trump was President. Trump could not relax regulations even more and get them to drill...the economics weren't there.
  • Tiny
  • 03-14-2022, 06:41 AM
Jackie. Please explain how the rig count increasing under Biden is screwing up our oil and gas industry?

Personally I'd suggest investing in our oil and gas industry. Originally Posted by WTF
The rig count increased because oil prices went up. It’s currently 522. The last time oil prices were this high, the rig count was around 1500. The rig count is up in spite of Biden, not because of Biden.
lustylad's Avatar
Energy independence is more a political talking point than any real goal we should aspire or not. Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong! It's BOTH a political talking point AND a real goal we should aspire to! That's why every US President since Nixon has aspired to it.

It bothers YOU because you're a partisan hack who can't stand the way Republicans are using that talking point by noting Trump was the POTUS who finally achieved it, and now it's gone.

Instead, we get to watch the excruciating spectacle of a US President placing all kinds of headwinds in the faces of our own domestic producers, then turning around and humiliating us on the world stage by begging evil rogue states like Venezuela and Iran to pump more oil.
lustylad's Avatar
The rig count is up in spite of Biden, not because of Biden. Originally Posted by Tiny

WTF and Biden are like roosters taking credit for a sunrise they didn't want to happen.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wrong! It's BOTH a political talking point AND a real goal we should aspire to! That's why every US President since Nixon has aspired to it.

It bothers YOU because you're a political hack who can't stand the way Republicans are using the talking point by noting Trump was the POTUS who finally achieved it, and now it's gone.

Now we get to watch a US President, who threw up all kinds of headwinds in the faces of our own domestic producers, humiliate us on the world stage by begging evil rogue states like Venezuela and Iran to pump more oil. Originally Posted by lustylad
It's a "political talking point" to WTF, because, like the Demented Idiots for whom he voted, he doesn't know shit about it!

I suppose he wasn't allowed to hang out in the Barnes & Nobles during the height of the pandemic, so his "sources" are restricted to the politically/socially sanitized internet that the CommieSocialistMedia has been "cleaning" of any FACTS!

Housebuilders seem to perceive themselves as experts on all things!
the little kids ruling and running biden's energy policy are leading us right back to china's supply chain

green energy sucker meet your daddy

and nothing warms the green energy foolish heart more than 8 dollar a gallon gasoline

they dont give a shit about the average american, the deplorables
lustylad's Avatar
The reason you dumb fucks think it is so great is because you do not understand how integrated oil is.

For example....if Country A....say Russia found a trillion barrels of oil and decided to dominate the market and sell it for 10 bucks. Originally Posted by WTF

What were you saying about "never assume"?

Your nutty Country A/Russia scenario contains a ton of spurious assumptions.

To start with the obvious - didn't you just lecture us over & over again that oil is traded and sold on a competitive global market where no one can set the price?

Isn't that what you mean when you say "you dumb fucks... do not understand how integrated oil is"?

And yet in the very next breath you want us to dream up a market that can be dominated by a single producer able to set the price at $10 a barrel?

You trip all over your own contradictions, and you're too stupid to realize it!
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 07:46 AM
The rig count increased because oil prices went up. It’s currently 522. The last time oil prices were this high, the rig count was around 1500. The rig count is up in spite of Biden, not because of Biden. Originally Posted by Tiny
The rig count is up because the price of oil is high.

The price of oil is high partly because our oil companies have decided to buy back stock and pay dividends.

You of all people should understand the difference between actual business decisions and political talking points.

I invest on facts...not political hype.

You act as if Bernie Sanders got elected instead of Biden. You should know the difference between pandering to get elected and real actions.

Even his band had little actual effect, if any.

Get off the Trump train....it will eventually run off the cliff.
lustylad's Avatar
Wouldn’t it be a whole lot better if the USA, instead of Russia, discovered 1 trillion barrels of oil and dominated world oil markets? Originally Posted by Tiny
Hahaha... good for you, Tiny! Use WTF'S example against him! Let's see... I'll play:

For example....if Country A....say the USA found a trillion barrels of oil and decided to flood the market.

Russia's income along with the rest of the world's rogue oil-producing states would be slashed. That would hurt the bad guys but it would be a net positive for the rest of the world. They'd have more money to save or spend on other goods. Originally Posted by WTF
Funny thing is... that's pretty close to what actually happened back in 2014, when the US shale boom caused oil prices to tumble from over $100/barrel to under $50. The resulting savings at the pump acted like a significant tax cut for most Americans - while impoverishing Putin, Maduro and the mullahs.