democrat candidates are 2020 unelectable nonentities

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When you have no SOLID beliefs...THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!!
The only "political views" you have are TDS!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Take a deep breath, relax and try to comprehend what I am saying.

I will vote for the candidate that best matches my political views. In 2016 my 401k was the driving factor in who I would vote for. Under Bush, the stock market collapsed and whether you put the blame on Bush or not, I looked at the 2 candidates, Obama vs. McCain, and decided Obama was the best choice to bring the economy back to solid footing. His political stances on other issues took a seat way in the back in my decision.

In most elections I will look at a variety of issues -- the economy, immigration, health care, treatment of various groups (race, religion, sexual preference), women's rights, taxes, the deficit, foreign affairs, etc.

Obviously the incumbent has a track record on such issues. In most cases the challenger does not and a voter has to figure out which campaign "promises" are possible and which are not.
One statement you's the issues and the next it's not.
Your articulation is clear as...MUD!!
Good luck explaining the explainable.
The issue this election is simple for you...anyone but Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
One statement you's the issues and the next it's not.
Your articulation is clear as...MUD!!
Good luck explaining the explainable.
The issue this election is simple for you...anyone but Trump. Originally Posted by bb1961
Yes, anyone but Trump in 2020. Based on his character and my belief that he has accomplished next to nothing in more than 2 years in office and has alienated people not just in this country but around the world.

As I said before, no one on this forum is going to convince others of anything. I support you or anyone else on this forum supporting Trump. Or not supporting him.
I think Pete Buttplug should change his last name. He does like to take it up the ass
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, anyone but Trump in 2020. Based on his character and my belief that he has accomplished next to nothing in more than 2 years in office and has alienated people not just in this country but around the world.

As I said before, no one on this forum is going to convince others of anything. I support you or anyone else on this forum supporting Trump. Or not supporting him. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

well .. you didn't vote for him last time and he won.

So don't vote for him again! we need the lucky charm!