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  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 01:44 PM
Yes, I am predicting that a (hypothetical) Rubio-Fiorina ticket would be a winner in November 2016.

No, I'm NOT predicting they will be the eventual GOP nominees. But I would PREFER it to happen.

Get it now, jizzface?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You prefer it to happen but you do not think it will but of it does you think it a winner. Got it.

Nobody is picking Carly as their dunning mate...if they did I predict it would be a losing ticket.
lustylad's Avatar
Ain't happening. Apparently Rubio is banging some DC lobbyist and his financial situation is shit. Go check it out. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh, great. Drum up a sex scandal if you got nothing else. The guy is married to a former Dolphin cheerleader. You can't get pussy like that in your dreams.

And his "financial situation is shit"? First you hated Romney for being a rich fuck. Now you dislike Rubio for being poor. That's the problem with you libtards - can't make up your minds about anything.

Would it be better if Rubio had set up a tax-exempt foundation to suck in millions of dollars in donations from corrupt lobbyists and foreign governments while employing political hacks (like Sidney Blumenthal) and handing out lucrative contracts to cronies - all under the guise of a charity?

lustylad's Avatar
You prefer it to happen but you do not think it will but of it does you think it a winner. Got it.

Nobody is picking Carly as their dunning mate...if they did I predict it would be a losing ticket. Originally Posted by WTF
What's a dunning mate?

Can't stop attributing things I didn't say, eh WTFagboy?

I didn't say I do not think it will happen. Nor did I say it will happen. I didn't make a prediction either way.

If you're so prescient about the outcome of the current GOP race, go ahead and tell everyone how it will go down.
  • DSK
  • 12-09-2015, 04:05 PM
You prefer it to happen but you do not think it will but of it does you think it a winner. Got it.

Nobody is picking Carly as their dunning mate...if they did I predict it would be a losing ticket. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't like Carly because I believe she is overrated - you don't like her because you are a misogynist.
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Carly doesn't pull her punches. Yesterday she called Trump a rabble-rouser. I don't care if she is overrated as a businesswoman. I just want to see her pummel the shit out of that lying, detestable carpet-munching dimocrat front-runner.
I read on CNN today that Trump is considering an independent run again, if he doesn't get the nomination. He's in this for Hillary. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy


gas lighting...


gas lighting...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The forum's biggest Trumpazoid-----Whiffy

The forum's biggest Trumpazoid-----Whiffy Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Who are you supporting, ur'a big0zombie?

Who are you supporting, ur'a big0zombie?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not your hero, whiffy, or Cruz Or Hillary Or Bernie..
Not your hero, whiffy, or Cruz Or Hillary Or Bernie.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Oh yeah those are some fucking winners there, You'll just repeat another eight years of Obama Bin Laden with that line up, lol.

Oh yeah those are some fucking winners there, You'll just repeat another eight years of Obama Bin Laden with that line up, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Did you not understand the comment jim?
Did you not understand the comment jim? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

NOBODY UNDERSTOOD THE COMMENT... little eehhbuhhhrrrr

Who do you support for president, little eehhhbuhrrrrrrrrr???

how long will you hide behind your "In-dependency"???

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 08:04 PM
Oh, great. Drum up a sex scandal if you got nothing else. The guy is married to a former Dolphin cheerleader.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That does not mean he wasn't fucking this other fact he probably was but I say good for him.
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  • WTF
  • 12-09-2015, 08:05 PM
I don't like Carly because I believe she is overrated - you don't like her because you are a misogynist. Originally Posted by DSK
Misogynist? Carly's a dude!
NOBODY UNDERSTOOD THE COMMENT... little eehhbuhhhrrrr

Who do you support for president, little eehhhbuhrrrrrrrrr???

how long will you hide behind your "In-dependency"???

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So you stated you are a nobody, ok .

Who is hiding?

So you saw who I was not supporting, What is your problem? Except being dense.