The Benghazi Hearings

I B Hankering's Avatar
BigKoTex likes those big "lunkers" that look like a Snickers bar, but the taste . . . well, we'll let BigKoTex explain. Originally Posted by bigtex

Seems like wingers get all their (facts) from you tube or some other winger blog...
Seems like wingers get all their (facts) from you tube or some other winger blog... Originally Posted by ekim008
Are you getting yours from the Pentagon?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what the hell is that supposed to mean? are you defending dipshit bloggers who have made every wrong call for months?

Please, wake the fuck up!

Think for a minute that these crazy idiots led you to believe that Romney was going to win by a landslide. and you quoted them liberally even though they were al, proven full of shit.

Let it go ... They were wrong before, and they're we now.

The "I am rubber you are glue" bullshit is getting really old.

Just saying.
Are you getting yours from the Pentagon? Originally Posted by acp5762

Yours come from voices in your head...
Yours come from voices in your head... Originally Posted by ekim008
Shit, I know what Iam dealing with. You can go ahead and believe whatever you want. There is just to many loose ends to this whole thing. Somewhere somebody dropped the ball and nobody wants to admitt to it. You're too trusting of this administration. Iam sorry i don't trust no motherfucker in Washington be him/her a Dem or Rep. I voted for Romney and if Romney was in this position I would be critical of him. It's my time, my money, my life and my vote. I expect more out of Government than what we're getting. It kind of pisses me off that an Ambassador has to lose his life over some bullshit demonstration, or a coverup or from a oversight in security measures, whatever. So it's no voices in my head pal. It might be a few in yours which keep telling you the Rep. are out to destroy Obama. I don't do Fan Fare with political people. I just want results. Obama shouldn't even be in this position, if he's the type of president he wants to portray himself as.
COG posted a thread the other day which no one read even him.It was from a foreign news source .Stated why he was there and the need for more security was his call,as he was really liked by the people,and often walked without any security in the streets.Didn't come from Washington...
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China. Originally Posted by acp5762
A little!
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China. Originally Posted by acp5762

If he didn't see the need for more security it blows your theory of Washington not providing security for him out of the water...
If he didn't see the need for more security it blows your theory of Washington not providing security for him out of the water... Originally Posted by ekim008
Well I guess so. A couple of Navy Seals and a sizable group of Libian Police who ran off, and about a 100 Terrorist who were well armed. Not to mention four casualties. Apparently the White House knows whats adequate in terms of security.
I don't think we are even talking about the same person the item was about the ambassador...
I don't think we are even talking about the same person the item was about the ambassador... Originally Posted by ekim008
Well you didn't make that very clear, but Stevens did make email requests for added security more than once actually. Thats really the main jists of this whole scenario and the arguements that stem from it. Minimal Security intially. Then emails that depicted that added security was reccommended or requested. Later the Embassy is under direct attack and Stevens and others are in peril and are killed. Reinforcements never arrived or were called off.