Trump walked in to the Obama/Biden economy

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What's that old saying bout you can lead a horse to water but you can't make em think. That's the 5 or 6 putin/trump supporters blowing this place up. Faux news would racist ignorant clueless rednecks have no clue.

I agree about that greatest (replacement) wall ever though. No one could ever breach it lol. And the good news was paid for by the Mexican military...or was that the real Americans military??? Putin/trump is trying to defund the "loser" military Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Putin is sooo happy. He say I new the trump was a stupid piss head but dang...i just didn't know real Americans were that stupid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Putin is sooo happy. He say I new the trump was a stupid piss head but dang...i just didn't know real Americans were that stupid Originally Posted by Tsmokies

i see you are highly educated .. the Ivy League is nothing to an esteemed grad of the Tupac Shakur skool of Ebonics ..

pleasurem's Avatar
Bush was Horrible, but, Obama was not the answer... Obama was never ready to be President, never, he was a horrible fool, Health Care my ass, just more government bullshit!!! The government seldom does anything right... The government is not the answer, never...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bush was Horrible, but, Obama was not the answer... Obama was never ready to be President, never, he was a horrible fool, Health Care my ass, just more government bullshit!!! The government seldom does anything right... The government is not the answer, never... Originally Posted by pleasurem

but he was such a great community organizer ...

I was Putin speaking i35 kid. Maybe will have a Putin clue. You need to support ur Putin more better

Neveemind...some trump heads will never have a clue
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I was Putin speaking i35 kid. Maybe will have a Putin clue. You need to support ur Putin more better

Neveemind...some trump heads will never have a clue Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Putin speaks, reads and writes better English than you do. maybe you could go to Moscow and have him tutor you ..

is your name really Ivan?
That's a good thing to know about your commander in chief Putin. So glad he raised you well in the i35 bathrooms
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Obama/Biden brought the economy back and putin/trump saved millions n millions of lifes
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
adav8s28's Avatar
The GDP Growth charts in post #101 confirm that Obama/Biden cleaned up the mess that BUSH43 and Dick Cheney left behind in. Did anyone notice the red bar for year 2008 going towards -8% GDP growth. Who was president in 2008? That would be Bush43, right? (LOL). To the Trump supporters on wasn't Trump suppose to do 4,5 or even 6 per cent GDP growth after cutting corporate taxes by 15 percentage points? Trump has not even sniffed 3% GDP growth. These charts were posted by Dilbert F. The data is the data.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The GDP Growth charts in post #101 confirm that Obama/Biden cleaned up the mess that BUSH43 and Dick Cheney left behind in. Did anyone notice the red bar for year 2008 going towards -8% GDP growth. Who was president in 2008? That would be Bush43, right? (LOL). To the Trump supporters on wasn't Trump suppose to do 4,5 or even 6 per cent GDP growth after cutting corporate taxes by 15 percentage points? Trump has not even sniffed 3% GDP growth. These charts were posted by Dilbert F. The data is the data. Originally Posted by adav8s28

adav8s28's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What could go wrong when someone with a 620 credit score is allowed to put 5% down instead of 20%? Greedy Bankers from Wall street grouped these sub-prime loans together to form a mortgage-back security. Lehman Brothers and other Wall street bankers jumped into bed with Moody's and Standard and Poors got a gift triple A "AAA" rating on these high-risk securities. Wall street bankers proceeded to flood the market with these risky products. The Dodd-Frank reform bill had not been passed. Bush43 and Dick Cheney did not believe in regulations for Wall Street. They believed in letting Wall Street regulate itself. You saw the result of that in DF's GDP growth chart showing -8% GDP growth for 2008. Moody's settlement with the government for their involvement in the 2008 financial crisis was 864 million. Who was the lead attorney for the government? Preet Barbara, the guy who Trump fired.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What could go wrong when someone with a 620 credit score is allowed to put 5% down instead of 20%? Greedy Bankers from Wall street grouped these sub-prime loans together to form a mortgage-back security. Lehman Brothers and other Wall street bankers jumped into bed with Moody's and Standard and Poors got a gift triple A "AAA" rating on these high-risk securities. Wall street bankers proceeded to flood the market with these risky products. The Dodd-Frank reform bill had not been passed. Bush43 and Dick Cheney did not believe in regulations for Wall Street. They believed in letting Wall Street regulate itself. You saw the result of that in DF's GDP growth chart showing -8% GDP growth for 2008. Originally Posted by adav8s28

are you familiar with the word obtuse? it means someone who is intellectually unable to grasp the subject they seek to understand

you are so determined to blame the financial crisis on Bush and lionize Obama while ignoring Clinton's repeal of Glass Steagall and under Clinton's watch ..

The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992

This legislation established an "affordable housing" loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30% or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to "affordable housing" (borrowers who were below normal lending standards). However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements, and HUD soon increased the mandates. This encouraged "subprime" mortgages. (See HUD Mandates, below.)

that you simply cannot grasp the subject you claim to understand.

actually both Democrats and Republicans had a hand in it but all you see is "Bush BAD Obama GREAT"

i have posted at least ten articles criticizing your beloved Obama's handling of the economy. now run off to the interwebs and find 10 that claim Obama "saved" the economy

now get busy sport