Possible Vaccine Coming out of Israel

Better safe than sorry is how I look at it. I'm not letting my family take any of these vaccines until they are proven. I'm not going to let them run around like they are completely immune when I know that they likely are not.

I believe my kids are smart. But kids can also be careless and I don't want a placebo vaccine to make them think they are superheroes all of a sudden. I prefer to keep the fear in them for their own safety. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I didn't raise my kids to listen to me out of fear. I've let them make progressively more and more of their own decisions. If I couldn't lay out the facts and convince them, then I let them learn the hard way.

Sounds like you suck at parenting, too.

In spite of what the liberal media says, virtually no healthy youngsters are dying of COVID - 19.
I would be scared to let my kids take a vaccine for a few months. Until it has been tested for a certain amount of time, I'm not letting my family touch anything that they come out with until there are actually viable trial tests. I'm just not going to take the risks.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but who the fuck knows what some of these big companies will do to be 1st to market and it's just pretty much a placebo?

I'm not bad mouthing a company like Pfizer, but like other giants out there, they will want to blitz the market 1st for profit and deal with the lawsuits later if their vaccine does not work. That's not a chance I'm willing to take. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Fuck, I find myself agreeing with you here.

Fuck you anyway!
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Lusty, I assume that you mentioned me... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You're fucking right I mentioned you! Everyone knows you peeked at what I said. Anytime anyone yells "Hey, pussy!" you're the first guy to look up. We're all laughing at how you lack the self-control to ignore my posts. The truth bothers you - like a thorn in your pimply white ass. Everyone in this forum has your number, Luke - a pussy, a liar and a fraud!

Cmon on guys, stop all this kindergarten cloak and dagger bullshit with the ignore option.

If you are going to ignore someone do it and don't mention them again. otherwise, man up that they are still getting under your skin while on ignore...

I don't put anyone on ignore because I don't let anyone get under my skin....

Ignoring is in my opinion the coward's approach.... Originally Posted by eccielover
You nailed him!

Cowards will always be cowards. Luke can't even "man up" to his own shadow. He lives vicariously behind an imaginary persona on a whore board while guzzling quarts of mountain dew in his mommy's basement, trembling in fear that covid-19 will seep in and infect his fat diabetic body.
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