Bidenomics still working.

  • Tiny
  • 06-20-2023, 02:21 PM
Yup! Big Bill and Joey may both have a "D" next to their name, but as least as regards their management of the nation's fisc, they couldn't be more polar opposite. (Of course, Bill got a major assist from a conservative congress, while Joey merely ratified much of the AOC-Bernie smorgasbord.)


One myth that seems to never die is that Reagan implemented a "trickle-down" economics plan featuring an attempt to boost investment and thereby increase growth by drastically cutting taxes on the wealthy -- thus leaving more investment capital in their hands, stimulating follow-on activity that would boost the broader economy.

Except for the little fact that all the tax policy legislation during Ronnie's two terms actually did not reduce taxes on the wealthy!

(As you can see, a lot of big-money Republican donors were pretty unhappy about the 1986 tax reform.)


We don't have to speculate about that; Bernanke (and a few other Fed officials) stated it outright!

Back in 2010-2011, Bernanke noted in several interviews that Fed policy (both ZIRP and multiple iterations of QE) should boost asset values significantly and thereby stimulate consumption.

Thus it should have come as a surprise to no one that affluent owners of assets benefited to a vastly greater degree than wage earners lower in the income distribution.

So, notwithstanding progressives' promulgations, anything reasonably describable as a plan featuring "trickle-down" policies actually occurred during Obama's presidency, not Reagan's.

Oh, the irony! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Great post! Thanks for providing the color about trickle down during the Obama administration. I only wish our friends Blackman and WTF were still here to read this.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I don't agree with the idea this was a "calculated act of “biological warfare and a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, science was hijacked."... Originally Posted by Tiny
I guess I would ask preferential questions here. Which definition do you prefer:
  • Science is Agreement or Science is Disagreement and Debate?
  • Free Speech is Agreement, by any means necessary or Free Speech is Disagreement and Debate?
  • Is Nature Natural Naturally or is Nature only Natural if made by or modified by mortals?
  • Good Governance is based on existing rules and methods or Good Governance is based on overruling every aspect of Good Governance because of a man mad virus?
  • Pursuit of Happiness is a personal choice or Pursuit of Happiness is a department in the Government?
Outside of that: I've run a few polls (3) over the past couple years, one may still be open for voting; it has become abundantly clear that the Best Case scenario on the covid is that it was a SCAM, leveraged to the hilt, to by-pass, break, remold, redistribute, stop, inhibit and change the cultural and fiscal norms of society and governance. I hope you see that by now.

The bolster to the above is becoming abundantly clear - the covid does not exist in nature. It was created, more accurately enhanced by mortals and was released upon us, either accidentally or on purpose. There are no other available options or permutations. Yes, it really is that simple. I hope you see that by now.

The fundamental question (and there is no avoiding it) is:
--> Would Bidenomics be possible without the above?

Welcome to understanding Bidenomics.
oilfieldace's Avatar
The subject title implies Bidens policies ever worked, care to share how you arrived at that illogical conclusion?? I will wait a couple of years for you to think of something